Medical electronics, medical electronics interesting for people who are interested in a different application circuits during specified hours of the patient is receiving drug control if the relevant person is taking medication with mobile... Electronics Projects, PIC16F877 Cell Phone Call Drug Use Monitoring System”microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f877 projects, “
Medical electronics, medical electronics interesting for people who are interested in a different application circuits during specified hours of the patient is receiving drug control if the relevant person is taking medication with mobile phone is looking for an ideal system for patient monitoring
PIC16F877 microcontroller used in a drug monitoring system software with C language prepared source C code, circuit diagrams, detailed construction and use of PCBs in the upper image information there.
Exhibitor: Desmond Chua Supervisor: Richard Cocks – Medication non-compliance, the failure to take drugs on time in the dosages prescribed, is as dangerous and costly as many illnesses. Studies have shown than non-compliance causes 125,000 deaths annually in the United States, leads to 10 to 25 percent of hospital and nursing home admissions, and is becoming an international epidemic. It is, in the words of The New York Times the world’s “other drug problem”.
This thesis is to investigate situations where self-medication is the only acceptable choice yet the risk of error is significant. It will discuss about possible solutions to improve medication non-compliance. If medication non-compliance occurs, medication personnel/family members will be informed.
This thesis discusses about the development of Electronic Pill Minder – EPM. It is a product, which will hold the medications, and inform user the time of medications. If missing medication occurs, it will inform medical personnel or family members through the usage of GSM network.
Source: PIC16F877 CELL PHONE CALL DRUG USE MONITORING SYSTEM alternative link: pic16f877-cell-phone-call-drug-use-monitoring-system.RAR