Game – Entertainment Projects

Semi Automatic NERF Longshot

Semi-Automatic NERF Longshot

The first question I often get about this creation is “Why?.” The answer is quite simple, I am an engineering student at Stony Brook University. We play a game on campus called “Humans vs. Zombies.” That fact coupled with my over competitiveness, and my drive to engineer things most people wouldn’t is what ultimately spawned

Semi-Automatic NERF Longshot

Hacking the Xbox CONTROLLER

Hacking the Xbox CONTROLLER

In this tutorial I show you step-by-step how I install a PIC microcontroller inside of an Xbox controller in order to provide custom functions. Now that you have the methods, all you have to do is go write some code and program a chip! Well, I know this is easier said than done, but check

Hacking the Xbox CONTROLLER