Computer-controlled robot circuit special program is moving according to the shapes drawn on further action can be achieved by giving the coordinates instead of drawing circuit PIC16F877 microcontroller used robot communication between computers viaβ¦Β Electronics Projects,Β Computer Controlled Robot Project PIC16F877Β βmicrochip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f877 projects,Β β
Computer-controlled robot circuit special program is moving according to the shapes drawn on further action can be achieved by giving the coordinates instead of drawing circuitΒ PIC16F877Β microcontroller used robot communication between computers via RS232 serial port is provided. L298 as motor driver PIC16F877 software used for the project prepared by micro-pascal computer program source code file and ares proteus isis files there ..
Source:Β COMPUTER CONTROLLED ROBOT PROJECT PIC16F877alternativeΒ computer-controlled-robot-project-pic16f877.rar