It is based on the PIC 16LF877, with plenty of processor time to spare. There is a bare bones assembly version, and a new C version with more features and stability. It uses compact flash cards up to over 100 gigabytes (once they exist) including microdrives. (right now they are about 8 gig)Β It uses the vs1001k decoder chip. Super simple, low pin count, built in DAC.
And most importantly, it does indeed play music! Have fun!Β Please Email me if you have any specific questions, or just to let me know you are doing this project!
And itβs completely open source!
BEGINNERS BEWARE! This is an upper-intermediate project. You will need things like a PIC programming device and some working knowlege of C and/or assembly language programming, as well as a decent but not huge amount of electronics experience. An oscilloscope doesnβt hurt either. Be warned! Itβs an involved project to say the least!
If you are a beginner, give these books and websites a try:
www.parallaxinc.comΒ Β ΒΒ Β www.microchip.comΒ Β Β Β www.microchipc.comΒ Β www.dontronics.comΒ Β Β www.jameco.comΒ Β Β Β (the midrange compiler is the one I used for this project)
all the Forrest Mims III books, available at radio shack
Practical Electronics for Inventors, by Paul Scherz
and Nuts and Volts Magazine (tower books has it most of the time)
Use at your own risk!
This edition, dec 20, 2001 to Feb. 20, 2003.
By Raphael Abrams, not for commercial use under any circumstances!
A Friendly Note on PIC Burning
Please remember to clear the BROWNOUT fuse when burning the pic. Otherwise, nothing will work. This is the most common mistake, by far!
The first thing to do is to format the CF card FAT32 and load the root directory with songs. Use a standard reader/writer like the Zio. It plugs into a USB port. Drag and drop the files onto the card in windows. The order that you put them onto the card is the order that they play. All files must be on the root directory, I havenβt added directory support.
For more detail: The Super-Simple pocket size mp3 player using PIC16LF877A