PIC Microcontroller: Fundamentals & Applications for StudentsIntroduction Microcontrollers are the key components in the embedded systems market. A variety of embedded systems was formed and developed after the invention of the Intel 8051 in the 1980s, where major and continuous research was exercised in the same field to produce more effective…... Listed under: Other Projects
Efficient Sun-Following Robot: A Solar Tracker with Microcontroller ControlAbstract The impending global challenge of dwindling non-renewable fuel resources underscores the urgency of transitioning towards renewable energy alternatives like solar power. However, the efficacy of solar energy generation hinges on the intensity of solar irradiation. This project aims to address this by designing and…... Listed under: Other Projects
Integrating Solar Power: Microcontroller-Based Approaches for Domestic ElectricityAbstract: Microcontrollers have found extensive application in endeavors aimed at reducing power consumption. The availability of microcontroller development tools has made them easily accessible. Many nations grapple with energy challenges such as insufficient power capacity and escalating energy demands. Consequently, it becomes imperative to introduce…... Listed under: power - energy projects
Efficient Power Generation with Microcontroller-Controlled Thermoelectric GeneratorsINTRODUCTION The global demand for electrical energy continues to rise steadily, necessitating a shift towards renewable energy sources as traditional fossil fuels like petroleum and coal become increasingly scarce and contribute to environmental pollution. Consequently, there has been a surge in research focused on harnessing…... Listed under: Other Projects
Innovative Robotics: A Comprehensive Project ExplorationA DC motor functions as an electromechanical device, translating electrical signals into mechanical movements. The rotation of the motor correlates directly with the applied input pulses, with the sequence of pulses determining the direction of the motor shaft's rotation. The speed of rotation is directly…... Listed under: Robotics - Automation Projects
PIC Microcontroller-Based IC Tester for Efficient Integrated Circuit Verification1. INTRODUCTION Within the electronics industry[1], as circuit complexity undergoes a drastic increase and the demand for higher reliability rises, a significant factor contributing to overall costs is the expense incurred during testing. Traditionally, distinct hardware circuits are required for testing different integrated circuits (ICs).…... Listed under: Development Board - Kits Projects
Pitt Robotics Club’s Guide to PIC16F877A ProgrammingThe tutorials assume a foundational understanding of programming and electronics. If you're new to programming, it's advisable to grasp the basics of C or C++. Additionally, a basic knowledge of electronics and constructing simple circuits is recommended. Most of this information was gathered from the…... Listed under: Robotics - Automation Projects
Keypad 4×5 for microcontrollers v. 1.1 using PIC16F877What's this? The circuit here described is a simple 4x5 keypad that can be used in particular with the PIC 16F877 microcontroller, for which it has been designed considering a supply of 5V, 16F877 I/O pins leakage current, the voltage level recognized as a high…... Listed under: Projects, RTOS - OS Projects
Serial Data Received from PC and Displayed on 16×2 Using USART of Pic16f877 MicrocontrollerHere is a simple tutorial on how to receive serial data from PC(Personal Computer) Hyperterminal and display it on 16x2 lcd using PIC16f877 microcontroller. Its not much difficult you just need to know how to use USART(Universal Syncronous-Asyncronous receiver transmitter) of PIC 16f877. Serial data…... Listed under: LCD Projects
PIC MicroController Volume Adjuster Program(Proteus 8 Stimulation)Hello everyone, The important aspect of every learning is to induce curiosity and doing something meaningful to satisfy that.With the help of that curiosity, I'm here making a volume adjuster program which resembles the same in most devices but not that much, Here the default…... Listed under: Sound - Audio Projects
How to Interface LCD with PIC16F877A SlickerPIC16F/18F Slicker Board The PIC16F/18F Slicker board is specifically designed to help students to master the required skills in the area of embedded systems. The kit is designed in such way that all the possible features of the microcontroller will be easily used by the…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects, LCD Projects
Unipolar Stepper Motor Control Circuit with PIC16F877Hello friends, this article, unipolar stepper motor control circuit related work. The purpose of this circuit is connected to unpolar stepper motor I designed buttons, select the number of steps we determined the direction, speed, and with it a system that implements the step motor…... Listed under: Motor Projects
DC Motor Speed Control using Microcontroller PIC-16F877AMicro-controller is a very widely used electronic component and today we are showing your another example of it. Today's' project topic is "DC motor speed control using Microcontroller PIC16F877A" and we are sharing full project report of it. This is a very good project work…... Listed under: Motor Projects
PIC16F877A timer0 code + Proteus simulationThis PIC16F877A microcontroller tutorial answers the question, " How to use timer0 of PIC16F877A and how to handle its interrupts? " Using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this PIC timer0 code and change it according to your needs.Β This code is written in C language…... Listed under: LED Projects
PIC Microcontroller Based Electronic LockSecurity is a prime concern in our day-today life. Everyone wants to be as much secure as possible. An access control for doors forms a vital link in a security chain. The microcontroller based digital lock for Doors is an access control system that allows…... Listed under: LCD Projects
Mouse interfacing and communication using PIC16F877Introduction On this page a circuit is described, making it possible to interface a PIC and a PS/2 mouse. If you send me a request (read further), it is possible to obtain for free also the assembler program to communicate with the PS/2 mouse. The…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects
PIC16F877 i2c code and Proteus simulationThis post provides the i2cΒ code (using theΒ i2c moduleΒ built in the hardware[1]) for PIC16F877 microcontroller. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the 'Downloads'Β section at the bottom of this page. It is assumed that…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects
PIC16F877A LED blinkThe Microchip PIC16F877A has 40 pins 33 of them can be input or output. In this simple project I am going to configure this microcontroller to blink a 33 LED each LED is connected to one I/O pin. The PIC16F877A has 8 analog channels, so…... Listed under: LED Projects
PIC16F877 timer1 code and Proteus simulationThis PIC16F877 microcontroller tutorial answers the question, " How to use timer1 of PIC16F877 and how to handle its interrupts? " Using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this PIC timer1 code and change it according to your needs.Β This code is written in C language…... Listed under: Projects
Solar energy measurement using pic microcontrollerIn this post we will discuss about the Solar energy measurement using pic microcontroller: The solar energy marketplace is one of the most quickly growing renewable energy advertise in the United States. Currently, we have seen an important enhancement in requirements for remote monitoring and…... Listed under: power - energy projects
Top PIC Microcontroller Projects with Embedded C ProgrammingPeripheral Interface controller (PIC) family is one of the most powerful advanced microcontroller which is developed by the microchip technology with Harvard architecture, i.e., it has a minimum set of instructions. The PIC microcontroller projects are programmed with the embedded C programming language. PIC devices…... Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects
Password Based Circuit Breaker using PIC Microcontroller with C codeHere i am going to explain you a simple Password based circuit Breaker Project using PIC Microcontroller. This project is much similar to my previous one, βPassword Based Door Locking Systemβ. Circuit breakers are electromechanical devices used in the power system to connect or disconnect…... Listed under: Development Board - Kits Projects
How to Build your Own USB PIC Programmer?This DIY PIC programmer is a continuation of our PIC programming basics tutorial. By using this USB PIC programmer, you can program microchip PIC series of 10F, 12F, 16F, 18F, 24F, 30F. This is also an EEPROM programmer as it supports 12Cxx EEPROM. The main…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
[Simple] Generating Pulse Width Modulation using PIC Microcontroller β Mikro C & Proteus SimulationHow to generate Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)Β using PIC microcontroller?Β This is going to be a continuation of our microcontroller online tutorial series. This article covers the detailed explanation and simulation of PWM generation using PIC16F877A microcontroller.What is a Pulse Width Modulator? A PWM has series of…... Listed under: PWM Projects
PWM DC Motor Speed Controller Circuit Using PIC16F877A MicrocontrollerIn our last PIC online tutorial we have covered PWM generation using PIC Microcontroller. As I told earlier PWM has wide application in electronics and robotics engineering.In this article Iβm gonna show you one of the important applications of PWM in Robotics, it is called…... Listed under: Motor Projects
DC Motor Interfacing With PIC Microcontroller Using L293 Motor Driver ICL293d is an H Bridge bidirectional motor driver IC used to interface DC motor and stepper motors to Microcontrollers. CircuitsGallery.com already discussed about the working principle of L293 IC with an example of bidirectional motor driver circuit.It is very easy to make a DC motor…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
GSM Based Digital Wireless Notice Board Using PIC16F877A MicrocontrollerAre you looking for Final year Electronics Engineering Project? HereΒ CircuitsGallery presents GSM based electronics and telecommunication engineering projects for students. You can submit this as your academic project. Our project is nothing but a GSM based notice board using PIC that is capable of displaying…... Listed under: Wireless Projects
Naked Clock using PIC16F877 MicrocontrollerWhy have an enclosure? Β The enclosure of a clock doesn't tell you the time! Β So I built this PIC clock with no part that doesn't serve an electrical function. Β The hanger is the ground. The microcontroller is the 40-pin PIC 16F877. Β I set it up,…... Listed under: Projects
PIC16F877 LED blinking code and Proteus simulationThis post provides the code to make an LED blink using PIC16F877Β microcontroller. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. This code is intended to be the first step in learning how to use PIC16F877Β microcontroller in your projects. You can…... Listed under: Game - Entertainment Projects, LED Projects, Projects
Displaying Images on Graphical Lcd(JHD12864E) using Pic16f877 MicrocontrollerHere in this post i am going to teach you how to display images on Graphical lcd using Pic Microcontroller(16F877). I am using JHD12864E graphical LcD in my Project. JHD12864E is 128x64Β dimensionΒ lcd. 128x64 means it has 128 coulombs and 64 rows. So total dots it…... Listed under: LCD Projects
Digital Voltmeter Using PIC Microcontroller 16F877A and Seven Segments Display (0-30V)We are all aware of about voltmeters (voltage meter), which is nothing but a device used to measure voltage between given two terminals. Apart from the basic usage digital voltmeters are also employed as panel meters for automation systems and robotics. There are analog and…... Listed under: Metering - Instrument Projects
PIC 16F877 / 16F874 Development BoardThe Development Board v. 1.1 connected to an LCD display. It is well visible (read further, in the description) the row of LEDs used to check the logic state of up to 8 I/O ports or external circuits' pins. Of course, if you own an…... Listed under: Development Board - Kits Projects, Projects
Interfacing EM-18 RFID Module with PIC MicrocontrollerEM-18 RFID Reader Module is the one the most commonly used module for Radio Frequency Identification Projects. It features Low Cost, Small Size, Low Power Consumption and Easy to use. It can be directly interfaced with microcontrollers using UART communication. Software UART can be used…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Introducing the Science of Microchip PIC14Engineers of my generation in the UK will remember the Science of Cambridge Mk14. Intended to be Sir Clive Sinclairβs first home computer kit for the general public, it served to train a generation of electronics engineers in how to program microprocessors. The Mk14 was…... Listed under: Other Projects, Projects
Alarm Clock Retrofit using PIC16F877I had some beef with my (very) old alarm clock. Β It had a radio which was nice to wake up to, but two problems: 1) I would be in bed and think "Wait, did I set the alarm?" Β I would have to get up, turn…... Listed under: Clock and Timer Projects
Digital Thermometer and Clock Project (Version 1.0)This device uses two digital sensors (DS1620 or DS1820), measures the ambient temperature with 0,1 Β°C (0,2 Β°F) resolution and displays it on LCD 2x16 (LM016 etc.) screen. It have a clock, which is based on DS1302 timekeeping chip. This chip stores current date and…... Listed under: Clock and Timer Projects
Digital DC watt meter project using pic microcontrollerMeasuring the voltage and current will always be helpful while making or debugging any electrical system. In this project we are going to make our ownΒ Digital Ammeter using PIC16F877A Microcontroller and current sensor ACS712-5A. This project can measure both AC and DC current with a…... Listed under: Metering - Instrument Projects
MICROCONTROLLER BASED INTERFACE UNIT FOR 5KW MICROWAVE OVEN1. Introduction Microwaves are maybe, one of the greatest discovers of the 20βth century. With a vavelenght between 30 cm and 3 mm and a power between 1 mW and 500 KW are practically used in all fields from medicine to industry. Microwave thermal and…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Electronic door codelock with PICdescription This is my electronic codelock to use with an outdoor gate. The lock itself is implemented in software. It operates a relay (for example to open a door) for a few seconds if someone enters the valid code. The secret code can be changed…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Minty JDM PIC Programmer using PIC18F4550 microcontrollerMinty JDM PIC Programmer This project details how to build a JDM style programmer to program PIC Microcontrollers using Microchip's ICSP (In Circuit Serial Programming) and freeware software (PICPgm).Β Total project cost: less than $10.Β This device has been tested on both the PIC16F877 and…... Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Projects
Analog to Digital Converter Using PIC16f877A Microcontroller – Beginners Guide using pic microcontollerWhat is meant by Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)? An ADC converts analog signal to it's corresponding digital signal. How to convert analog signal to digital signal? CircuitsGallery.com has already posted ADC using LM324 IC, in that ADC tutorialΒ I had already explained Analog to Digital…... Listed under: Sensor - Transducer - Detector Projects
How to burn or program PIC Microcontroller?This DIY PIC programmer is a continuation of our PIC programming basics tutorial. By using this USB PIC programmer, you can program microchip PIC series of 10F, 12F, 16F, 18F, 24F, 30F. This is also an EEPROM programmer as it supports 12Cxx EEPROM. The main…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Interfacing DHT11 humidity and temperature sensor with PIC16F877A using pic microcontollerAfter interfacing the DHT11 with Arduino uno board at the following post: ARDUINO Humidity & Temperature Measurement Using DHT11 Sensor Now we are going to see how to interface this sensor with microchip pic16f877a. There are some descriptions of how this sensor workΒ in the…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects, Sensor - Transducer - Detector Projects
Scrolling Text on LCD by PIC MicrocontrollerScrolling Text on LCD by PIC microcontroller is very simple but very important one. For moving forward we need basic knowledge on how to display the text on LCD by pic Micro controller. For that please see my previous post on that βDisplaying text on…... Listed under: LCD Projects
Lm35 interfacing with pic 16f877 through adc0808Here I discus on very good project on digital thermometer. I made this project by Lm35 interfacing with pic 16f877 through adc0808. Pic16f877 microcontroller has inbuilt ADC (Analog to DigitalΒ ConverterΒ but I use external ADC IC (adc0808) because of simplicity of project if I use…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Automated Railway Gate Controlled by PIC16F877AHere I give you my project on Automated Railway Gate Controlled by PIC16F877A . It is very good project and if it is implemented by railway then they can save lots of money to paying salary for this purpose. For that project I use PIC16F877A,…... Listed under: Home Automation Projects
Interfacing GLCD with PIC16F877AToday I discuss on Interfacing GLCD with PIC16F877A. To overcome the limitation of LCD display we use GLCD (Graphical LCD). By using GLCD now we can display image draw line and shapes page by page which are not possible in normal LCD. So to know…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Servo motor control by Microcontroller PIC16f877 and MATLAB GUIHere you see how a Servo motor controls by Microcontroller PIC16f877 and MATLAB GUI? It is well known to us that now a dayβs use of servo motor extended in the field of Robotics. Servo motor can rotate with definite angle and we can easily…... Listed under: Motor Projects
Interfacing GSM module with PIC MicrocontrollerIn connection with todayβs advance technology and field of embedded electronics project, interfacing GSM module with pic microcontroller is very important for remote and wireless communication. GSM stands for Global system of mobile communication is widely used chip and reliable mobile network. If we done…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Password controlled sliding door with SMS alert by pic MicrocontrollerIn todayβs world implementation of any expert system with maximum data and networking security becomes a real necessity in home, academic organizations as well as in industrial communities. To provide this security here I give my project on βpassword controlled sliding door with SMS alert…... Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Phone Projects, Security - Safety Projects
Interfacing android with pic microcontroller via BluetoothTo forward our first step in the field of wireless communication by interfacing android with pic microcontroller via Bluetooth open lots of way to work on. Once we can send and receive data between a microcontroller and android mobile then use of android mobile we…... Listed under: Internet - Ethernet - LAN Projects
PIC microcontroller based fastest finger press quiz buzzer projectThe fastest finger press quiz buzzer is very popular in school, Collage, different T.V. show, different quiz competition. Here in my pic microcontroller based fastest finger press quiz buzzer project you will find four tables with push button. For any instant if four teams on…... Listed under: Sound - Audio Projects
Automatic street light control by pic microcontrollerThe main purpose of this project βautomatic street light control by pic microcontrollerβ is to minimize the cost of electricity and also cost of man power to manually on- off the street light. In the field of modern embedded world this project βautomatic street light…... Listed under: Home Automation Projects
Interfacing DS1307 Real time clock with PIC16f877In any advance project we need real time clock synchronize with our work and for this purpose the best option is DS1307 (RTC Ic). Interfacing DS1307 Real time clock with PIC16f877 is done by I2C communication. To know I2C protocol you may refer my previous…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Digital Voltmeter (0-50v) using PIC MicrocontrollerIf we know how inbuilt ADC work then we can easily build Digital Voltmeter using PIC Microcontroller. In my previous post, we can see how easily we build βDigital thermometer with auto saving log file in excel by Pic microcontrollerβ. Using the same principle here…... Listed under: Metering - Instrument Projects
MCP4921 12 bit DAC interfacing with PIC16F877 microcontroller via SPI ConnectivityIn any real time project, MCP4921 12 bit DAC interfacing with PIC16F877 microcontroller via SPI Connectivity is very essential. Because in real world most of the input sensors and output devices are analog. So if we want to work with those we need to know…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Interfacing Camera with PIC Microcontroller via Matlab GUIFor project on security systems, Interfacing Camera with PIC Microcontroller via Matlab GUIΒ is mostly desirable. But size internal ROM and RAM of PIC16F877 is very small. So it is very difficult or other word imposible to direct Interfacing Camera with PIC16f877 Microcontroller . But we…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects, Video - Camera - Imaging Projects
LED blinking using timer0 of pic16f877 microcontrollerHere I discuss very good knowledge based project LED blinking using timer0 of pic16f877 microcontroller. You can see in my Earlier project βSimple Project on LED blinking by PIC 16 Microcontrollerβ where I have used delay program for LED blinking. For LED blinking we have…... Listed under: LED Projects
Electronic Voting Machine Using PIC MicrocontrollerHere you see how easily we can make Electronic Voting Machine Using PIC Microcontroller. By using this machine we can conduct any voting function like audience poll in school, college quiz competition or any small scale general election. Project Description: To make our project βElectronic…... Listed under: CNC Machines Projects
LDR Based Line follower Robot Car using PIC MicrocontrollerHere I give you description of my project βLDR Based Line follower Robot Car using PIC Microcontrollerβ. This project is very interesting and the concept implementing for making this project is also very interesting. Project description: In this project βLDR Based Line follower Robot Car…... Listed under: Robotics - Automation Projects
FM radio using TEA5767 and PIC16F877A micro-controllerTEA5767 single-chip FM stereo radio. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * High sensitivity due to integrated low-noise RF input ampliο¬er * FM mixer for conversion to IF of the US/Europe (87.5 MHz to 108 MHz) and Japanese (76 MHz to 91 MHz) FM band * Preset tuning to receive…... Listed under: Radio Projects
Servo Motor Control by using Microcontroller PIC16F877APIC16F877A is an easy micro controller for the beginners Here in project: 1) How PIC switches servo motor forward and back ward When we push one switch it goes to positive 90 degree , on second switch it moves backward toΒ negative 90 degree a.…... Listed under: Motor Projects
A Simple Clock using DS1307 and PIC16F877AEven I have posted about "DS1307 + PIC16F877A", I didn't have chance to make a real prototype of the clock. I have done only on the simulation software. Today, I have received a comment about that post. ah_bear followed my code and schematic on that…... Listed under: Projects
50MHz 7 segment frequency counter using PIC16F877AIn the same way as the LCD project this frequency counter circuit uses TMR1 in 16 bit counter mode to count the input signal edges. Counter overflows are accumulated to give the total count in multiples of 65536. Adding the current value of the counter…... Listed under: Metering - Instrument Projects, Projects
Frequency Counter using PIC16F877A MicrocontrollerA frequency counter is a useful addition to an engineer's toolbox and you can create the design described on this page for free. All you need is a PIC microcontroller (or any microcontroller that has a high speed timer input module) and a 2 line…... Listed under: LCD Projects, Metering - Instrument Projects, Projects
PIC16F877 PWM (2 channel) code and Proteus simulationThis post answers the question, "How to make a pulse width modulator using PIC16F877" ? Also, using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this PWM code and change it according to your needs.Β You can download the complete project code andΒ ProteusΒ simulation from the 'Downloads' section at…... Listed under: Projects, PWM Projects
PIC16F877 external interrupt code and Proteus simulationThis post answers the question, "How to capture a pulse to generate an interrupt in PIC16F877" ? Also, using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this external interrupt code and change it according to your needs.Β This code is written in C language using MPLAB with…... Listed under: Other Projects, Projects
PIC16F877 UART code and Proteus simulationThis post answers the question, "How to use interrupt based UART in PIC16F877" ? Also, using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this UART code and change it according to your needs.Β This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You…... Listed under: Other Projects, Projects
PIC16F877 LCD interfacing code (In 4bit mode) and Proteus simulationThis PIC16F877 microcontroller tutorialΒ answers the question, "How to interface LCD[1]Β Β in 4bit mode with PIC16F877" ? Also, using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this LCD code and change it according to your needs.Β This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler.…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects, LCD Projects, Projects
PIC16F877 based digital clock using LCD display (Code+Proteus simulation)This PIC16F877 microcontroller tutorial answers the question, " How to implement a digital clock using PIC16F877 ? " Using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this digital clock code and change it according to your needs.Β This code is written in C language using MPLAB…... Listed under: Clock and Timer Projects
How to interface keypad with PIC16F877This PIC microcontroller tutorial provides a simple method to interface any keypad (e-g 4x4 or 4x3 etc)Β with PIC16F877 microcontroller. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the 'Downloads'Β section at the bottom of this…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects
PIC16F877 internal EEPROM code and Proteus simulationThis post provides the internal EEPROM reading and writingΒ code for PIC16F877 microcontroller. As we know[1], PIC16F877 microcontroller has 256 x 8 bytes of built in EEPROM data space with an address range of 0x000 to 0x7FF. This code is written in C language using MPLAB…... Listed under: Memory - Storage Projects, Projects
Interfacing of PIC16F877 with (i2c based) 24LC64 EEPROM (Code + Proteus simulation)This post provides theΒ code for interfacing 24LC64 EEPROM with PIC16F877 microcontroller. This 24LC64 EEPROM has i2c based interface. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the 'Downloads'Β section at the bottom of this page.…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects, Memory - Storage Projects, Projects
Interfacing of PIC16F877 with DS1307 (RTC) code and Proteus simulationThis post provides theΒ code for interfacing DS1307 RTC with PIC16F877 microcontroller. ThisΒ DS1307Β RTCΒ has i2c based interface.Β This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the 'Downloads'Β section at the bottom of this page. It is assumed that…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects
PIC16F877 ADC code and Proteus simulationThis post provides the ADCΒ code using PIC16F877 microcontroller. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the 'Downloads'Β section at the bottom of this page. It is assumed that you know how to interface…... Listed under: Other Projects, Projects
PIC16F877 stop watch code and Proteus simulationThis PIC16F877 microcontroller tutorial answers the question, " How to implement a stop watch using PIC16F877 ? " Using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this stop watch code and change it according to your needs. Using three push buttons (As shown in figure below)…... Listed under: Clock and Timer Projects
PIC16F877 up down counter code and Proteus simulationThis PIC16F877 microcontroller tutorial answers the question, " How to implement a up down counter using PIC16F877 ? " Using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify thisΒ counterΒ code and change it according to your needs. Using one push button (Labeled as Count, as shown in…... Listed under: Clock and Timer Projects
PIC16f877 based simple calculator projectThis PIC microcontroller tutorial provides a simple calculator implementation for PIC16F877 microcontroller. This is a simple one digit[1]Β calculator which implements only 4 functions addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(x) and division(/).Β The code for PIC16F877 is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download…... Listed under: Calculator Projects, Projects
Pickit 2 Download & Develop Your own USB pickit ii programmerPICkit 2 Introduction: There are many PIC programmer available, commercial and DIY devices. As Microchip introduces the new microprocessors the programming software got to be updated accordingly playing catch-up with the PIC manufacturer. That is the root of the problem with third-party PIC programmers.…... Listed under: How To - DIY - Projects, Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Programmers, Projects
SMS Box project using PIC16F877A MicrocontrollerThis device acts as interface between your microcontroller project and a GSM phone. It handles all modem data communication between the GSM phone and your micro-project. The best thing is that it decodes PDU into TEXT on the fly! You can easily SMS-enable your any…... Listed under: Phone Projects, Projects
Microchip pic16f877 to FTDI USB interfaceIntroduction This is a simple design that interfaces a PIC 16F877 microcontroller to the USB bus using the FTDI FT245 USB FIFO device. It has been designed using a simple single sided PCB with only one surface mount device, the USB chip itself. All schematics,…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Digital alarm clock using PIC16F877 microcontrollerThis is an alarm clock I built. It was very effective during the sort time I used it, because I programmed it to play a very annoying tune through a speaker. I actually started to wake up before the alarm went of, so other people…... Listed under: Clock and Timer Projects, Home Automation Projects
MATLAB to PIC serial interface using PIC16F877 microcontrollerMATLAB to PIC serial interface some code to let MATLAB talk to a PIC16f877 via the serial port. This isn't that hard nor is it much code, but I spent a decent amount of time figuring it all out (starting from scratch), so I figured…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects, Projects
PIC development/testing board using PIC16F877 microcontrollerPIC development/testing board Here's a PCB design for a bare bones PIC16F877 development board. All you need is a 4mhz crystal, two 22pf caps, one 4.7k resistor, and eight 470 ohm resistors, a 7805 regulator (not necessarily necessary, read below), and some LEDs (you don't…... Listed under: Development Board - Kits Projects, Projects
Generate PWM Wave With PIC MicrocontrollerWHAT IS PWM? PWM STANDS FOR PULSE WIDTH MODULATION is a technique by which width of the pulse is varied. To understand this concept clearly consider a clock pulse or any square wave signal it has 50% duty cycle that means Ton and Toff period is same,…... Listed under: Other Projects
PLC Con El CI16F877AThe present project called PLC with Pic CI16F877A is based on the operation of a PLC, today we can see these systems in industries, mining, etc. It is used to program an industrial PLC, it is the ladder language or (LADDER). The project has the…... Listed under: Other Projects
PIC MCU and Python Serial CommunicationHello, guys! In this project I will try to explain my experiments on PIC MCU and Python serial communication. Over the internet, there are many tutorials and videos on how to communicate with PIC MCU over virtual terminal which is very useful. However, in my…... Listed under: Other Projects
Led Blinking by Basic Language Using PIC16f877APIC16F877A Pin out & Descriptions There are 5 ports that provide parallel I/O Interfaces to outside world PORTA, PORTB, PORTC, PORTD, PORTE Each port provides 8 bidirectional digital I/O lines which are connected to PIC16F877A pins provided that alternate functions are not selected on that…... Listed under: LED Projects
LCD Interface With PIC16F877A MicrocontrollerPIC MCUs and other MCUs can control such LCDs easily using either 8 data bits method or just 4 data bits, which we will be using today. Parts needed are:1- PIC16F877A or any PIC MCU. 2- Any 16x2 LCD. 3- Breadboard. 4- Breadboard wires. 5- Soldering station ->…... Listed under: LCD Projects
7 Segment Clock With Temperature Display [ds18b20 and 5 Digit Display]5 digit sevenΒ segment clock with temperature display. PIC16F877A basedΒ clock 1, High-precisionΒ temperature sensorΒ Β ds18b202, ds1307 RTC3, 4 switches, easy time adjust option4, alternating temperature and time display method5, pic16f877a micro-controller6, half hour notificationΒ - single beep7, hour notification Β - double beep8, buzzer…... Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects
PIC16F877 MultimeterPICMETER Introduction This PICMETER project has grown into a useful and reliable tool for any electronics enthusiast. It runs on a PIC16F877 / 877A micro controller. It is a PIC development system It is 19-function multi-meter (voltmeter, frequency meter, signal generator, thermometer...) It is a…... Listed under: Metering - Instrument Projects
Setting Up CloudXIn this tutorial, we will be learning on how to download and install necessary software required to write and do your first project with theΒ CloudX Microcontroller, i will also be writing simpleΒ hello worldΒ project to test the complete setup. So, you've just bought, or are considering…... Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects
DIGITAL TONE CONTROL CIRCUIT WITH PIC16F877 LM1036Were made by combining the LM1036 integrated circuit PIC16F877. BASS, TREBLE, BALANCE, VOLUME settings on the LCD screen is made in my image as a 15 something in the shade echelons. In addition, this circuit easily adapted to integrate...Β Electronics Projects,Β Digital Tone Control Circuit with PIC16F877…... Listed under: Sound - Audio Projects
CLOCK THERMOMETER CIRCUITS WITH PIC16F628 PICBASIC PROMade with clock and thermometer 16F628 PIC-7 Circuit Friends, I have realized various clock and thermometer with PIC16F628A circuit I explain below. The temperature sensor used in each of the projects is DS18B20. Clock Thermometer Circuit-1: In this circuit,...Β Electronics Projects,Β Clock Thermometer Circuits with PIC16F628 PICBasic…... Listed under: Clock and Timer Projects
NIMH NICD BATTERY CHARGER CIRCUIT PIC16F877 PIC16F876NiCd NiMH Charger Circuit The accu cycler project presented here is an excellent solution for charging and discharging NiCd and NiMH accumulators for R/C modelers and others who make use of these accumulator types. With its performance it is...Β Electronics Projects,Β NiMH NiCd Battery Charger Circuit PIC16F877…... Listed under: Battery Projects
CONTROL OF SATELLITE ANTENNA WITH PIC16F877the dual-axis rotors control interface . Here is a low cost automatic antenna rotor controller specifically developed for amateur radio satellite tracking operations. This rotor control interface is quite simple to construct. The circuit consists only one PIC 16F877...Β Electronics Projects,Β Control of Satellite Antenna with PIC16F877Β "microchip…... Listed under: Wireless Projects
PROTEUS ISIS 3310 LCD LIBRARY PICBASIC PRO, CCS C APPLICATIONNokia phone lcd circuits are made beautiful with the old phone is good for this job π evaluate Proteus model file for this type of study can be useful There are two buy two degrees of application notes given...Β Electronics Projects,Β Proteus isis 3310 LCD Library PICBasic…... Listed under: Phone Projects
USING DS1668 DIGITAL POTENTIOMETER WITH PIC16F877Maxim DS1868 (digital potentiometer) and isis Proteus Simulation Using PIC16F877A Before starting the simulation in zipped files LIBRARY files in the folder βC: \ Program Files \ Labcenter Electronics \ Proteus 6 Professional \ LIBRARYβ into; MODELS files in...Β Electronics Projects,Β Using DS1668 Digital Potentiometer with PIC16F877Β "microchip…... Listed under: Metering - Instrument Projects
LEGO ROBOT PROJECT WITH PIC16F877 PIC ASSEMBLYTwo of the PIC16F877 microcontroller based on harsh economics Robot Barrier lego robot used a lot in part lego robot can be said also tip31, tip32 bridge motor driver with transistors have a more solid thanks to the movable...Β Electronics Projects,Β Lego Robot Project with PIC16F877 PIC…... Listed under: Robotics - Automation Projects
PIC16F877 NOKIA 3310 LCD DISPLAY IR REMOTE RC5 CONTROLRemote control circuit nokia 3310 LCD screen used in the PIC16F877 microcontroller can be used rc5 protocol detailed frequency information is also given on other control systems. Printed circuit board pcb eagle and schema files as well as resources...Β Electronics Projects,Β PIC16F877 Nokia 3310 LCD Display IR…... Listed under: LCD Projects
PIC16F877 ISA ETHERNET WEB SERVER PROJECTThe PIC16F877 microcontroller, prepared with activated an old ISA ethernet (3com eherl Link) Used guess PIC internet connection with an application Iβm not sure π circuit aim could not understand the pic programming dealing with people who can solve...Β Electronics Projects,Β PIC16F877 ISA Ethernet Web Server ProjectΒ "microchip…... Listed under: Internet - Ethernet - LAN Projects
REMOTE CONTROLLED TOY CAR PROJECT PIC16F877 PIC16F628software CCS used N channel FETs with a 60 amp motor drive circuit and used for different applications control circuit PIC16F877 24c08 eeprom and ICL7660 used CCS EEPROM communication with examples of how you can also control circuit MC33063AP...Β Electronics Projects,Β Remote Controlled Toy Car Project PIC16F877…... Listed under: Car Projects
CENTRAL SECURITY SYSTEM WITH PIC16F877Circuit Operation: PIC16F877 used in the circuit of the B and D as input port is selected. 8 of these units with port B doors, windows and etc.. from places logic 1 or 0 state is evaluated. D port...Β Electronics Projects,Β Central Security System with pic16f877Β "microchip projects,…... Listed under: Security - Safety Projects
LM35 SENSOR HEATER CONTROL PIC16F877 THERMOMETERIn this project using PIC16F877 microcontroller integrated temperature-controlled thermometer did.Β Thermometer for the implementation of PIC 16F877 / D converter property was utilized.Β Half-output unit, the LCD screen is used.Β But the main feature of the application in a ...Β Electronics Projects,Β LM35 Sensor Heater Control PIC16F877 ThermometerΒ "Β microchip projects, microcontroller…... Listed under: Sensor - Transducer - Detector Projects
PICMICRO THE SERVO MOTOR SERIAL PORT CONTROL PROJECTPIC16F877 pic16f876 via the serial port and control the servo motor with 8 additional program code in addition have prepared for the test sample c language To follow this project need to arm themselves demoboard 16F876 (or 16f877), the...Β Electronics Projects,Β PICmicro the Servo Motor Serial Port…... Listed under: Motor Projects
PIC16F877 LCD MOTORS SPEED INDICATOR ENCODER CIRCUITPIC16F877 microcontroller with LCD also shows the engine speed encoder circuit. These and the interrupt routine of the main program flow chart is a flow chart. PORT in the main program and is defined PORTB aspects. Then the program...Β Electronics Projects,Β PIC16F877 LCD Motors Speed indicator Encoder…... Listed under: LCD Projects
WITH BUTTON CONTROL CCS C CIRCUIT LCD DISPLAY PIC16F877CCS-C code that prepare β@ fxdevβ a project done on request circuit up and down the third button 2 buttons to control the direction of the desired output number appears on the LCD[clear][clear] screen when the output of the...Β Electronics Projects,Β With Button Control CCS C Circuit…... Listed under: LCD Projects
COLOR SENSE CIRCUIT LCD PIC16F877 PICBASIC PROThis circuit using a PIC 16F877 microcontroller LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) has been applied on the color sensor.Β For circuit design and printed circuit board operations and Proteus ISIS Proteus ARES program is used.Β The operating logic circuits in ...Β Electronics Projects,Β Color Sense Circuit LCD PIC16F877 Picbasic ProΒ "Β microchip…... Listed under: LCD Projects
PIC16F877 ADJUSTABLE DIGITAL POWER SUPPLY CIRCUITAll details can be adjusted with a microcontroller controlled digital power supply project volts and amps values ββcan be read on the LCD pcb box design 3-dimensional views of the c language prepared by the powder-magazineβs source software projects...Β Electronics Projects,Β PIC16F877 Adjustable Digital Power Supply CircuitΒ "microchip…... Listed under: power - energy projects
MICROCONTROLLER CONTROLLED LCD SCREEN BATTERY CHARGING CIRCUIT PICBASIC PRObattery charging circuit is carried out with the software PIC16F877 prepared with PicBasic Pro 2 Γ 16 LCD display isis simulation can be observed on the charge status and resources are PbPr asm hex file. Thanks to those who...Β Electronics Projects,Β Microcontroller Controlled LCD Screen Battery Charging…... Listed under: Battery Projects
PIC16F877 STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER CIRCUIT CCS Cstepper motor drive circuit diagram ccs c code hex βcheck-16F877 pic stepper-motor control can be made back and forth provided with 2 Γ 16 LCD 12volt driver steps on the screen you can see the details bc548 transistors used...Β Electronics Projects,Β PIC16F877 Stepper Motor Driver Circuit CCS…... Listed under: Motor Projects
FREE MICROCHIP PICMICRO OF COMPLETED PROJECTSMagazine EPE (Everyday Practical Electronics Magazine) shared for free on the site I came across a pic of all the details on the project (English)βs many projects with source code PICmicro Completed Projects List Magick Musick ( 2xpic16f84,tlc7524,lm358,lm13600,l202 Video...Β Electronics Projects,Β Free Microchip PICmicro of Completed ProjectsΒ "microchip…... Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects
COMPUTER CONTROLLED HOME AUTOMATION CIRCUIT PIC16F877 CCS C VISUAL BASICBasic home automation project can be an example with all the resources INFINITY side @ picproj on the forums shared software ccs-c prepared by the source. C. H ccsc codes isis simulation files and visual basic interface of the...Β Electronics Projects,Β Computer Controlled Home Automation Circuit PIC16F877…... Listed under: Home Automation Projects
LM35 PIC16F877 TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT AND GRAPHIC LCD MENU DESIGNThese circuits using CCS C Compiler and use of LM35 temperature sensor includes menu design on Graphic LCD. Menu selection, etc., especially on graphic LCD. one of the rare examples of issues on the Internet. (I call this menu...Β Electronics Projects,Β LM35 PIC16F877 Temperature Measurement and Graphic…... Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects
PICMICRO LED TACHOMETER CIRCUITHandmade pretty stylish LED display digital speedometer tacho meters. Source or assembly code pic16f874 PIC16F877 can be done with the circuit and wiring diagrams directly from the preparation given the 33-hole leds pcb layout on a plaque made analog...Β Electronics Projects,Β PICmicro LED tachometer CircuitΒ "led projects, microchip…... Listed under: LED Projects
HI TECH C LCD EXAMPLES PIC18F452, PIC16F877Software Hi-Tech C language prepared by the various applications of electronic sections PIC18F452 PIC16F877 PIC18F4550 based on the Hi Tech C source code and the PCB drawings and all other documents have been shared, LCD character graphics used for... Electronics Projects, Hi Tech C LCD Examples PIC18F452,…... Listed under: LCD Projects
PIC16F877 LINE FOLLOWING ROBOTS PROJECTLine following robots are still extremely popular line following robot someone finally do something different on the various source code and shared with the project. The robotβs camera (webcam) for part of the CPP written with the programβs control...Β Electronics Projects,Β PIC16F877 Line following robots ProjectΒ "microchip projects,…... Listed under: Robotics - Automation Projects
PICMICRO PIC18 PIC16 DC SERVOMOTOR APPLICATIONDc servo motor control circuit PIC18 and PIC16 series micro controllers can be operated with software βCβ language prepared by the software files 18F for the pic18c452 16c for the series pic16c877 used C language to be portable sebum...Β Electronics Projects,Β PICmicro PIC18 PIC16 DC Servomotor ApplicationΒ "microchip…... Listed under: Motor Projects
LEDS EFFECTS CIRCUITS PIC16F628 PIC16F877There are 3 units LEDs circuit PIC16F877 effects with 33 LEDs and 27 LEDs in one circuit with pic 16F628 pic isis was tested by applying the output from the 330 ohm resistor .470 forget to connect. In addition,...Β Electronics Projects,Β LEDs Effects Circuits PIC16F628 PIC16F877Β "led projects,…... Listed under: LED Projects
PIC16F877 BATTERY VOLT METER ADC PROTON IDE EXAMPLEADCs with LCD display for battery measurement circuit PIC16F877 protons β in practice Objective: PIC16F877 MCUβs ADC channel on the battery voltage from the okunulup graphic LCD (KS108) screen as a display in the bar. With this application, read...Β Electronics Projects,Β PIC16F877 Battery Volt Meter ADC Proton…... Listed under: Battery Projects
CCS C MATRIX LED DISPLAY SNAKE GAME CIRCUIT PIC16F877 MICROCONTROLLERMatrix LED display snake game PIC16F877 microcontroller based on the software the ccs c prepared by the matrix led display via the Display button with the game is played application Project Articles Sharing section were delivered file sending application...Β Electronics Projects,Β CCS C Matrix LED Display Snake…... Listed under: LED Projects
How to Use Nuvoton N76E003 Microcontroller ADC to Read Analog VoltageAnalog to Digital converter (ADC) is the most used hardware feature on a microcontroller. It takes in analog voltage and converts it to a digital value. Since microcontrollers are digital devices and work with the binary digit 1 and 0, it could not process the…... Listed under: power - energy projects
PWM Signal on Nuvoton N76E003 Microcontroller – LED Dimming using Duty Cycle ControlPulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a commonly used technique in microcontrollers to produce a continuous pulse signal with a defined frequency and duty cycle. In short, PWM is about changing the width of a pulse while the frequency is constant. A PWM signal is mostly…... Listed under: LED Projects
DC motor and Fan speed control using Pic16f877 Microcontroller using PWM(Pulse width modulation) TechniqueHere is a simple project on how to control fan or dc motor speed with microchip pic16f877 microcontroller. There are numerous ways to control the speed of motor(or fan). Varying current, voltage and resistance etc. But when it comes to controlling the speed using microcontrollers.…... Listed under: Motor Projects
Placing code in a specific Rom/Flash/Program Memory Address of Microchip Pic MicrocontrollerRecently i was working with 8-bit pic16f877 microcontroller and i want to place program code at a specific rom(read only memory) location. I was working with xc8 compiler and mplabx ide.Β Β Previously i did this same thing many times while using c18 c compiler.Β C18 compiler uses…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
How to display 5Γ8 and 5Γ10 size font characters on 16Γ2 lcd with 8-bit microcontrollersCharacter lcds can display character of font size 5Γ8 and 5Γ10. In 5xn, 5 represents number of coulombs and N represents number of rows. Character lcdβs especially which are controlled by Hitachi HD44780 controller can display 5Γ8 and 5Γ10 size font character. Some lcdβs can…... Listed under: LCD Projects
Interfacing JHD404A (40Γ4) lcd with MicrocontrollerThis post covers how to interface JHD404A 40Γ4 lcd with microcontroller (89c51, Pic16f877, Arduino etc). JHD404A is a 40Γ4 Character lcd. 40Γ4 means it has 40 coulombs and 4 rows. On each row of lcd we can display 40 characters/numbers etc. Total characters which we…... Listed under: LCD Projects
PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) with Microchip Pic MicrocontrollerAn year ago i made a plc (programmable logic controller) using microchip pic microcontroller. Its a 16 bit digital input and output programmable logic controller. Plc programming is done using a standard ladder logic language. The software that is used for plc programming and ladder…... Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects
Interfacing Graphical LCD(GLCD-JHD12864E) with Microchip PIC16f877 MicrocontrollerIn this post/tutorial i am going to teach you how to interface graphical lcd jhd12864E with microchip pic16f877 microcontroller. I am going to display my website name βwww.microcontroller-project.comβ and a special pattern that displays thick lines on dotted graphical lcd display. In graphical lcd nameΒ βjhd12864βΒ the…... Listed under: LCD Projects
Push Button as Input and Led as Output with Pic MicrocontrollerThis is a simple tutorial/project on how to interface a transistor (2n2222), led and push button with Pic microcontroller. In the project i am going to switch on and off(blink) an led with the help of a push button. Since transistors are used at outputs…... Listed under: LED Projects
Displaying Scrolling(Moving) text on 16Γ2 lcd Using Pic16f877 and Pic18f452 MicrocontrollerDisplaying moving or scrolling text on lcd(16Γ2,8Γ1,16Γ4,8Γ2,16Γ1,20Γ1,20Γ2 etc) is very easy using any microcontroller. You just need to know how to efficiently use 16Γ2 lcd commands. In this project i am using pic 16f877 microcontroller to display text and then scroll it on the 16Γ2…... Listed under: LCD Projects
Display custom characters on 16Γ2 lcd using Microchip Pic16f877 MicrocontrollerHere is a simple project on how to build/generate/make custom characters in 16Γ2 lcd and then print/display them on lcd using microchip pic16f877 microcontroller. Character lcd contains a set of ascii characters and some Chinese characters in their controllers. We invoke the ascii characters present…... Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects
How to build a calculator using Pic16f877 microcontrollerCalculator using pic microcontroller β Project code Code portion is little bit difficult. But if you are familiar with syntax of C++ language and did some good work in c++ then the code below is easy for you to understand and to modify. First htc.h header file is…... Listed under: Calculator Projects
IoT based Web controlled Home Automation using PIC Microcontroller and Adafruit IOHome AutomationΒ has always beenΒ inspiring projects for most of us. Toggling an AC load from the comfort of our chairs or bed of any room without reaching for the switch in another room sounds cool doesnβt it!!. And now in the era ofΒ IoT, thanks to the…... Listed under: Home Automation Projects
Rotary Encoder Interfacing with PIC MicrocontrollerAΒ Rotary encoderΒ is an input device which helps the user to interact with a system. It looks more like a Radio potentiometer but it outputs a train of pulses which makes its application unique. When the knob of the Encoder is rotated it rotates in form…... Listed under: Radio Projects
Robotic Arm Control using PIC MicrocontrollerFrom the assembly line of automobile manufacturing industries to the telesurgery robots in space, Robotic Arms are to be found everywhere. The mechanisms of these robots are similar to a human which can be programmed for similar function and increased capabilities. They can be used…... Listed under: Robotics - Automation Projects
DAC MCP4921 Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller PIC16F877ADigital and Analog is an integral part of Electronics. Most of the devices have bothΒ ADCΒ as well as DAC and they are used when there is a need of converting signals either from analog to digital or digital to analog. Also the real world signals like…... Listed under: Sound - Audio Projects
Interfacing DHT11 with PIC16F877A for Temperature and Humidity MeasurementTemperature and Humidity measurement is often useful in many applications likeΒ Home Automation, Environment Monitoring,Β Weather station, etc. The most popularly used Temperature sensor next toΒ LM35Β is the DHT11, we have previously built manyΒ DHT11 ProjectsΒ by interfacing it withΒ Arduino, withΒ Raspberry PiΒ and many other development boards. In this article, we…... Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects
Gas Detection and PPM Measurement using PIC Microcontroller and MQ Gas SensorsMQ series Gas sensors are very common types of sensors used in Gas Detectors to detect or measure certain types of Gases. These sensors are widely used in all Gas related devices like from simpleΒ Smoke DetectorsΒ to IndustrialΒ Air Quality Monitors.Β We have already used theseΒ MQ gas sensors…... Listed under: Sensor - Transducer - Detector Projects
DIGITAL SERVO MOTORS INTERFACE CIRCUIT PIC16F877Servo motor control unit to control twoβs. While the other one circuitΒ pic16F877Β 16f876 circuits based on the communication with the computer via RS232 serial port is doing. KazΔ±rl backed by Assembly PCB software and schema files are made ββwith eagle. Servo interface circuit can translate the…... Listed under: Motor Projects
PRECISION CNC MOTION CONTROL UNIT ENCODER, DRIVER INTERFACE PIC16F877CNC control circuit PIC16F877 microcontroller used in the projectβs RS232 PC connection to all floors described separately (English) source: Assembly shared MPLAB IDE software. HIGH PRECISION CNC MOTION CONTROL This thesis focuses on the...Β Electronics Projects,Β Precision CNC Motion Control Unit Encoder, Driver Interface PIC16F877Β "microchip projects, microcontroller…... Listed under: CNC Machines Projects
MIKROPASCAL MIKROBASIC MIKROC PROJECTSMicro-Electronica product areas owned by the user that sent the company projects in various fields has many applications with source code in some simulations, there proteus isis. Mikropascal Micro C project FPGA programmer with...Β Electronics Projects,Β Mikropascal Mikrobasic MikroC ProjectsΒ "dspic projects, microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f84 projects,…... Listed under: Other Projects
PICBASIC PRO EXAMPLES PROTEUS ISIS CIRCUITSPicBasic proβs work until about 200 microchip pic series circuits used in various micro controller pic basic pro proteus isis circuit simulations and resources. Bass, pbp, hex codes are PicBasic samples; PicBasic sample list...Electronics Projects,Β Picbasic Pro Examples Proteus isis CircuitsΒ "microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f628 projects,…... Listed under: Development Board - Kits Projects
PROTON IDE PROTEUS ISIS CIRCUITS EXAMPLE PROTON COMPILERProton was prepared with various case studies and proteus isis circuit simulations prepared by the example of the protonβs a lot of fundamental issues. Thanks to the people who contributed to prepare. Proton ide...Electronics Projects,Β Proton ide Proteus isis Circuits Example Proton CompilerΒ "microchip projects, microcontroller projects,…... Listed under: Development Board - Kits Projects
PIC16F877 16X16 LED MATRIX 74HC595 GRAPHIC DISPLAY PROJECTHello Electronics lovers. After a long hiatus, I wanted to write something again. In this article, software-serial basis (soft SPI) and still other applications I wrote using the name for a project I would...Β Electronics Projects,Β PIC16F877 16X16 LED Matrix 74HC595 Graphic Display ProjectΒ "microchip projects, microcontroller projects,…... Listed under: LED Projects
PIC16F877 AIR RGB WRITINGHello electoronic lovers. This breaks my spare some time to compile my application I am trying to share with you. In this article I artificially everyone said it would offer air writing application. I...Β Electronics Projects,PIC16F877 Air RGB writingΒ "microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f877 projects,Β " Hello electoronic…... Listed under: LED Projects
PIC16F877A DC MOTOR CONTROL CIRCUIT LCD DISPLAY2Γ16 LCD display DC motor control application was based on PIC16F877 microcontroller proteus isis for the project and source code files (ano_mtr.bas, ano_mtr.hex) are available. PIC16f877A DC Motor Control Circuit LCD Display project Motor...Β Electronics Projects,Β PIC16f877A DC Motor Control Circuit LCD Display"microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f877…... Listed under: Motor Projects
SUMO ROBOT PROJECT PIC16F877 CONTROL CIRCUIT L293DMini sumo robot design is very stylish robot pic16f877 microcontroller used in motor driver for the l293d kullanΔ±lmΕ software crafted with the C language. Mini densede very detailed all of the resources that are...Electronics Projects,Β Sumo Robot Project PIC16F877 Control Circuit L293DΒ "microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f877…... Listed under: Robotics - Automation Projects
PIC16F877 CELL PHONE CALL DRUG USE MONITORING SYSTEMMedical electronics, medical electronics interesting for people who are interested in a different application circuits during specified hours of the patient is receiving drug control if the relevant person is taking medication with mobile...Β Electronics Projects,Β PIC16F877 Cell Phone Call Drug Use Monitoring System"microchip projects, microcontroller projects,…... Listed under: Phone Projects
RGB LED AIR WRITING VISUAL BASIC CCS C PIC16F877According to the air a lot of writing applications with a superior visual basic application control program prepared with the required text, printed in specified rek. PIC16F877 microcontroller used in the air circuit writing...Β Electronics Projects,Β RGB LED Air Writing Visual Basic CCS C PIC16F877Β "led projects, microchip…... Listed under: LED Projects
OSCILLOSCOPE CIRCUIT WITH MAX492 PIC16F877 GRAPHIC LCDOscilloscope circuit project pic16f877-20 (20 MHz) microcontroller based on X 1, x 10 entries MAX492 Rail-to-Rail Op Amp input via grilimi 5v indicator as 128 Γ 64 glcd (PG12864) graphic lcd. Oscilloscope circuit power...Β Electronics Projects,Β Oscilloscope Circuit with MAX492 PIC16F877 Graphic LCDΒ "microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f877…... Listed under: Development Board - Kits Projects
SECURITY ALARM CIRCUIT WITH PIC16F877 LCDSecurity Alarm project 16f877 microcontroller Board 2Γ16 lcd indicator alarm circuit connected to the keypad on the necessary adjustments can be made. Circuit diagram pcb drawings, asm source, hex codes, alarm installation, lcd menu...Β Electronics Projects,Β Security Alarm Circuit with PIC16F877 LCDΒ "microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f877 projects,Β "…... Listed under: Security - Safety Projects
LCD SWR METER CIRCUIT PIC16F877SWR meter circuit pic16f877 microcontroller with lcd display displays the information on a printed circuit board with 2 Γ 16, schema diagrams in the C source code library files (adc. c, lcd8 c, swrm....Β Electronics Projects,Β LCD SWR Meter Circuit PIC16F877Β "microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f877 projects,Β " SWR…... Listed under: LCD Projects
ROBOTIC ARM PROJECT PIC16F877 CCS C VISUALBASIC COMPUTER-CONTROLLEDThe robotic arm project and all resources are quite detailed PIC16F877 microcontroller in the control unit in the project has been kullaΔ±l communicate with the computer is done via the RS232 serial port interface...Electronics Projects,Β Robotic ARM Project PIC16F877 CCS C VisualBasic Computer-controlled"microchip projects, microcontroller projects,…... Listed under: Robotics - Automation Projects
PIC16F877 VERY FAST LINE FOLLOWING ROBOT PROJECTS ORANGUTAN B-328Line following robot design in two different models, one thatβs βBaby Orangutan B-328 Robotβ control module based on this on the module tb752a1 motor drive and ATMEGA48 or ATmega328 microcontrollerβs All materials SMD because...Β Electronics Projects,Β PIC16F877 Very Fast Line Following Robot Projects Orangutan B-328Β "microchip projects, microcontroller…... Listed under: Robotics - Automation Projects
RF ROBOT PROJECT PIC16F877Robot project PIC16F877 microcontroller used ARX34 AND ATX34 RF modules and remote kantrol can be 3 servo makanik run software ccs written in c receiver, transmitter section if our writers Aykut my brother βPIC16F628...Β Electronics Projects,Β RF Robot project PIC16F877Β "microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f877 projects,Β " Robot projectΒ PIC16F877Β microcontroller…... Listed under: Robotics - Automation Projects
PROGRAMMABLE AUTOMATION PIC16F87X ELECTRONIC PLC CIRCUITSeveral automation, control circuits Iβve seen, but so far so many features to an existing application the first time I met with microcontroller plc have done .. especially smart home alarm or for different...Β Electronics Projects,Β Programmable Automation PIC16F87X Electronic PLC CircuitΒ "microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f876 projects,…... Listed under: Other Projects
COMPUTER CONTROLLED ROBOT PROJECT PIC16F877Computer-controlled robot circuit special program is moving according to the shapes drawn on further action can be achieved by giving the coordinates instead of drawing circuit PIC16F877 microcontroller used robot communication between computers via...Β Electronics Projects,Β Computer Controlled Robot Project PIC16F877Β "microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f877 projects,Β " Computer-controlled…... Listed under: Robotics - Automation Projects
4TH FLOOR ELEVATOR CONTROL CIRCUIT PIC16F877Hello Friends . In high school I have done an elevator control circuit I want to share with you . Iβve designed a 4-story elevator . What floor is the elevator on each floor,...Β Electronics Projects,Β 4th Floor Elevator Control Circuit PIC16F877Β "microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f877 projects,Β "…... Listed under: Development Board - Kits Projects
THERMOCOUPLE READING CIRCUIT PIC16F877Thermocouple reading circuit PIC16F877 microcontroller based on the C source software, isis proteus simulation files and eagle diagram, printed circuit boards have drawings. Thermocouple voltage 0V (0 Β° C) and 42.92mv (760 ΒΊ C)...Β Electronics Projects,Β Thermocouple Reading Circuit PIC16F877Β "microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f877 projects,Β " Thermocouple reading…... Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects
VOLT AMP METER CIRCUIT PIC16F877graphic lcd Volt amp meter circuit pic16f877 microcontroller Board, with the addition of the mc34063 dc-dc converter circuits and the l5973 used in the screenshot lm324 opamp GLCD MTG-12864B current and voltage information displaying....Β Electronics Projects,Β Volt amp meter circuit PIC16F877Β "microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f877 projects,Β " graphic…... Listed under: Metering - Instrument Projects
CCS BUTTONS WITH LED CONTROL PIC16F877CCS C simple application Buttons with LED Control circuit. This program B0 connected to the port LED connected to RA0 input is controlled by a button. Button-LED Control Simulation Test Proteus isis Schematic Button-LED...Β Electronics Projects,Β CCS Buttons with LED Control PIC16F877Β "ccs c examples, microchip projects, microcontroller…... Listed under: LED Projects
CCS LM35 TEMPERATURE SENSOR EXAMPLE WITH PIC16F877 LCDPIC16F877 and LM35 Temperature Sensor Application simple CCSC Example PIC16F877 10-bit ADC isbe used. Read the ADC result and the information is transferred to the 2X16 LCD temperature value is printed LM35 Digital...Β Electronics Projects,Β CCS LM35 Temperature Sensor Example with PIC16F877 LCDΒ "ccs c examples, microchip projects,…... Listed under: Sensor - Transducer - Detector Projects
WALKING LED LIGHT CCS EXAMPLE PIC16F877CCS C Walking LED Light using pic16f877 picmicro 8 LED Walking effect (As king rider led circuit) 100 ms delay Walking LED Circuit Schematic Walking LED Simulation Video Walking LED Light project proteus isis...Electronics Projects,Β Walking LED Light CCS Example PIC16F877Β "ccs c examples, microchip projects, microcontroller…... Listed under: LED Projects
CCS TOGGLE LED EXAMPLE PIC16F877PIC16F877 Led Toggle CCS C This program connected to the port-B with 8 LED TOGGLE command 500 ms delay. order is flash LED the. CCS CToggle Led Schematic Diagram CCS CToggle Led Simulation Video...Electronics Projects,Β CCS Toggle Led Example PIC16F877Β "ccs c examples, microchip projects, microcontroller projects,…... Listed under: LED Projects
PIC16F877 WITH BOTTLE FILLING SYSTEMIn this article, and a student friend, talk about his work with a bottle filling machine from the block schema system easier. Block diagram of bottle filling machine; 1: Tape engine starts to spin....Β Electronics Projects,Pic16f877 With Bottle Filling SystemΒ "microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f877 projects, picbasic…... Listed under: Other Projects
CCS C APPLICATIONS PROTEUS SIMLATIONSPreviously shared CCS C sample application circuit code archive (C and Hex Isis) is a large archive with all source codes and proteus simulation circuits such as CCS C projects shared in the font....Β Electronics Projects,Β CCS C Applications Proteus SimlationsΒ "microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f876 projects, pic16f877…... Listed under: Other Projects
Digital Ammeter Circuit using PIC Microcontroller and ACS712Measuring the voltage and current will always be helpful while making or debugging any electrical system. In this project we are going to make our ownΒ Digital Ammeter using PIC16F877A Microcontroller and current sensor ACS712-5A. This project can measure both AC and DC current with a…... Listed under: Metering - Instrument Projects
Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 with PIC MicrocontrollerFor any project to come alive, we need to use sensors. Sensors acts as the eyes and ears for all embedded application, it helps the digital Microcontroller to understand what is actually happening in this real Analog world. In this tutorial we will be learning…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Interfacing GPS Module with PIC MicrocontrollerGPS is the short-form of Global Positioning System. It is a system which provide accurate Altitude, Latitude, Longitude, UTC time and many more information, which are taken from 2, 3, 4 or more satellite. To read data from GPS, we need some Microcontroller and we…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Interfacing PIR Sensor with PIC MicrocontrollerToday we are simple going toΒ interface PIR with PIC MicrocontrollerΒ PIC16F877A. In this circuit if some moving objects comes in the range of PIR sensor, the buzzer will start beeping. Material Required PicKit 3 PIR Sensor. PIC16F877A IC 40 - Pin IC holder Perf board 20…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Digital Thermometer using a PIC Microcontroller and DS18B20Generally, the LM35 temperature sensor is used with microcontrollers to measure the temperature because it is cheap and easily available. But LM35 gives analog values and we need to convert them into digital using ADC (Analog to Digital Converter). But today we are usingΒ DS18B20 temperature…... Listed under: Metering - Instrument Projects
Interfacing Joystick with PIC MicrocontrollerInput devices play a vital role in any electronics projects. These input device help the user to interact with the digital world. An input device can be as simple as a push button or as complicated as a touch screen; it varies based on the…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Digital Thermometer using LM35 and PIC MicrocontrollerIn this tutorial, we are making aΒ Digital Thermometer using PIC microcontroller and LM35Β Temperature Sensor. In this project, we will sense the temperature using LM35 and display it onΒ 16x2 LCD. LM35 Temperature Sensor is accurate and cheaper and doesnβt require any external calibration. The output voltage…... Listed under: Metering - Instrument Projects
Interfacing RTC Module (DS3231) with PIC Microcontroller: Digital ClockAlmost all embedded devices are designed to interact with the real world. They act as a bridge to communicate between the digital world and the real world. To make this process easier and efficient, the digital world would sometimes need to keep track of the…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
4×4 Matrix Keypad Interfacing with PIC MicrocontrollerKeypads are widely used input devices being used in various electronics and embedded projects. They are used to take inputs in the form ofΒ numbers and alphabets, and feed the same intoΒ system for further processing. In this tutorial we are going toΒ interface a 4x4 matrix keypad…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
PIC to PIC Communication using RF ModuleHello everyone, Today in this project, we willΒ interface RF Receiver and Transmitter module with PIC Microcontroller and communicate between two different pic microcontrollers wirelessly. In this project we will do following things:- We will useΒ PIC16F877AΒ for the Transmitter andΒ PIC18F4520Β for the Receiver section. We will interface Keypad…... Listed under: Other Projects
SPI Communication with PIC Microcontroller PIC16F877APIC Microcontrollers are a powerful platform provided by microchip for embedded projects; its versatile nature has enabled it to find ways into many applications and is yet to grow a lot. If you have been following ourΒ PIC tutorialsΒ then you would have noticed we have already…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Relay Interfacing with PIC MicrocontrollerIn this projectΒ we will interface aΒ Relay with PIC Microcontroller PIC16F877A. Relay is a mechanical device to control high voltage, high current appliances βONβ or βOFFβ from lower voltage levels. Relay provides isolation between two voltage levels and it is generally use toΒ control AC appliances. From…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Interfacing 74HC595 Serial Shift Register with PIC MicrocontrollerThere are possibilities in embedded design where you do not have enough I/O pins available in your microcontroller. That can be due to any reason, may be your application needs multiple LEDs or you want to use multipleΒ 7-segment displays, but you donβt have required I/O…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
RFID Interfacing with PIC MicrocontrollerRFID stands forΒ Radio Frequency Identification. RFID module can read or write small amount of data into a Passive RFID tag, which can be used in identification process in various systems likeΒ Attendance system,Β security system,Β voting systemΒ etc. RFID is very convenient and easy technology. To read the Passive…... Listed under: RFID - NFC Projects
Thermal Printer interfacing with PIC16F877AThermal printerΒ is often referred as receipt printer. It is widely used in restaurants, ATM, shops and many other places where receipts or bill is required. It is a cost-effective solution and very handy to use from the userβs side as well as from the developerβs…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Heart Beat Monitoring using PIC Microcontroller and Pulse SensorHeart Beat rate is most important parameter in monitoring any personβs health. In the modern era of wearable devices, there are lot of devices which can measure heartbeat, blood pressure, footsteps, calories burnt and lot of other things. These devices has pulse sensor inside them…... Listed under: Medical - Health based Projects
Generating PWM signals on GPIO pins of PIC MicrocontrollerPWM signal generation is a vital tool in every embedded engineers arsenal, they come in very handy for lot of applications like controlling the position of servo motor, switching few power electronic ICs in converters/invertors and even for aΒ simple LED brightness control. In PIC microcontrollers…... Listed under: PWM Projects
Bluetooth Controlled Robot using pic microcontrollerToday I came up with another engineering project for electronics and communication students,Β Android and Bluetooth controlled robot using PICΒ Microcontroller with object detecting capability. After installing MikroElectronβs Robot Control App from Play Store you should be able to control the robot with your android phone/ tablet…... Listed under: Bluetooth Projects, Robotics - Automation Projects
How to use input output ports 8051 microcontroller|LED blinkingPIC16F877A Pin out & Descriptions There are 5 ports that provide parallel I/O Interfaces to outside world PORTA, PORTB, PORTC, PORTD, PORTE Each port provides 8 bidirectional digital I/O lines which are connected to PIC16F877A pins provided that alternate functions are not selected on that…... Listed under: LED Projects
Interfacing Fingerprint Sensor with PIC MicrocontrollerFinger Print Sensor,Β which we used to see in Sci-Fi movies a few years back, is now become very common to verify the identity of a person for various purposes. In present time we can see fingerprint-based systems everywhere in our daily life like for attendance…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
MICROCHIP PIC16F877 TESTING, EXPERIMENT BOARDPIC16F877 Experiment board ACCEL P-CAD PCB PCB and schema files V14.00.3 asm code through the sample has been prepared by the addition You will find on this page all the elements to achieve a...Electronics Projects,Β Microchip PIC16F877 Testing, Experiment BoardΒ "pic development board, pic16f877 projects,Β " PIC16F877Β Experiment board…... Listed under: Development Board - Kits Projects
PIC16F877 PIC16F84 PROTEUS ISIS PICMICRO DEVELOPMENT BOARD SIMULATIONSThe code for 16F877 microcontroller 16f84 written ready for trial test circuit in Proteus ISIS additional 3 pcs 5 pcs assembly application (king rider, walking light flashers) have source http://www.projearsivim.com/download/DeneyKarti.zip Proteus isis Picmicro Development...Β Electronics Projects,Β PIC16F877 PIC16F84 Proteus isis Picmicro Development Board SimulationsΒ "pic development board, pic16f84…... Listed under: Development Board - Kits Projects
PIC16F877 EXPERIMENT BOARD CIRCUIT PIC PROGRAMMING PIC TUTORIAL BOOKA useful test development PIC16F877 circuit pcb printed circuit board design was quite nice small in size but has a lot of features. Serial RS232 connection, sensors, servos, PWM, I2C connector and so on....Β Electronics Projects,Β PIC16F877 Experiment Board Circuit PIC Programming PIC Tutorial BookΒ "pic development board,…... Listed under: Development Board - Kits Projects
HUMANOID robotic ARM using pic microcontrollerFrom the assembly line of automobile manufacturing industries to the telesurgery robots in space, Robotic Arms are to be found everywhere. The mechanisms of these robots are similar to a human which can be programmed for similar function and increased capabilities. They can be used…... Listed under: Robotics - Automation Projects
Electronic lock using pic microcontrollerSecurity is a prime concern in our day-today life. Everyone wants to be as much secure as possible. An access control for doors forms a vital link in a security chain. The microcontroller based digital lock for Doors is an access control system that allows…... Listed under: LCD Projects
Receive sms gsm module using pic microcontrollerGSM modulesΒ are fascinating to use especially when our project requires remote access. These modules could make all actions that our normal mobile phone could do, like making/receiving a call, sending/receiving a SMS, connecting to internet using GPRS etc. You can also connect a normal microphone…... Listed under: Phone Projects
password based circuit breaker using pic microcontrollerA circuit breaker isΒ an automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by overload or short circuit. Its basic function is to detect a fault condition and interrupt current flow. Unlike a fuse, which operates once and then must be…... Listed under: Security - Safety Projects
MPPT Based Charge Controller Using Pic MicrocontrollerIn this post we will briefly discuss about MPPT Based Charge Controller Using Pic Microcontroller. Photovoltaic is one of the renewable energy resources that recently has become broader in nowadays technology.Β The electricity generations of photovoltaic (PV) panels are strongly related with insolation and temperature.…... Listed under: Phone Projects
Heart beat pulse sensor interfacing with pic microcontrollerHeart Beat rate is most important parameter in monitoring any personβs health. In the modern era of wearable devices, there are lot of devices which can measure heartbeat, blood pressure, footsteps, calories burnt and lot of other things. These devices has pulse sensor inside them…... Listed under: Sensor - Transducer - Detector Projects
How to display 5×8 and 5×10 size font characters on 16×2 lcd with 8-bit microcontrollersCharacter lcds can display character of font size 5x8 and 5x10. In 5xn, 5 represents number of coulombs and N represents number of rows. Character lcd's especially which are controlled by Hitachi HD44780 controller can display 5x8 and 5x10 size font character. Some lcd's can…... Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects
Wave audio player using PIC16F887 microcontrollerThis small project shows how to make a simple wave audio player using PIC16F887 microcontroller and SD card. The WAV audio file used in this project is 8000 Hz, 8-bit stereo (2 channels). Hardware Required: PIC16F887 microcontroller SD card (formatted with FAT16 or FAT32…... Listed under: Sound - Audio Projects
DHT11 Interfacing with PIC12F1822 microcontrollerIn this blog there are some topics talking about the DHT11 relative humidity and temperature sensor and how to interface it with different types of PIC microcontrollers. The datasheet of the DHT11 sensor shows its characteristics and how it works. Also the following topic shows…... Listed under: Sensor - Transducer - Detector Projects
Getting Started With ProteusHello readers, todayβs post is the first regular post on Proteus tutorial. In todayβs tutorial, I am gonna share Getting Started with Proteus. Todayβs tutorial is for beginners who donβt have much knowledge of Proteus but wants to start working with it. We donβt design…... Listed under: power - energy projects
DC Motor Drive Circuit in Proteus ISISHello friends, hope you all are fine and enjoying good health. In the previous posts, we have seen How to design a 5V DC power supply in Proteus ISIS and after that we have also discussed How to design a variable DC Power supply using…... Listed under: Motor Projects
Digital Thermometer using PIC16F877A and LM35This is a simple project showing you how to read LM35 analog temperature sensor using a PIC microcontroller and six seven segment (common cathod).In this tutorial we will make a practical use of multiplexed seven segment displays. We will use them to show current temperature…... Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects
Digital Voltmeter using PIC16F877aThis is a simple project showing you how to make a digital voltmeter of range 0-20V using microcontroller PIC16F877A and a Liquid Crystal Display 16x4 HD44780 LCD in Proteus ISIS. The microcontroller PIC 16F877A has 8 analog input channels for the in-built 10-bit ADC. In…... Listed under: Metering - Instrument Projects
Double sensor interface Indoor/OutdoorThermometer using PIC16F877A MicrocontrollerThis is a simple project showing you how to read LM35 analog temperature sensor using a PIC microcontroller and LCD 4x20 in Proteus ISIS. In this tutorial we will make a practical use of the ADC. We will use them to show current temperature using…... Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects
Automatic traffic light using PIC16F877A MicrocontrollerThe objective of this project is to design a traffic light control system. This traffic light controller is used at the intersection that consists of a main road and two side roads. A four way traffic light control system with count down timers is to…... Listed under: LED Projects
Multipulxing 7 Segment Display using PIC18F2550 MicrocontrollerThis tutorial describes how to implement decimal counter which will increment from 0000 to 9999 ; in multiplexed seven segment display using PIC18F2550 in PROTEUS ISIS. Multiplexing is required when we want to interface 3 or 4 or even more such displays with MCU ssince…... Listed under: LCD Projects
Display temperature on Graphic Liquid Crystal Display using PIC16F877A MicrocontrollerHello everybody welcome back . Today I'm gonna tell how you can display temperature with bar graph on Graphic LCD using PIC microcontroller . The project is very simple to understand if you have concept of Graphic LCD .The program in this project is written…... Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects
Automatic Railway Gate Control System Using PIC16F877A microcontrollerGenerally railway gates are closed or opened menually by gatekeeper to prevent collision between road traffic and train . Time schedule and other information are sent from the main controller station menually in this tutorial we will try to make a railway line which has…... Listed under: Other Projects
Interfacing 7-segment display with PIC12F1822 using CCS PIC C compilerThe easiest way to interface 7-segment display with PIC12F1822 microcontroller is to add a serial-in parallel-out shift register.Β The adding of the shift register minimizes the number of pins used by the 7-segment display. This topic shows how to make aΒ 3-digit digital counter with multiplexing and…... Listed under: LED Projects
Interfacing PIC16F877A with DHT11 (RHT01) sensor Proteus simulationPIC16F877A + DHT11 (RHT01) Proteus simulation This topic shows how to interface DHT11 (RHT01) digital relative humidity and temperature sensor with PIC16F877A microcontroller, and how to simulate this interfacing using Proteus. Note that for the simulation Proteus version should beΒ 8.1 or higher. With these versions…... Listed under: Sensor - Transducer - Detector Projects
Interfacing PIC16F877A with DHT22(AM2302-RHT03) sensor using CCS PIC CInterfacing PIC16F877A with DHT22(AM2302-RHT03) digital humidity and temperature sensor This topic shows how to interface PIC16F877A microcontroller with DHT22 sensor with hardware circuit. Related topic: The following topic shows PIC16F877A microcontroller and DHT22 Proteus simulation and some details about this sensor. PIC16F877A and DHT22(AM2302, RHT03)…... Listed under: Sensor - Transducer - Detector Projects
Sensored brushless DC (BLDC) motor control with PIC16F877A microcontrollerSensored BLDC motor control using PIC16F877A - CCS PIC C compiler This topic shows an easy way to drive a Cd-Rom sensored brushless DC motor (BLDC motor) using PIC16F877A microcontroller with CCS PIC C code. This motor is three phase motor, it has three stator…... Listed under: Sensor - Transducer - Detector Projects
4-Digit 7-Segment display with 74HC595 shift registerThere are many topics in this blog talking about the 7-segment display and how to interface it with different types of PIC microcontrollers. One of these topics shows how to interface PIC16F877A with a multiplexed 4-digit 7-segment display with the shift register 74HC164N. There are…... Listed under: LED Projects
Display custom characters on 16×2 lcd using Microchip Pic16f877 MicrocontrollerHere is a simple project on how to build/generate/make custom characters in 16x2 lcd and then print/display them on lcd using microchip pic16f877 microcontroller. Character lcd contains a set of ascii characters and some Chinese characters in their controllers. We invoke the ascii characters present…... Listed under: LCD Projects
Interfacing ESP8266 with PIC16F877A MicrocontrollerInterfacing PIC16F877A Microcontroller with ESP8266 In this article, let us discuss how to interfaceΒ WIFI module ESP8266 with a PIC microcontroller. So far you might have been using the ESP8266 module as a standalone microcontroller or might have been using it with the Arduino library. But,…... Listed under: Wifi - WLan Projects
How to Send E-mail using PIC Microcontroller and ESP8266In this tutorial let us learn how to send E-mails from PIC Microcontroller usingΒ famous WiFi module the ESP8266. This tutorial uses PIC16F877A IC and MPLABX and XC8 compiler for programming. At the end of this tutorial you will be able to send E-mail from any…... Listed under: Wifi - WLan Projects
Digital Speedometer and Odometer Circuit using PIC MicrocontrollerDigital Speedometer and Odometer Circuit using PIC Microcontroller Measuring the speed/rpm of a Vehicle or a motor has always been a fascinating project for us to try. So, in this project we are going to build one using the Industrial ready PIC microcontrollers. We will…... Listed under: LCD Projects
How to Save Data using EEPROM in PIC16F877A MicrocontrollerSaving Data using EEPROM in PIC16F877A In this tutorial we will learn how easy it is to save data using the EEPROM present in the PIC16F877A Microcontroller. In most real time projects we might have to save some data which should not be erased even…... Listed under: LCD Projects
How to Use Interrupts in PIC16F877A MicrocontrollerHow to Use Interrupts in PIC16F877A Microcontroller In this tutorial we will learn how to use an External Interrupt in PIC Microcontroller and why/where we will need them. This is a part of the sequence of PIC Tutorials in which we started learning PIC Microcontrollers…... Listed under: LCD Projects
GSM module Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller – Make and Receive CallsGSM Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller PIC16F877A - Make and Receive Calls GSM modules are fascinating to use especially when our project requires remote access. These modules could make all actions that our normal mobile phone could do, like making/receiving a call, sending/receiving a SMS, connecting…... Listed under: Phone Projects
Obstacle Avoiding Robot using PIC MicrocontrollerObstacle Avoiding Robot using PIC Microcontroller Obstacle Avoider Robot is another famous robot which spices up embedded projects. For those who are new Obstacle avoider robot, it is just a normal wheeled robot which could navigate its way without hitting on any obstacles. There are…... Listed under: Robotics - Automation Projects
Line Follower Robot using PIC MicrocontrollerA Line Follower Robot is a simple yet fascinating robot for most students/hobbyists to build. In this tutorial we will learn How a Line Follower Robot Works and how we can build one using the PIC Microcontroller PIC16F877A. PIC16F877A is a 40-pin Multipurpose MCU from…... Listed under: Robotics - Automation Projects
How to make a computer controlled Robot Project Using PIC16F877A? using pic microcontollerAfter a short break, weβre back to the DIY robot projects series and I am sure youβll love this one too. Before that I suggest you to go through all our earlier simple robotics projects for engineering students as well. This time, major difference is…... Listed under: Robotics - Automation Projects
PIC microcontroller Beginnerβs guide: Basic connection circuitWhat is a pic microcontroller? The PIC microcontroller is a low cost βcomputers on a chipβΒ manufactured by Microchip. They allow electronic designers and hobbyists impart intelligence and logic to a single chip for special purpose applications and products. The PIC microcontroller programming is done using…... Listed under: Development Board - Kits Projects
Electronic Code locking system using PIC 16F877 MircocontrollerElectronic code locking system is extremely useful in protecting our precious possessions and can be installed anywhere with bit of engineering in it. We are widely familiar with the Password based e-locks and might have installed in our house. But we are going for Electronic…... Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects
Basic PIC circuit is not workingI have just begun in the world of micro-controllers, and the first micro-controller. I chose to work with was the PIC from Microchip. The PIC I am using is the PIC16F877A. I am using MPLAP IDE and HI-TECH C. I am trying to make an…... Listed under: Development Board - Kits Projects
Lecture 45 : PIC Serial Communication using Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)Objective To establish serial communication between two PIC16F877A microcontrollers Description In this experiment, 8-bit digital input is applied at Port-B to one of the PIC16F877A microcontroller which acts as a master in serial communication. The input value is transmitted by the master serially via Serial…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
How to Program a PIC Microcontroller to Build a ProjectThe recent trends in the advanced technology are helpful in developing most advanced electronic gadgets. Most ofΒ these electronic devices are developed using microcontrollers. The microcontroller is an electronic component, which is programmed to perform various control operations. There are various kinds of microcontrollers available,…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
PIC16F877A (with LCD) not workingI have designed a PIC18F877A micro controller project to read temperature from an LM35 using ADC, display it on an LCD and transmit it to a serial port. When the program starts, sometimes it shows a startup message - sometimes it doesn't display anything. Also,…... Listed under: LCD Projects, Temperature Measurement Projects
Interfacing DS1307 to PIC Microcontroller with C code and Circuit DiagramThis tutorial will help you to interface DS1307 RTC with PIC16F877 Microcontroller. The project is compiled in CCS Compiler and simulated with Proteus. The Real Time Clock is interfaced with PIC controller via I2C. I2C is a 2 wire communication protocol. I2C is used for…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Worldβs Smallest Low-speed USB Analyzer using pic16f877[Any] idea is dead without a good application for it. So βCalifornia Dreaminββ USB virtual peripheral could be a very nice sample of academic research, but hardly anybody is going to build a keyboard or mouse using it. I have been thinking for a while…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Digital thermometer with auto saving log file in excel by Pic microcontrollerDigital thermometer with auto saving log file in excel by Pic microcontroller is vary advance, useful and realistic project. The implementation filed of this project is wide. Now a dayβs atmospheric prediction saves lots of life. And for getting wright prediction we have to analysis…... Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects
Life Size Operation Game using PIC16F877 microcontrollerLife Size Operation Game As a child I loved the Milton Bradley Operation game, the buzzer always scared me when it went off, but it was fun. The object of the Operation game is to remove a body part with out touching the tweezers to…... Listed under: Game - Entertainment Projects, Projects
How to Simulate PIC Microcontroller in Proteus Design Suite 8This is our PIC Microcontroller tutorial series. We have already discussed basic beginners guide to PIC. Now letβs see how to simulate the PIC microcontroller?PIC simulation is the important step that you should do before practical implementation of any microcontroller projects. As Circuits Gallery covers…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Lecture 43 : Interfacing PIC16F877 Microcontroller with an LCDAim To interface LCD (Displaytech 162A) with PIC16F877microcontroller and to display "IITK" in the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). Components/Softwares MPLAB IDE (PIC microcontrollers simulator) PIC BURNER 3 with software to load the code LCD (Displaytech 162A) Computer System with Windows operating system and RS 232…... Listed under: LCD Projects
Interfacing LCD and Keypad with PIC16F877A MicrocontrollerInterfacing LCD and Keypad are one of the important interfacing concepts of PIC microcontroller since both the input and output element can form a complete embedded system design. This tutorial is about teaching you how to get input input values from keypad by polling method…... Listed under: LCD Projects
4 Bit LCD interfacing and programming with PIC MicrocontrollerLCD displays operate in two modes 4 bit and 8 bit mode. We all might have been familiar with 8 bit mode which is used widely in several systems. But 4 bit mode is something which many of us is not aware of. This mode…... Listed under: LCD Projects
Large Dancing Robot using PIC16f877A microcontrollerLarge Dancing Robot Build a large dancing robot. This was supposed to be a walking robot, but it more kinda beebopped around. video on last step. Build a Prototype First, The _Prototype_: Before you make a large, high power robot, it's good to make a…... Listed under: Projects, Robotics - Automation Projects
How to make(build) a Calculator using Pic16f877 microcontrolleralculator with Pic 16f877 microcontroller is a comprehensive project. Comprehensive in the way that Code is lengthy and logical. It covers all the aspects of programming and interfacing of 16x2 lcd and 4x4 keypad with pic Microcontrollers. So you should be good in programming, if…... Listed under: Calculator Projects
DS18S20 interfacing with pic and avr microcontrollerMicrocontroller BoardsRead the temperature in PIC16F/18F Primer Board from temperature sensor ds1820. The PIC16F/18F Primer board uses the ADC pin for reading temperature from temperature sensor ds1820. The reading output is displayed into PC through UART. PIC16F/18F Development Board TheΒ PIC16F/18F Development BoardΒ is specifically designed to…... Listed under: Sensor - Transducer - Detector Projects
Temperature sensor using PIC16F877A microcontrollerIn this tutorial, we are making aΒ Digital Thermometer using PIC microcontroller and LM35Β Temperature Sensor. In this project, we will sense the temperature using LM35 and display it onΒ 16x2 LCD. LM35 Temperature Sensor is accurate and cheaper and doesnβt require any external calibration. The output voltage…... Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects
Digital frequency meter using pic microcontrollerHere you will see how easily we can make Digital frequency meter by PIC microcontroller using timer 1. To make this project we need clear idea on timer 1 module of PIC16F877 microcontroller. We need to know how we can configure timer 1 module to…... Listed under: Metering - Instrument Projects
AC Voltage measurement using PIC16F877A microcontrollerNote:Β MicrocontrollerΒ PIC16F73Β can be used instead of pic16f877a. This time we will see how to measure AC voltage parameters with the help of micro-controller. First we will know about AC voltage parameters, then we will do the whole work step by step. What is AC(Alternating…... Listed under: Metering - Instrument Projects
PIC16F877 timer0 code and Proteus simulationThis PIC16F877 microcontroller tutorial answers the question, " How to use timer0 of PIC16F877 and how to handle its interrupts? " Using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this PIC timer0 code and change it according to your needs.Β This code is written in C language…... Listed under: Clock and Timer Projects
PIC16F877A-Based Temperature Monitoring SystemTemperature monitoring and control is important in industry environments. Sensors are widely used for measurement of temperature. Usually, a temperature sensor converts the temperature into an equivalent voltage output. IC LM35 is such a sensor. Here we describe a simple temperature measurement and display system…... Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects
Water Level Indicator and Controller using PIC MicrocontrollerHere is a simple, versatile project which indicates the level of water and automaticallyΒ controlsΒ it by using PIC Microcontroller. The Water Level Sensing Section senses the level of water in the tank and sends it (wireless) to the Receiver Section. Receiver Section is connected to the…... Listed under: Sensor - Transducer - Detector Projects
PIC Projects: Digital Temperature ControllerDigital temperature controller is an essential instrument in the field of electronics, instrumentation and control automation for measuring and controlling temperatures. It can be used as much at homes as in industrial applications. Different types of analogue and digital temperature controllers are readily available in…... Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects
Displaying Scrolling(Moving) text on 16×2 lcd Using Pic16f877 and Pic18f452 MicrocontrollerDisplaying moving or scrolling text on lcd(16x2,8x1,16x4,8x2,16x1,20x1,20x2 etc) is very easy. You just need to know how to efficiently use lcd commands.In this project i am using pic 16f877 microcontroller to display text and then scroll it on the lcd. The lcd which i am…... Listed under: LCD Projects
Mars Clock using PIC16F877A microcontrollerWhat do you do if you have a spare LCD module with backlight, a weird 16 button keyboard, and a PIC16F877A microcontroller gathering dust? A monster Martian Clock immediately springs to mind. You are probably thinking "There are hundreds of PIC clocks on the Net…... Listed under: Clock and Timer Projects
Voltmeter and Ammeter using PIC MicrocontrollerVoltmeter and Ammeter can be easily made using PIC Microcontroller having ADC (Analog to Digital Converter). I am using PIC16F877A and the result is displayed on an LCD Display. PIC16F877A is enough if you do this project only for testing purposes. I suggest to use…... Listed under: Metering - Instrument Projects
Writing Your First Program with PIC Microcontroller and Setting up Configuration BitsThis is the second tutorial of our PIC Tutorial Series. In our previous tutorial Getting started with PIC Microcontroller: Introduction to PIC and MPLABX, we learnt the basic stuff about our PIC microcontroller, we also installed the required software and purchased a new PicKit 3…... Listed under: LED Projects
LED Blinking with PIC MicrocontrollerIn our previous two tutorials we discussed How to Get Started with PIC using MPLABX and XC8 compiler, we have also made our First LED Blinking Program with PIC and verified it by simulation. Now it's time for us to get our hands on to…... Listed under: LED Projects
LED Blinking Sequence using PIC MicrocontrollerIn our previous tutorial, we learnt about Blinking a LED using PIC microcontroller and built the same circuit on Perf board. Then we used PICkit 3, ICSP and MPLAB IPE for dumping the program onto our Perf board. Now, in this tutorial we will advance…... Listed under: LED Projects
Understanding Timers in PIC Microcontroller with LED Blinking SequenceThis will be the fifth tutorial in our PIC Tutorial Series, which will help you to learn and use Timers in PIC16F877A. In our previous tutorials, we had started with Introduction to PIC and MPLABX IDE, then we wrote our first PIC program to blink…... Listed under: Clock and Timer Projects
LCD Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller using MPLABX and XC8This is our sixth tutorial in ourΒ PIC Tutorial Series, in this tutorial we learn Interfacing of 16x2 LCD with PIC Microcontroller. In our previous tutorials we have learnt the basics of PIC using some LED blinking Programs and have also learnt How to use Timers…... Listed under: LCD Projects
Display Custom Characters on 16×2 LCD using PIC Microcontroller and XC8In our previous tutorial, we have learnt How to Interface a 16*2 LCD with PIC Microcontroller. We recommend you to go through it before going any further, if you are beginner in PIC microcontroller. Previously we have also learnt the basics of PIC usingΒ LED blinking…... Listed under: LCD Projects
7 Segment Display Interfacing with PIC MicrocontrollerThis is our 8th tutorial of Learning PIC microcontrollers using MPLAB and XC8. We have come up all the way from installing MPLABX to using a LCD with PIC MCU. If you are new here, then look at previous tutorials where you can learn timers,…... Listed under: LCD Projects
Using ADC Module of PIC Microcontroller with MPLAB and XC8This is our 9th tutorial ofΒ Learning PIC microcontrollers using MPLAB and XC8. Till now, we have covered many basic tutorial like getting started with MPLABX, LED blinking with PIC, Timers in PIC, interfacing LCD, interfacing 7-segment etc. If you are an absolute beginner, then please…... Listed under: LED Projects
Generating PWM using PIC Microcontroller with MPLAB and XC8This is our 10th tutorial ofΒ Learning PIC microcontrollers using MPLAB and XC8. Till now, we have covered many basic tutorials likeΒ Β LED blinking with PIC,Β Timers in PIC,Β interfacing LCD,Β interfacing 7-segment, ADC using PICΒ etc. If you are an absolute beginner, then please visit the complete list ofΒ PIC tutorials…... Listed under: PWM Projects
Interfacing Servo Motor with PIC Microcontroller using MPLAB and XC8This is our 11th tutorial of Learning PIC microcontrollers using MPLAB and XC8. In this tutorial we will learn How to control Servo Motor with PIC Microcontroller. If you have already worked with Servo motors you can skip the first half of this tutorial but…... Listed under: Motor Projects
UART Communication using PIC MicrocontrollerIn this tutorial we learn to Enable UART communication with PIC Microcontroller and how to transfer data to and from your Computer. So far, we have covered all basic modules like ADC, Timers, PWM and also have learnt how to interface LCDs and 7-Segment displays.Β …... Listed under: Other Projects
Interfacing Bluetooth Module HC-06 with PIC MicrocontrollerIn this tutorial we will learn How to make out PIC projects wireless by interfacing a Bluetooth Module (HC-06). In our previous tutorial we have already learnt How to use USART module in our PIC Microcontroller and established communication between PIC and Computer. If you…... Listed under: Other Projects
pic-microcontrollerHome Alarm System PIC16F84A Alarm Clock Analog data recording and playback unit Animated LED Signboard Capacitance measurement Capaciter meter Christmas Light Flasher Microcontroller PIC16F877A is one of the PICMicro Family microcontroller which is popular at this moment, start from beginner until all professionals. Because very…... Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects
Extend PIC Microcontrollerβs RAM by without using EMIIntroduction Virtually all PIC microcontrollers have some banking mechanism to extend addressing to additional memory space. But this external data memory is not directly addressable (except in some high versions of PIC18 devices, which include PIC18F8520, PIC18F6620, etc.). In this post we describe easy to…... Listed under: Memory - Storage Projects
SMS Based Device Control using GSM ModemIt has been a while since we published electronic engineering projects here due to the busy schedule we had in the past weeks, and this time weβre up with another interesting project. Before going through the details of this one, you may as well check…... Listed under: Home Automation Projects
0-5V LCD volt meter using PIC16F877AThis PIC LCD volt meter project uses a PIC micro and an HD44870 LCD display. The analogue input is taken directly to the analogue input pin of the microcontroller without any other processing. So the input range is from 0V to 5V - the maximum…... Listed under: LCD Projects, Metering - Instrument Projects, Projects
Simple Digital GPS Speedometer Using PIC16F877A with LCD DisplaySpeedometer is a speed measuring gauge used to calculate the speed of motor vehicles. They are mainly of two types- electronics and mechanical. Digital speedometer measures the speed and mileage in vehicles. Normally both types work on the principle of electromagnetism, however they have a…... Listed under: LCD Projects, Metering - Instrument Projects
Servo Motor Control using Microcontroller PIC16F877AServo motors are widely used in robotics and industries for motion control. They can be controlled by PWM signals where the required angle of rotation can be located by a particular PWM signal. So In this article weβll see in detail on PWM servo control…... Listed under: Motor Projects
Build yourself flashing message on PIC16F877A with assemblerGuys, in this step by step instruction, I wanna share my private experiment with PIC16F877A and assembly language, I call it Build yourself flashing message on PIC16F877A with assembler Let's prepare the parts Step 1: The parts needed for this experiment 1. PIC 16F877A chip…... Listed under: Other Projects
Displaying text on LCD by interfaced with PIC16F877 microcontroller in 4 bit modeHere I discuss on very good and simple project on displaying text on LCD by interfaced with PIC16F877 microcontroller in 4 bit mode.to start with this project you need some Knowledge on how to start project on PIC micro controller I assumed you know that…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects, LCD Projects
Quozl’s Alarm Clock using PIC16F877Old Alarm Clock Problems wake's Quozl's wife, a side-effect, needs to be armed each evening, 12-hour clock, cannot be armed more than 11.5 hours before alarm time, triggers at plus or minus ten minutes, depending on how it was dropped, battery cover needs to be…... Listed under: Projects
PIC microcontroller ATA libraryThis project started life a long time ago, with the intention to build an iPod clone, back when personal MP3 players were an expensive luxury and long before you could buy them from China on ebay for less than a light bulb. The plan for…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Frankenbear Synthamajig using PIC16F877 microcontrollerFrankenbear Synthamajig Have you ever wanted a teddy bear that looks like Frankenstein and makes sounds like "bleep bleep bloooop de de bleep.... EHHHHHHHHHH...... dadadadadadadododododod bleep bleep bloop"? Look no farther, you have found it! Now you can perform the nights away with your new…... Listed under: Game - Entertainment Projects, Projects
PIC16F877 based controllable digital clock using LCD display (Code+Proteus simulation)This PIC16F877 microcontroller tutorial answers the question, " How to implement a controllable digital clock using PIC16F877 ? " Using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this digital clock code and change it according to your needs. Using three push buttons (As shown in figure…... Listed under: Clock and Timer Projects, LCD Projects
A Word Clock using PIC16F877 microcontrollerA Word Clock ************************************************************************** Major updates - A much better enclosure for this clock has been designed, and a better controller using an AtMega controller now exists.Β check out http://www.instructables.com/id/The-Wordclock-Grew-Up/ ************************************************************************** This is a project to tell the time using words. I saw a cool…... Listed under: Clock and Timer Projects
DC motor control with Joystick and PIC16F877AThis is one project that i'm doing, now I'm going to show how to do it only for one motor, but i'm using and DEMUX to in the future use 4 motor. The project is simple, it uses the pic to control the DEMUX and…... Listed under: Motor Projects
PIC Industrial and Domestic Timer (Relay Controller)Hi Friends, I hope everyone had a rocking New year I was suppose to give you all a New year gift uploading a new project, but unfortunately it got delayed 'coz I was busy with my *personal life* One of our site member, Jeswanth kumar…... Listed under: Clock and Timer Projects
Rotary dialer PIC interface using PIC16F877Rotary dialer PIC interface I have found myself with an abundance of rotary phones. In fact, they're everywhere I look. In hopes that I may someday see less of them, I've begun taking them apart and re-using the parts for other purposes. For some reason…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects, Phone Projects, Projects
How to interpret the direction of rotation from a digital rotary switch with a PIC using PIC16F877AHow to interpret the direction of rotation from a digital rotary switch with a PIC The objective for this Instructable is to illustrate how to interface a digital (quadrature coded) rotary switch with a microcontroller. Don't worry, I'll explain what quadrature coded means for us.…... Listed under: How To - DIY - Projects, Projects
GSM based Control System by pic microcontrollerGSM based Control System by pic microcontroller implements the emerging applications of the GSM Technology. Using GSM networks, a control system has been proposed that will act as an embedded system which can monitor and control appliances and other devices locally using built-in input and…... Listed under: Internet - Ethernet - LAN Projects
Interfacing 7 segment display with pic16f877 microcontrollerThis post will describe that how easily we can do Interfacing 7 segment display with pic16f877 microcontroller. 7 segment display is a basically array of 7 leds with some proper arrangement. From this fig it can be seen that 7 leds arranged with an array…... Listed under: LED Projects
PIC16F877 ISA Ethernet Web Server ProjectThe PIC16F877 microcontroller, prepared with activated an old ISA ethernet (3com eherl Link) Used guess PIC internet connection with an application Iβm not sure circuit aim could not understand the pic programming dealing with people who can solve resource asebbely asm PCBs (eagle) control program…... Listed under: Internet - Ethernet - LAN Projects
Keypad scanning and interfacing with PIC16f877 microcontrollerHere I give you very important and simple project on Keypad / keyboard scanning and interfacing with PIC16f877microcontroller . To start big project you need to know small andΒ necessary one first. So we start form basic . In my previous post I write on Scrolling…... Listed under: Security - Safety Projects
Project on making calculator using PIC16F877 and Mikcro C ProHere I give you tutorial of Project on making calculator using PIC16F877 and Mikcro C Pro. After go through this project and learn the technique you can implement in your project. In my previous post I show you how to interface keypad 4 x 4Β matrixβsΒ …... Listed under: Calculator Projects
Object Detecting Android Mobile Phone Controlled Bluetooth Robot Using PIC Microcontroller 16F877ALast time we had a project on Arduino robots with Bluetooth and Android, andΒ in that one our readers Mr. Paul asked how he can make an obstacle avoidance robot. So today I came up with another engineering project for electronics and communication students, Android and…... Listed under: Bluetooth Projects, Robotics - Automation Projects
A Cheap Ultrasonic Range FinderHOW DOES IT WORKΒ & CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC Everybody knows the speed of the sound in the dry air is around 340 m/s. Send a short ultrasonic pulse at 40 Khz in the air, and try to listen to the echo. Of course you won't hear anything,…... Listed under: LCD Projects
Car Anti theft System Project using Microcontroller PIC16f73For a while we have been sharing many electronic projects for engineering students and then we found out there was a huge demand for embedded projects, especially PIC microcontroller based projects. After a short break, here is another outstanding one that is not only suitable…... Listed under: Car Projects
PIC16F877 LCD code and Proteus simulationThis PIC16F877 microcontroller tutorial provides very detailed and comprehensive LCD[1]Β code. Using PIC16 simulator (Proteus) you can verify this LCD code and change it according to your needs.Β This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from…... Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects
PIC microcontroller development board using pic microcontrollerDevelopment board backplane Plug-in part by wave soldering process , the board also neat reverse . The curved surface of the pad foot , guaranteed not to scratch your desktop. The system uses a fully independent module design , DIY leave enough space to the…... Listed under: Development Board - Kits Projects
Connect ADC with PIC16F877ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) module is available with a number of PIC MCU modules. ADC is an electronic circuit that converts continuous signals to discrete digital numbers. ADC Library provides you a comfortable work with the module. Library Routines ADC_Init ADC_Get_Sample ADC_Read ADC_Init Prototype…... Listed under: Metering - Instrument Projects
Connect ADC with PIC16F877ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) module is available with a number of PIC MCU modules. ADC is an electronic circuit that converts continuous signals to discrete digital numbers. ADC Library provides you a comfortable work with the module. Library Routines ADC_Init ADC_Get_Sample ADC_Read ADC_Init Prototype…... Listed under: Metering - Instrument Projects
Introducing PIC Microcontroller projectsPIC Microcontroller Development Tools History PIC microcontroller Development Board (Completed on 2006-10-28) The ultimate PIC Microcontroller development board. After years of programming PIC microcontroller, I have finally design my super development board to program PIC microcontroller firmware. The automatic programming mode select and the 40…... Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects
PIC16F84 Evaluation BoardIntroduction When I set, some time ago, about working with a PIC 16x84, I had immediately to face the problem to have a permanently and stably working circuit, without mounting the PIC on a prototype board every time. Searching on the net, I didn't find…... Listed under: Development Board - Kits Projects, Projects
Q-matic Circuit Application of PIC16F877 MicrocontrollerIn this article I used in banks and hospitals will give information about the Q-matic s. Iβve done a routing circuit board (main board) and consists of three separate teller. Routing PIC16F877 on board, if the teller did not use pic16f876 in each. Teller as…... Listed under: LED Projects
Building the Inchworm ICD2 PIC Programmer / Debugger using PIC16F877Building the Inchworm ICD2 PIC Programmer / Debugger This instructable is an illustrated walk through building an ICD2 clone called the Inchworm. It's a straight forward kit that lets you build an MPLAB ICD2 compatible Programmer and Debugger. There are lots of Programmers out there…... Listed under: Microcontroller Programmer Projects, Projects
Obstacle Sensing Walking Stick for Visually Impaired Persons : Block DiagramFrom the block diagram given above you can see that this project has four major parts. The Power Bank Finding a good power source for this project was a challenge, the power supply should have to be mobile, so that we cannot use power adapters.…... Listed under: Sensor - Transducer - Detector Projects
Electronic Quiz Buzzer Circuit Diagram using PIC MicrocontrollerUsually high level quiz competitions are very much time-oriented as it becomes significant to determine who has answered first. So here weβll see how to make a buzzer system that helps to decide the winners. Actually I designed this circuit of buzzer for quiz program…... Listed under: LED Projects
PIC16F877 Development Board v. 1.2The Development Board v. 1.1 connected to an LCD display. It is well visible (read further, in the description) the row of LEDs used to check the logic state of up to 8 I/O ports or external circuits' pins. Of course, if you own an…... Listed under: Development Board - Kits Projects, Projects
eDrum – Trigger MIDI Converter using PIC16F877Introduction This page is about electronic drums. Here you will find detailed information on how to build an electronic Trigger to MIDI Converter module, based on PIC Microcontroller, and how to build the triggers. This project has been developed for many years now, and it…... Listed under: Projects, Sound - Audio Projects
Interfacing VFD with PIC MicrocontrollerVacuum fluorescent display can be a good alternative to aΒ Liquid-crystal displays in some applications. They have a number of advantages over LCD like extended temperature range and excellent contrast in high brightness environment. The main disadvantage is higher power consumption making them less attractive in…... Listed under: LCD Projects
Serial communication with Pic 16f877 using UARTAbstract of that project: Using UART port we can establish serial communication between any devices. Here in my project Serial communication with Pic 16f877 using UART I will show you how easily we establish communication between two devices. In my project we know the pin…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB - RS232 - I2c -ISP) Projects
Serial LCD project using PIC16F877A MicrocontrollerThis project shows you how to create a serial LCD module that you can drive from anyΒ serial RS232 interface. It uses a pure ASCII command set so you can control it easily from a terminal program such as Hyperterminal. There Β are no 'odd' command sequences…... Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects
Green house intelligent control systemIn this post we will discuss about Green house intelligent control system: With the peopleβs living standards increasing, modern, a large number of agricultural production, such as vegetable using greenhouse to cultivate. The temperature and humidity monitoring are two key factors which used to control…... Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects
Digital Thermometer using pic microcontroller and MCP9700In this article you will learn, Digital Thermometer using pic microcontroller and MCP9700: [caption id="attachment_22217" align="alignnone" width="300"] Digital Thermometer using LM35 and PIC microcontroller[/caption] In this tutorial, we are making a Digital Thermometer using PIC microcontroller and LM35Β Temperature Sensor. In this project, we will sense…... Listed under: LCD Projects
PIC MICROCONTROLLER PROJECTS AND LCD CIRCUITSHere is 0 to 99 minutes relay timer using PIC16F628 microcontroller and 16 character LCD display. The microcontroller is PIC16F628A running at 4.0 MHz clock using an external crystal. An HD44780 based 16Γ2 character LCD is the main display unit of the project where…... Listed under: LCD Projects
Microchip PIC16F877 MicrocontrolleTable of Contents Introduction 1.1Β What is a Microcontroller? 1.2Β Why are Microcontrollers used? 2Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Getting started 2.1Β Parts list and vendors 2.2Β Connecting the equipment 3Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PIC16fF877 Microcontroller 3.1Β Flash PIC development board 3.2Β CCS PIC-C compiler 3.3Β In Circuit Debugger/Programmer (ICD-S) 3.4Β Embedded…... Listed under: LED Projects
Arduino controlled light dimmerWARNING: Some people try to build this with an optocoupler with zerocrossing coz 'that is better' right? Some are even told in electronics shops it is better to use such an optocoupler. WRONG. This will only work with a random fire optocoupler: NOT igniting at…... Listed under: LED Projects
How to display custom characters on LCD using PIC16F877This post explains the idea of creating custom characters on any LCD ( e-g on 16x2 LCD ) which has HD44780U controller in it. Almost all 16x2 or 20x2 LCDs have HD44780U controller in them[1]. This controller provides the functionality of CGRAM ( Character Generator…... Listed under: LCD Projects, Projects
Wireless Home Appliance Controller ProjectIn this post we discuss about Microcontroller based Wireless Home Appliance Controller Project.You can Control Any Home Appliance Like Tv ,Radio Fan,Bulbs Using This Project. Mainly we use Mikro C Programming Language in this Project and ISIS Proteus Software use for testing Purposes. Mikro C…... Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Wireless Projects