
HD44780 16x2 Char LCD Interfacing with microcontroller

HD44780 16×2 Char LCD Interfacing with microcontroller

Project Description:- In this project we are going to learn various things about this chip set andΒ displaying text on this LCD. The HD44780 16×2 char LCD screen Use 8bit and 4 bit parallel interface with backlight. This PrimaryΒ ObjectiveΒ in this project are:- 1. Β Displaying Β “Hello Word!! LCD ” message on the scree. 2. Β Β InterfacingΒ The LCD to […]

HD44780 16×2 Char LCD Interfacing with microcontroller

DC Motor Interfacing With PIC Microcontroller Using L293 Motor Driver IC Schematic

DC Motor Interfacing With PIC Microcontroller Using L293 Motor Driver IC

L293d is an H Bridge bidirectional motor driver IC used to interface DC motor and stepper motors to Microcontrollers. already discussed about the working principle of L293 IC with an example of bidirectional motor driver circuit.It is very easy to make a DC motor control using microcontroller. In this article I’m gonna show you

DC Motor Interfacing With PIC Microcontroller Using L293 Motor Driver IC Read More Β»

PIC16F84A LCD interfacing 4bit mode

PIC16F84A LCD interfacing code (In 4bit mode) and Proteus simulation

This post provides the LCD[1]Β interfacing codeΒ inΒ 4bit modeΒ using PIC16F84AΒ microcontroller. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the ‘Downloads‘Β section at the bottom of this page. It is assumed that you know how to make an LED blink with PIC16F84AΒ microcontroller. If you don’t then please readΒ this

PIC16F84A LCD interfacing code (In 4bit mode) and Proteus simulation Read More Β»

Interfacing PIR sensor to 8051

Interfacing PIR sensor to 8051

PIR sensors are widely used in motion detecting devices. This article is about interfacing a PIR sensor to 8051 microcontroller. A practical intruder alarm system using PIR sensor and 8051 microcontroller is also included at the end of this article. Before going in to the core of the article, let’s have a look at the

Interfacing PIR sensor to 8051

Interfacing DHT11 humidity and temperature sensor with PIC16F877A

Interfacing DHT11 humidity and temperature sensor with PIC16F877A using pic microcontoller

After interfacing the DHT11 with Arduino uno board at the following post: ARDUINO Humidity & Temperature Measurement Using DHT11 Sensor Now we are going to see how to interface this sensor with microchip pic16f877a. There are some descriptions of how this sensor workΒ  in the above link A brief description of the code: The code

Interfacing DHT11 humidity and temperature sensor with PIC16F877A using pic microcontoller Read More Β»

PIC16F84A LCD interfacing 8bit mode

PIC16F84A LCD interfacing code (In 8bit mode) + Proteus simulation

This post provides the LCD[1]Β interfacing code using PIC16F84AΒ microcontroller. This code is written in C language using MPLAB with HI-TECH C compiler. You can download this code from the ‘Downloads‘Β section at the bottom of this page. It is assumed that you know how to make an LED blink with PIC16F84AΒ microcontroller. If you don’t then please readΒ this

PIC16F84A LCD interfacing code (In 8bit mode) + Proteus simulation Read More Β»