Oscilloscope circuit project pic16f877-20 (20 MHz) microcontroller based on X 1, x 10 entries MAX492 Rail-to-Rail Op Amp input via grilimi 5v indicator as 128 × 64 glcd (PG12864) graphic lcd. Oscilloscope circuit power… Electronics Projects, Oscilloscope Circuit with MAX492 PIC16F877 Graphic LCD “microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f877 projects, “
Oscilloscope circuit project pic16f877-20 (20, MHz) microcontroller based on X 1, x 10 entries MAX492 Rail-to-Rail Op Amp input via grilimi 5v indicator as 128 × 64 glcd (PG12864) graphic lcd. Oscilloscope circuit power supply 9v dc
The application schema, the circuit source assemly asm, hex codes for detailed description.
Source: OSCILLOSCOPE CIRCUIT WITH MAX492 Alternative link: oscilloscope-circuit-with-max492-pic16f877-graphic-lcd.RAR