Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

Breadboard Connections

Prototyping with Microcontrollers, Sensors, and Materials

Prototyping Prototyping involves the creation of an initial model of a product to conduct testing. Whether the product is intended for consumers, government entities, or businesses, it typically starts as a prototype, which may not include all the components or functionalities present in the final market-ready version. Prototypes act as proof of concept, demonstrating that […]

Prototyping with Microcontrollers, Sensors, and Materials

Interfacing LM35 Temperature Sensor with PIC Microcontroller1

Interfacing LM35 Temperature Sensor with PIC Microcontroller.

The are many cool sensors available now a days, ranging from IR distance sensor modules, accelerometers, humidity sensors, temperature sensors and many many more(gas sensors, alcohol sensor, motion sensors, touch screens). Many of these are analog in nature. That means they give a voltage output that varies directly (and linearly) with the sensed quantity. For

Interfacing LM35 Temperature Sensor with PIC Microcontroller.

Digital Barometer using PIC Microcontroller and MPX4115A Pressure Sensor XC8 schematic

Digital Barometer using PIC Microcontroller and MPX4115A Pressure Sensor – XC8

The Motorola MPX4115A is an atmospheric pressure sensor powered by 5V and delivers and output from ~0.25V to ~4.75V based on the pressure detected at room temperature (25Β°C). The device provides a linear output based on pressure. As the pressure rises, the output voltage of the sensor rises as well with ~0.25V represents <15 kPa

Digital Barometer using PIC Microcontroller and MPX4115A Pressure Sensor – XC8 Read More Β»

Ionization Smoke Detector With Programmable Calibration schematic

Ionization Smoke-Detector With Programmable Calibration

Microchip Technology unveiled the RE46C180β€”the world’s first Ionization Smoke-Detector IC with programmable calibration and programmable feature selection, and the first with horn synchronization and auto alarm locate. This Ionization Smoke-Detector ASIC also has expanded options for implementing hush operation, and more options for interconnect operationβ€”including with carbon-monoxide detectors. These features enable designers to develop and

Ionization Smoke-Detector With Programmable Calibration

Pulse Sensor

Introducing Easy Pulse: A DIY photoplethysmographic sensor for measuring heart rate

When I first built theΒ Heart rate measurement through fingertipΒ project, the infrared LED and photodiode used for finger photoplethysmography were actually from salvaged parts, and therefore, I could not provide specifications for them in the article. As a result of that it takes quite a bit of time to replicate that project with a different set

Introducing Easy Pulse: A DIY photoplethysmographic sensor for measuring heart rate Read More Β»