LCD displays operate in two modes 4 bit and 8 bit mode. We all might have been familiar with 8 bit mode which is used widely in several systems. But 4 bit mode is something which many of us is not aware of. This mode has some advantages over the 8 bit mode out of which reduction of dedicated data pins is most important. This tutorial will teach you 4 bit LCD interfacing in 4 bit with your controller as well as programming it.
We all knew that LCD consists of 8 data pins D0-D7 to receive the data and commands from the Microcontroller. However when developing a complex systems dedicating a complete port i.e 8 pins might be a drawback. To overcome this the LCD controller is capable of running in dual modes 8 bit and 4 bit mode.
8 Bit mode is a normal mode which uses 8 data lines, rs and enable for lcd functioning, see programming LCD in 8 bit mode. However in 4 bit mode only 4 lines D4-D7, along with RS,RW and EN pins are used. This will save us 4 pins of our controller which we might employ it for other purpose.
In 4 Bit mode the data bytes are sliced into two four bits and are transferred in the form of a nibble. And the rest of the pin functions such as RS,RW and EN remains same. The above design illustrates the connection diagram of a 16×2 LCD with PIC microcontroller in 4 bit mode.
The first step in coding the LCD is initializing the LCD connected by giving the commands as input through the data line D4-D7 in the fom of Nibbles. For initializing the LCD following a specific reset sequence should be given and then initialized to follow the 4 bit mode.
- Place the byte in D4-D7 pins of LCD and set the EN pin to high and then make it low with time delay of 10ms between them.
- Send 28H command to use 2 lines 5×7 matrix in 4 bit mode.
- Send 0FH for making the LCD,cursor and Cursor blinking ON.
- Send 06H for incrementing cursor position.
- Finally 01 and 02 for clearing screen and returning home.
The data transmission to a LCD must be performed by means of assigning logic states to three pins RS and E. R/W pin is not needed so we can ground it as shown in the schematic diagram. The data is send to the module by following these steps.
- RS pin should be high to convey LCD a data transmission is going to take place.
- Place the Upper nibble in the lower four bits of Port 2 by means of bit shifting and mask the upper four bits.
- Pulse En pin from high to low with certain time delay for transmission to complete.
- Now place the lower nibble and mask the rest of the bits, then repeat step
For more detail: 4 Bit LCD interfacing and programming with PIC Microcontroller