


8051 Microcontroller based electronic lockerΒ system CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Security is a prime concern in our day-today life. Everyone wants to be as much secure as possible.The issue of security is very paramount at home doors and safe. An access control for doors formsvital.link in a security chain. Therefore we intend to aid in security at home


Password Based Door Lock System using 8051 Microcontroller schematic

Password Based Door Lock System using 8051 Microcontroller

Traditional lock systems using mechanical lock and key mechanism are being replaced by new advanced techniques of locking system. These techniques are an integration of mechanical and electronic devices and highly intelligent. One of the prominent features of these innovative lock systems is their simplicity and high efficiency. Β Such an automatic lock system consists of

Password Based Door Lock System using 8051 Microcontroller Read More Β»

DIY Muscle Sensor EMG Circuit for a Microcontroller

DIY Muscle Sensor / EMG Circuit for a Microcontroller

Measuring muscle activation via electric potential, referred to as electromyography (EMG) , has traditionally been used for medical research and diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders. However, with the advent of ever shrinking yet more powerful microcontrollers and integrated circuits, EMG circuits and sensors have found their way into prosthetics, robotics and other control systems. Yet, EMG

DIY Muscle Sensor / EMG Circuit for a Microcontroller Read More Β»