Pic Projects

important Notes: Microcontroller PIC Projects are categorized on the basis of microcontroller applications. Microchip pic microcontrollers belongs to modern family of MCUs and is being used widely in our daily life seem-less manners, e.g. in our multimedia devices, tele-phones, microwave ovens, medical and health based equipments e.g. blood-pressure meter, UPS, Power supplies, burglar alarms & detectors and other security and safety equipment, etc. There are hundreds ofprojects in this site Β Click on the category title link to view more projects of that specific category.

Battery Based Projects

    Introduction This circuit is a battery characterizer that applies a fixed load to a charged NiCad or NiMH cell and measures milliamp-hour capacity as it discharges. There is no single…
  2. PIC 12F675 Programmable 12V Battery Monitor
    Being an active outdoor guy, I have a few different types of 12V lights and a variety of battery types. - For flying RC planes and quadcopters at night, we…
  3. Automotive Voltage Monitor using PIC12F683
    Description Recently I got a new motorbike and on my second trip out, with only 50 miles on the clock the rectifier/regulator unit failed.Β  The battery on a bike is…
  4. Tiny AVR Microcontroller Runs on a Fruit Battery
    Some of the fruit and vegetables we eat can be used to make electricity. The electrolytes in many fruit and vegetables, together with electrodes made of various metals can be…
  5. Automatic Charger Sharing for Motorcycle Battery Charger using PIC16F628A
    Description This project came about because I have three motorbikes and being a bit of a fair weather biker they don't get used much over the winter months.Β  I have…

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Calculator Based Projects

  1. PIC12F675 based simple calculator ( Code + Proteus simulation )
    This post provides a simple calculator project implementation for PIC12F675 microcontroller. This is a simple one digit[1]Β calculator which implements only 4 functions addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(x) and division(/).Β The code for PIC12F675…
  2. PIC16F84A based simple calculator (Code+Proteus simulation)
    This post provides a simple calculator implementation for PIC16F84AΒ microcontroller. This is a simple one digit[1]Β calculator which implements only 4 functions addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(x) and division(/).Β The code for PIC16F84AΒ is written in…
  3. PIC16f877 based simple calculator project
    This PIC microcontroller tutorial provides a simple calculator implementation for PIC16F877 microcontroller. This is a simple one digit[1]Β calculator which implements only 4 functions addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(x) and division(/).Β The code for…
  4. VFD Display for the TI83+ Calculator
    This project builds upon the PIC/TI83+ interface developed by ThomasHenry (see Nuts & Volts August 2013 – A Mathematics Engine for Microcontrollers). Acknowledgment, appreciation, and kudos to him for writing…
    8051 Calculator Circuit Operation As seen at half one has to use the keypad and an LCD with 8051. The keypad consists of rows and columns. When the button is…

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Car Projects

  1. Automotive Voltage Monitor using PIC12F683
    Description Recently I got a new motorbike and on my second trip out, with only 50 miles on the clock the rectifier/regulator unit failed.Β  The battery on a bike is…
  2. ParkBot: The Autonomous Parallel Parking Car
    Abstract Parallel parking is often the most difficult part of ordinary drivers, and one of the most feared tasks for some. Big cities specifically require great amount of parking skills…
  3. OBD-II ELM327 compatible AllPro adapter using PIC18F2455
    Overview This adapter allows you to interface with your car's OBD-II bus. It provides you a USB interface using the ELM327 command set and supports all major OBD-II standards: SAE…
    software CCS used N channel FETs with a 60 amp motor drive circuit and used for different applications control circuit PIC16F877 24c08 eeprom and ICL7660 used CCS EEPROM communication with…
    In the car Frost Alarm (warning sound) , outdoor lamp, alarm, temperature, battery voltage, date, overcharging of information, such as a pic16f873 microcontroller which allows it to be displayed on…

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Clock – Timer Projects

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CNC Machines Projects

  1. Converting a Proxxon MF70 Milling Machine To CNC – 2 using PIC18F4620
    My layout is shown below. It may not be as intuitive or informative as the layout on a PC display, but contains everything I have found necessary for control of…
  2. CNC Controller Motion Schematics (Rev. D) using pic microcontrollers
    Table of Contents Introduction Power Supply I/O Microcontroller RS422 and Limit Switches X, Y, Z, and Z Axes Selenoid and Motor Control Printed Circuit Board Issues Introduction The parts list…
    CNC Project on via a computer paralelport lpt with the various engine controls allows you to make a circuit on the circuit input and output sections terminals is done via…
    CNC Project of the information provided on PCB drilling machine, CNC benefits do not, is bound to be thanks to those who contributed Maximus – CNC PCB Drilling Machine This…
    CNC control circuit PIC16F877 microcontroller used in the project’s RS232 PC connection to all floors described separately (English) source: Assembly shared MPLAB IDE software. HIGH PRECISION CNC MOTION CONTROL This…

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Development Board – Kits Projects

  1. Ultra-Low Power: Microcontroller Standby Current to 130uA with OPEnS Power Control Board
    At the OPEnS Lab, a key focus for our projects is achieving exceptionally long battery life. This was particularly true for the OPEnSampler, a device that presented a unique challenge…
  2. An Integrated Approach to Developing Applications with Microchip PIC Microcontrollers
    1. Introduction In our daily lives, a variety of devices such as telephones, household appliances, and cars incorporate "smart" electronics, typically manifested as embedded systems. At their core, these systems…
  3. PIC Microcontroller-Based IC Tester for Efficient Integrated Circuit Verification
    1. INTRODUCTION Within the electronics industry[1], as circuit complexity undergoes a drastic increase and the demand for higher reliability rises, a significant factor contributing to overall costs is the expense…
  4. Hands-On Microcontroller Projects: BK300 Development Board Featuring PIC16F887 Chip Lab
    1. INTRODUCTION The study of microcontroller systems is experiencing a global surge across various fields within science, engineering, and technology departments of universities and polytechnics [1-2]. The utilization of microcontroller…
  5. The Digital Logic Smart Breadboard Experience
    1. Introduction 1.1 Problem and Solution In the realm of engineering prototyping, the breadboard stands as the primary choice for initial hardware testing. However, as the size of the prototyped…

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Game – Entertainment Projects

  1. TIC TAC TOE game using PIC16F628
    This project is not to introduce Tic Tac Toe. Everyone knows this game. It's to introduce two features. Bi-coloured LEDs, microcontrollers and the skill of writing an ALGORITHM. You can…
  2. DIY Muscle Sensor / EMG Circuit for a Microcontroller
    Measuring muscle activation via electric potential, referred to as electromyography (EMG) , has traditionally been used for medical research and diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders. However, with the advent of ever…
  3. EMG Signal Controlled Game
    The idea of this project is to design and implement two channels EMG signal controlled video game. The player controlls the motion of the ball to the left or to…
  4. 3-D Game on LED Cube with PIC32 Microcontroller
    Introduction: Bringing games played on 2-dimensional screens into 3-dimensional space. When games are played on flat 2-dimensional screen, it greatly limits the player's interaction with the game. It simply kills…
  5. PIC32 Gaming Console w/ Rapid-Developing Engine
    Introduction Our project design is an exquisite PIC32-based gaming console that supports NTSC video output, audio output and takes input from a NES Controller. Also we have fully developed an…

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Memory – Storage Projects

  1. Chapter 1: PIC16F887 Microcontroller – Device Overview
    The PIC16F887 is one of the latest products from Microchip. It features all the components which modern microcontrollers normally have. For its low price, wide range of application, high quality…
  2. Interfacing Internal EEPROM with PIC Microcontroller
    In this project β€œ Interfacing internal EEPROM with PIC Microcontroller ”, we will see how we can easily interface EEPROM, send data from microcontroller, store data in EEPROM and read…
  3. A Beginner’s data logger project using PIC12F683 microcontroller
    It is a very simple data logger project based on PIC12F683 microcontroller. The microcontroller reads temperature values from a temperature sensor on a regular interval basis and stores them into…
  4. Extend PIC Microcontrollerβ€˜s RAM by without using EMI
    Introduction Virtually all PIC microcontrollers have some banking mechanism to extend addressing to additional memory space. But this external data memory is not directly addressable (except in some high versions…
  5. Solar Recorder using PIC18F458 microcontroller
    The device used for measuring daily insolation has been developed. The device was built with a PIC18F458 and the 128MB Multimedia Memory Card, MMC. The solar radiation is measured by…

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Metering – Instrument Projects

  1. Digital Watt meter using PIC16F876
    Updated 3. Sep. 2002. If you are from Denmark ! read the Danish version !! In the good old days I had some parts but now This Wattmeter is in…
  2. LC meter using PIC16F628A Microcontroller
    I needed a good LC meter for my one of my next projects so I went and built the famous LC meter by Phil Rice. This LC meter design is…
    PIC16F84 Ammeter, ampere meter circuit pic16f84 microcontroller has been made with the current sensor is used for UGN3503 hall effect sensor output op amp with integrated lm358 strengthened pic16f84 RB0…
    Tachometer circuit 12v dc supply voltage LEDs used for the supply of silicon chip MC34063 LM2940 applications for the pic 16ff88 Switched likes to use power resources A gear shift…
  5. PIC 16F88 Digital Thermometer Light Meter and resistance ohm meter.
    PIC 16F88 Digital Thermometer Light Meter and resistance ohm meter. My original idea for this project was simply to try and interface the WINTEK WD-C2401P lcd panel to the pic…

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Microcontroller Programmer Projects

  1. Microcontrollers: Fundamentals and Applications
    Overview Various types of computers are tailored to specific functions. The computer inside your laptop, for instance, serves different purposes compared to the ones found in your phone or mouse.…
  2. Mastering Microcontroller Programming: From Basics to Advanced Techniques
    ABSTRACT A microcontroller, comprising a CPU, RAM, ROM, and I/O ports, is a compact computer integrated into a single circuit board. Its significance in various aspects of daily life cannot…
  3. Designing a Door Access Control System with Programmed AT89C52 Microcontroller
    Abstract: Biometric door systems present limitations as they are unsuitable for widespread use due to hygiene concerns and accessibility issues for individuals with physical disabilities. To address these challenges, a…
  4. Mastering the Basics: Programming a PIC Microcontroller
    One lesson I've gleaned from parenthood is the formidable challenge of imparting knowledge to a child. Despite their keen interest and ample time and resources at hand, if a child…
  5. Programming HID Bootloader on PIC32
    The bootloader enables program installation on the PIC32 without relying on an external programmer such as an ICD2, and it operates without the need for any drivers on the computer.…

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Motor Projects

  1. Advanced Techniques for Fault Detection, Indication, and Protection in Induction Motors
    1. INTRODUCTION The impact of microcontroller usage on our daily lives is remarkable. This versatile device is now prevalent in various control applications, utilizing a microprocessor as its central processing…
  2. Mastering the Art of Proportional-Derivative Control with Pulse-Width Modulation
    Project Goals Upon completion of this project, you will have gained the ability to: 1. Regulate the velocity and direction of DC motors using an H-bridge circuit. 2. Execute and…
  3. Stepper Motor Control using 8051 Microcontroller
    I. Summary The core concept behind the project and its circuitry involves incrementally rotating a stepper motor by a specific step angle. To accomplish this, the project will employ an…
  4. Interfacing DC Motor with 8051 Microcontroller
    When we talk about controlling the robot, the first thing comes into the mind is controlling DC motors. Interfacing DC motor to the microcontroller is very important concept in Robotic…
  5. Interfacing DC Motor with PIC Microcontroller using L293D
    DC Motor and L293D We can’t drive a DC Motor (depends) directly with a Microcontroller, as DC Motors requires high current and high voltage than a Microcontroller can handle. Microcontrollers…

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Other Projects

  1. MPLAB ICE 4: Comprehensive Review of Advanced Emulator
    Introduction Microchip Technology Inc, the worldwide maker of developed, embedded control options, along with its connectedness and security, has recently introduced MPLAB ICE 4, an in-circuit emulator. The MPLAB ICE…
  2. PIC Microcontroller: Fundamentals & Applications for Students
    Introduction Microcontrollers are the key components in the embedded systems market. A variety of embedded systems was formed and developed after the invention of the Intel 8051 in the 1980s,…
  3. Adaptive Alarm Clock: Build a Smart, User-Centric wake-Up system
    Project Overview The goal of this ambitious undergraduate project was to develop a novel alarm clock capable of analyzing a person's unique sleep patterns to gently wake them during lighter…
  4. 10BASE-T1S Ethernet: Simplified OEM Design for Auto Devices
    Introduction Cars these days are surrounded by technology. They come loaded with all sorts of electronic gadgets and sensors. This project wants to help the big car companies, called original…
  5. Microchip Introduces Low Pin Count MCU Family with I3C Support
    Microchip Introduces Low Pin Count MCU Family with I3C Support Microchip has recently unveiled the PIC18-Q20 microcontroller family and the floating the world’s first low pin count MCU line for…

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PWM Projects

  1. RGB LED PWM Driver for High Power 350mA LEDs using PIC12F629
    Description This project combines a PIC and three constant current 'buck' converters to produceΒ an RGB LED controller that will operate with the the high power 350mA LEDs using PWM to…
  2. Serial Controlled RGB LED PWM Driver PIC12F629 based PWM controller for RGB LEDs
    Description If you want to build your own multiple RGB LED display that you can control from either a PC or a dedicated controller then this project will let you…
  3. [Simple] Generating Pulse Width Modulation using PIC Microcontroller – Mikro C & Proteus Simulation
    How to generate Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)Β using PIC microcontroller?Β This is going to be a continuation of our microcontroller online tutorial series. This article covers the detailed explanation and simulation of…
  4. Digital DC Power supply using PWM with PIC microcontroller
    In our lab I saw many DC power supply which have a variable knob to regulate the output. I was dreaming to make such a project where I can regulate…
  5. How To Use PIC Microcontroller For Voice Input And Output
    Microcontrollers are purely digital devices which work on logic0 and logic1 voltages; still they are widely used for analog signal processing. There are specialized signal processors chips available which are…

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Phone Projects

    I know the general rule of world that β€œreading makes man ready,writing makes man everyday but practice makes man perfect.” Only theoretical knowledge is not enough for an E.C (Electronics…
  2. Alarm Phone Dialer with MT8880 and PIC 16F84A
    Just hook this Alarm Phone Dialer up to something you would like to monitor, for example, a high water alarm, low temperature alarm, back window, garage door, etc. When the…
  3. Blimp-F-O is a remote-controlled flying machine designed with a PIC32 microprocessor.
    Introduction Flying drones have a wide range of applications and are becoming more and more popular. With that in mind, we decided to construct a balloon copter capable of fluid…
  4. Two way Simple Very Small Telephone Exchange
    This is a very small telephone exchange attached only two ordinary Tele phones. Fully bi-directional facility with an intercom system. When a phone is in off hook condition , Exchange…
  5. Cell Phone Detector
    Project Summary This is a mobile phone sniffer circuit that can detect the signals being used in the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) band at about 900 MHz. Since…

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Radio Projectscts

  1. Wireless Radio Frequency Module Using PIC Microcontroller
    It's a Microcontroller Based DIY Electronics Project. Named Wireless RF Module Using PIC Microcontroller. The RF module is a small electronic circuit used to transmit, receive, or transceive radio waves…
  2. PIC16F84 Based Morse Code Reader
    So you want to become a HAM, or you've got one of those no-code licences, but like me feel somewhat lacking,... not having obtaining that age old badge of proficiency…
  3. 1Hz – 2MHz Function Generator with XR2206 using pic microcontoller
    1Hz - 2MHz Function Generator with XR2206 Component List: XR2206 - Function Generator IC Function Generator PCB RCA Gold Plated Connector SW1 - 4-DIP Switch SW2 – (Sine / Triangle)…
  4. BA1404 HI-FI Stereo FM Transmitter 88 – 108 MHz usnig pic microcontoller
    BA1404 Stereo FM Transmitter Components: BA1404 IC 38KHz Crystal L1 - 3.5 Turns Variable Coil 1x PCB 1x 38KHz Crystal Oscillator 1x DIP-18 IC Socket 1x 3.5T Variable Precision RF…
  5. XBee radio communication between PICs using pic-microcontroller
    Overview Typically, two pics communicate by RS-232, a wired transmission. However, it may be desirable to communicate via a wireless link. This wiki page demonstrates using XBee radio modems which…

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GPS Based Projects

  1. Vehicle Theft Control System by Using GSM and GPS Systems
    At the present time, the rate of crime is increasing rapidly because it is a kind of evident from the actual fact that thefts became a matter of routine. Particularly…
  2. GPS Navigator for Runners
    The basic idea of this 4760 final project is to build a GPS navigator for runners who are new to their neighborhood. For example, if someone is new to Cornell…
  3. Sending SMS Text Message using PIC Microcontroller – Flowcode
    Β Figure 1: Controlling and Monitoring devices with a Cellphone A GSM modem is a wireless modem that works with a GSM wireless network. GSM stands for Global System for Mobile…
  4. Constellation Glasses
    INTRODUCTION: The Constellation Glasses allow you to find out what you are looking at in the night sky with the click of a button. On one side of the glasses,…
  5. My GPS LCD Display Project using PIC16F84
    This is a project that I started back late 2003 when I just starting to learn PIC programming. I wanted to building something that actually did somthing useful. This project…

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Home Automation Projects

  1. Voice Activated Power Sockets (Home Automation)
    Yet another voice controlled home automation system! As shown in the picture, the system can control any electrical appliance, by turning ON or OFF, that is connected into the electrical…
  2. Home Security System with GSM Using 8051 Microcontroller
    Security is a big challenge everywhere because thefts are increasing day by day owing to the unsafe and insecure security systems in homes, commercial complexes and industries. Several conventional technologies…
  3. Home Automation and Security System using Microcontroller ATMEGA8 with Arduino Programming
    Home automation and security systems have become very popular these days, today industrial automation techniques are widely adopted by luxurious homes and apartments. Here I’m going to give a worthy…
  4. Android App Home Automation via Bluetooth Using PIC16F628A Microcontroller
    We have been posting several latest and advancedΒ PIC microcontroller based projects and here is another wonderful wireless home automation project for Engineering/ Diploma students, Android Bluetooth Home Appliances Control System.…
  5. Design and Development of an Automated Home Control System Using Mobile Phone
    Abstract This paper presents design and development of an Automated Home Control System (AHCS) using mobile phone. A cell (mobile) phone acts as a modem for the control of electrical…

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How To – DIY – Projects

  1. Echo MP3 player using PIC18LF452
    The EchoMp3 is a small DIY* MP3 player. It's cheap and of excellent quality. 64, 128, 256, 512MB and 1, 2, 4 GB MMC and SD(HC) cards used as storage.…
  2. DIY remote control based on PIC16F628
    Control up to 8 devices by this easy constructable remote control. It can work as a radio or infrared remote control, depending on the components. Each device output can be…
  3. Pickit 2 Download & Develop Your own USB pickit ii programmer
      PICkit 2 Introduction: There are many PIC programmer available, commercial and DIY devices. As Microchip introduces the new microprocessors the programming software got to be updated accordingly playing catch-up…
  4. A DIY indoor thermometer plus hygrometer using PIC16F688
    This project is about building a microcontroller-based digital room thermometer plus hygrometer that displays temperature and relative humidity on 4 large (1 inch) seven segment LED displays which adjust their…
  5. DIY Microcontroller – Hand Dynamometer
    Did this DIY Hand Dynamometer as a sensor for PICAXE micro-controller. It also can be use for Arduino or any micro-controller too. List of the materials I used to make…

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Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

  1. Efficient Multichannel Data Acquisition with USB Connectivity using PIC Microcontroller
    1.Β Β Β Β  INTRODUCTION With the rapid advancements in embedded technology, there is a growing demand for a data acquisition system that combines fast processing speed, compact size, low cost, and real-time…
    INTRODUCTION The primary objective of this project is to execute the USB protocol and manage the reading and writing of packets of various sizes within the memory of the Peripheral…
  3. Simple mass storage for your microcontroller project
    Do you want gigabytes of storage for your microcontroller? Would you like a simple way to tranfer files from your PC to your picaxe or arduino or other micro project?…
  4. Know the Procedure of GSM Modem Interfacing with 8051
    The acronym of the GSM modem is Global System for Mobile Communications, it is a wireless communication module, used toΒ  make a computer or any processor to communicate over a…
  5. How to Interface LCD with PIC16F877A Slicker
    PIC16F/18F Slicker Board The PIC16F/18F Slicker board is specifically designed to help students to master the required skills in the area of embedded systems. The kit is designed in such…

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Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects

    Introduction This program is a network power resetter. It controls a solid-state-relay that is in series with 110VAC that supplies power to a satellite internet receiver, various routers, etc. Once…
  2. Wifi robot vehicle controlled by PIC16F628A
    Introduction Wifi Robot: A remote control car that can be driven over the internet or with a laptop wirelessly from up to 500m away. It has a live-feed network camera…
  3. Remote controlled led dice using PIC12F629 microcontroller
    Remote controlled led dice I've always wanted to build an electronic led dice, but something different from what we see on the internet. Making it motion controlled... now that's new!…
    The PIC16F877 microcontroller, prepared with activated an old ISA ethernet (3com eherl Link) Used guess PIC internet connection with an application I’m not sure πŸ™‚ circuit aim could not understand…
  5. WEBSD using PIC24F microcontroller
    WEBSD This is a development board for the PIC24F series of microchip, with: USB ( plug it to any computer) Ethernet ( plug it to the internet) SD card (…

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LCD Projects

  1. Interfacing PIC18F4520 microcontroller with an HD44780 LCD
    Introduction Being able to display data from a microcontroller visually has many advantages. It allows for menus, status indicators, and instructions to be intuitively shown to users. When paired with…
  2. Serial Data Received from PC and Displayed on 16×2 Using USART of Pic16f877 Microcontroller
    Here is a simple tutorial on how to receive serial data from PC(Personal Computer) Hyperterminal and display it on 16x2 lcd using PIC16f877 microcontroller. Its not much difficult you just…
  3. RFID Based Attendance System – Circuit, Working, Source Code
    Attendance in colleges is generally paper based which may sometimes cause errors. Taking attendance manually consumes more time. So the proposed attendance system uses RFID technology to take attendance. In…
  4. How to Interface LCD with PIC16F877A Slicker
    PIC16F/18F Slicker Board The PIC16F/18F Slicker board is specifically designed to help students to master the required skills in the area of embedded systems. The kit is designed in such…
  5. 2-Wire LCD Interface using PIC16C84
    Alphanumeric LCD displays have become very popular for microcontroller applications because they can add a lot to a project in a variety of different ways. A text message giving the…

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LED Projects

  1. An Application-Driven Microcontroller Curriculum
    Understanding how to apply microcontrollers lies at the core of modern embedded systems education. This student project takes an experiential approach to introducing microcontrollers through hands-on projects exemplifying their diverse…
  2. Build this microcontroller controlled rainbow flying disc – and then throw it!
    Hello all and welcome to this super simple and inexpensive instructable. If you like throwing frisbeesΒ AND you likeΒ flashing lightsΒ AND you like night time - then this instructable is for you!…
  3. RGB LED PWM Driver for High Power 350mA LEDs using PIC12F629
    Description This project combines a PIC and three constant current 'buck' converters to produceΒ an RGB LED controller that will operate with the the high power 350mA LEDs using PWM to…
  4. LED Scrolling Display Project Working With Circuit Diagram
    We normally use a simple static LED display screen to convey a message. Earlier, when we want to display large data, we used to change message for every few instances.…
    8051 Microcontroller based electronic lockerΒ system CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Security is a prime concern in our day-today life. Everyone wants to be as much secure as possible.The issue of security is very…

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Robotics – Automation Projects

  1. Easy Way to Learn Robotics Using Microcontrollers: A Beginner’s Guide
    The title, "Easy Way to Learn Robotics Using Microcontrollers," promises an accessible entry point for those curious about the exciting world of robotics. This commentary delves into the potential of…
  2. Innovative Robotics: A Comprehensive Project Exploration
    A DC motor functions as an electromechanical device, translating electrical signals into mechanical movements. The rotation of the motor correlates directly with the applied input pulses, with the sequence of…
  3. Exploring Versatility: GSM-Based Robotic Vehicle Technology
    Introduction To Robotics The term 'Robot' remains elusive, defying a precise definition due to its evolving usage. Initially, it referred to humanoid or human-like beings and originated from the Czech…
  4. Wireless Control of Robotic Arm via PS2 Joystick and Microcontroller Technology
    1. INTRODUCTION A robot is a machine capable of performing a multitude of tasks [1]. Specifically, a robotic arm, functioning as a robot rigger, exhibits the ability to execute various…
  5. Pitt Robotics Club’s Guide to PIC16F877A Programming
    The tutorials assume a foundational understanding of programming and electronics. If you're new to programming, it's advisable to grasp the basics of C or C++. Additionally, a basic knowledge of…

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Security – Safety Projects

  1. Home Security System with GSM Using 8051 Microcontroller
    Security is a big challenge everywhere because thefts are increasing day by day owing to the unsafe and insecure security systems in homes, commercial complexes and industries. Several conventional technologies…
  2. Hand Sign Lock
    Introduction Security using technology is a growing and expanding field to protect against the user's identity or property. As more advanced tools are developed, security has begun to expand to…
  3. IoT Security Platform
    We developed a WiFi enabled doorway security system accessible from anywhere in the world. One of the motiviations behind this project was derived from the contemporary notion that the concept…
  4. Password controlled sliding door with SMS alert by pic Microcontroller
    In today’s world implementation of any expert system with maximum data and networking security becomes a real necessity in home, academic organizations as well as in industrial communities. To provide…
    This project uses the 12F675, it was chosen because of its low cost, A/D convertor and flash memory. This security system was designed to be used in a simple installation…

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Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

  1. Prototyping with Microcontrollers, Sensors, and Materials
    Prototyping Prototyping involves the creation of an initial model of a product to conduct testing. Whether the product is intended for consumers, government entities, or businesses, it typically starts as…
  2. Interfacing Temperature Sensor with Microchip PIC16F876A
    The tutorial aims at providing the necessary information for interfacing an analog type temperature sensor with a Microchip PIC Microcontroller. PIC (Peripheral Interface Controllers) was introduced in 1985. The PIC16F876A…
  3. EnvStick USB Temperature Sensor using PIC12F683
    The EnvStick is cheap, homemade temperature sensor that plugs into a USB port. It provides a simple way to collect a room’s ambient temperature. I made it for fun. EnvStick…
  4. Interfacing LM35 Temperature Sensor with PIC Microcontroller.
    The are many cool sensors available now a days, ranging from IR distance sensor modules, accelerometers, humidity sensors, temperature sensors and many many more(gas sensors, alcohol sensor, motion sensors, touch…
  5. Digital Barometer using PIC Microcontroller and MPX4115A Pressure Sensor – XC8
    The Motorola MPX4115A is an atmospheric pressure sensor powered by 5V and delivers and output from ~0.25V to ~4.75V based on the pressure detected at room temperature (25Β°C). The device…

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Sound – Audio Projects

  1. Audio Spectrum Analyzer
    We developed an audio spectrum analyzer as our final project for ECE 4760. This analyzer presented a histogram-style representation of audio signals. We successfully achieved real-time display of the audio…
  2. Build a musical EKG with the Freescale FRDM-KL05
    Short Introduction: I have been following the Battle of the DreamBoards Championship with interest and I enjoyed the variation of functionality features put together in each of the dreamboards.Β  I…
  3. Echo MP3 player using PIC18LF452
    The EchoMp3 is a small DIY* MP3 player. It's cheap and of excellent quality. 64, 128, 256, 512MB and 1, 2, 4 GB MMC and SD(HC) cards used as storage.…
  4. Voice controlled wheelchair
    The Project aims at controlling a wheelchair for handicaps by means of human voice. The speech recognition system is a useful way of implementation and is easy to use programmable…
  5. Audio spectrum analyzer using PIC18F4550
    Introduction This project implements a real-time audio spectrum analyser using a PIC18F4550 8-bit microcontroller. The spectrum frequency analysis is performed by a highly optimised 16-bit Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) routine…

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Temperature Measurement Projects

  1. Crafting a Microcontroller-Based Temperature Monitoring System
    Abstract As technological advancements progress, processes become increasingly intricate, demanding a corresponding expansion in the parameters necessary for efficient analysis. Data acquisition, the systematic gathering of information regarding systems or…
  2. Precision Temperature Monitoring in Boiling Water with PIC Microcontroller
    ABSTRACT In the industrial setting, accurately measuring the temperature of boiled water is a crucial undertaking. This paper presents the design and implementation of a temperature measurement system for boiled…
  3. Thermistor Respiratory Monitor
    The concluding assignment in ECE 4760 involves the creation of a respiratory monitor tailored for use in resource-constrained settings. This device determines a patient's respiration rate by identifying temperature fluctuations…
  4. Basic Microcontroller Use for Measurement and Control
    Introduction Measurement and control systems play a crucial role in the field of biosystems engineering. In the digital era, these systems are pervasive and essential, serving the dual purpose of…
  5. Online Monitoring of Temperature of Conductors Using Zigbee and GSM
    Project Summary An on-line monitoring system of temperature of conductors and fittings based on GSM SMS and Zigbee is produced in this project, by which the temperature of conductors and…

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Video – Camera – Imaging Projects

  1. Infrared Camera on the PIC32
    Introduction The purpose of this project was to create thermal images displayed on the TFT screen of the PIC32 using data inputted through a thermal camera. A thermal image is…
  2. ECE 4760 Final Project: 3d lidar imaging system
    Introduction The goal of this final project was to create a lidar 3d imaging system while on a limited budget. This is a system which takes many distance readings while…
  3. Interfacing Camera with PIC Microcontroller via Matlab GUI
    For project on security systems, Interfacing Camera with PIC Microcontroller via Matlab GUIΒ is mostly desirable. But size internal ROM and RAM of PIC16F877 is very small. So it is very…
  4. 3-DOF Self-stabilizing Quadcopter Frame or: How We Learned To Stop Trying and Not Build the Drone
    Introduction We created a 3 rotational degree of freedom quadcopter frame. The result was so that when placed on the small surface area of roughly a finger tip, the quadcopter…
  5. 2-Axis Gesture-Controlled Camera Platform
    Introduction For the ECE 4760 final project, we designed and implemented a 2-axis gesture-controlled platform for DSLR cameras. The platform can actuate a camera based on the orientation of the…

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