pic microcontroller

PIC Microcontroller: Fundamentals & Applications for Students

Introduction Microcontrollers are the key components in the embedded systems market. A variety of embedded systems was formed and developed after the invention of the Intel 8051 in the 1980s, where major and continuous research was exercised in the same field to produce more effective microcontrollers at low power. Some of the microcontrollers include arm, […]

PIC Microcontroller: Fundamentals & Applications for Students

A digital thermometer or talk I2C to your atmel microcontroller

A digital thermometer or talk I2C to your atmel microcontroller using pic microcontroller

Abstract: The Atmega8 microcontroller from Atmel has plenty of digital and analog input/output lines. It is the ideal device to develop any kind of measurement equipment. In this article we see how to interconnect the microcontroller to a linux PC over a physical RS232 interface without the extra MAX232 chip. Introduction A pre-requisite for this

A digital thermometer or talk I2C to your atmel microcontroller using pic microcontroller Read More Β»

Programmable Stiffness Joint

Programmable Stiffness Joint using pic-microcontroller

Team Members Amanda Care (Senior in Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University) Eric Nickel (Graduate Student in Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University, BS in Biomedical Engineering from the Milwaukee School of Engineering) James Yeung (Junior in Electrical Engineering, Northwestern University) Overview The “Programmable Stiffness Joint” is a device which is able to internally modify the rotational stiffness of

Programmable Stiffness Joint using pic-microcontroller

Top PIC Microcontroller Projects with Embedded C Programming

Top PIC Microcontroller Projects with Embedded C Programming

Peripheral Interface controller (PIC) family is one of the most powerful advanced microcontroller which is developed by the microchip technology with Harvard architecture, i.e., it has a minimum set of instructions. The PIC microcontroller projects are programmed with the embedded C programming language. PIC devices consist of powerful featured controller with an internal RAM, EEPROM,

Top PIC Microcontroller Projects with Embedded C Programming Read More Β»

DC Motor Interfacing With PIC Microcontroller Using L293 Motor Driver IC Schematic

DC Motor Interfacing With PIC Microcontroller Using L293 Motor Driver IC

L293d is an H Bridge bidirectional motor driver IC used to interface DC motor and stepper motors to Microcontrollers. CircuitsGallery.com already discussed about the working principle of L293 IC with an example of bidirectional motor driver circuit.It is very easy to make a DC motor control using microcontroller. In this article I’m gonna show you

DC Motor Interfacing With PIC Microcontroller Using L293 Motor Driver IC Read More Β»