This work includes, GTP USB (not plus or lite) .
The schematic, photos and PCB have been developed by PICMASTERS based on
some valuable works done before.
This programmer supports pic10F, 12F, 16C, 16F, 18F,24Cxx Eeprom.
Unfortunately, it works with only Winpic800 v.355.
We have succesfully tried it with some pics; PIC18F252, 18F2455, 18F2550,
18F2520, 16F84, 16F628 and 24C32 eeprom.
The best and fastest method of pic programming.
All you need (hex file, winpic800, schematic, PCB board in ARES)
are included.
You must program pic18F2550 with hex file by a classical programmer.
Just leave a good fedback for us.