Itβs time for 8-pin microcontroller Microchip PIC12C508, the SAVER V3.2, my latest design of a device that turns a night light on and off everyday. The circuit uses only a PIC12C508 8-pin CMOS micontroller and a small triac, MAC97A6. The Saver V3.2 also demonstrates the use PCW PIC C Compiler.
Circuit Description
The schematic of the SAVER V3.2 is depicted in Figure 1.A transformerless power supply uses Xc of a 0.22uF capacitor to limit current providing about 10mA current source. The diodes rectifies ac current to dc current which in turns charged to filtering capacitor, 100uF. A 5.1V zener diode provides dc supply ~5V to the PIC12C508. The microcontroller circuit runs with low power 32kHz X-tal. GP2 connects a momentary button for setting time to 8:00. GP1 drives small dot LED that blink every 5 s for normal running. GP0 directly drives with source current to a small triac MAC97A6.
Saver.hex is HEX file suitable for writing the code to the PIC12C508 chip. This file sets time to 8:00 when press S1 once. Time on and off is set to 19:00 to 22:00 everyday.
The original source program SAVER.C and SAVER.H was written in βCβ language. User may change set time when press S1 and change time on/off.
To recompile the source file you need a PCW PIC C Compiler from CCS.
For more detail: Night Light Saver V3.2 using PIC12C508