Hello friends, this article, unipolar stepper motor control circuit related work.
The purpose of this circuit is connected to unpolar stepper motor I designed buttons,
select the number of steps we determined the direction, speed, and with it a system that implements the step motor commands. Pic16f877 microcontroller circuit.
When first working circuit stepper motor 120 degree back and forth by applying signal makes zero adjustment. Located on the circuit using the arrow keys to switch between menus and menu you can adjust the volume. The engine speed setting step / sec are denominated in more than 200 steps / sec and at least 1adΔ±m/sani of moving at the speed .motor horse could step count up to 200 steps and at least one step atabilir.devre maximum of an engine winding 500 mA current passed.
As motor drive uln2803 darlington transistor integrated connection is selected.
Unipolar stepper motor control with PIC16F877 project belongs to isis proteus simulation file PicBasic Pro code files: unipolar-stepper-motor-control-circuit-with-pic16f877.ZIP
For more detail: Unipolar Stepper Motor Control Circuit with PIC16F877