

An Easy to build & multifunctional counter with 7-Segment Led Display using PIC16F628 microcontroller

Just one PIC to use it as counter with multiple functions. Here is the pin information:   PIN FUNCTIONS: CLEAR/COUNT – GND to clear count, VSS to count. SAVE COUNT – GND start from zero on power up, VSS continue last count. C CATHODE/C ANODE – GND to use COMMON CATHODE Display, VSS to use […]

An Easy to build & multifunctional counter with 7-Segment Led Display using PIC16F628 microcontroller Read More Β»

A simple display

A simple display that uses the POV to display messages in the air using PIC12F629 microcontroller

A simple rotating display. Just spin and enjoy. While the “Air display” is rotating, it writes the message on the air. Because the “persistence of the vision”, you will be able to read the message. Here is the circuit: Download the HEX file HEREProgram the PIC with this HEX file. (Use right-click and “Save as”)

A simple display that uses the POV to display messages in the air using PIC12F629 microcontroller Read More Β»

getting started with microcontrollers projects

How to getting started with microcontrollers projects using PIC12F629 microcontroller

Microcontrollers are, basically, a computer in a single chip. It contains memory, processor, I/O ports (I/O = Input/Output) and other periphericals. Can you believe a single chip does contain RAM, ROM, CPU, I/O Ports, timers and other gadgets? It only needs a keyboard and display to be a working computer… …I almost forgot; It also

How to getting started with microcontrollers projects using PIC12F629 microcontroller Read More Β»

Air diplay adapted schematic

A modified version of the “Air diplay” adapted to be used in a bicycle using PIC12F629 microcontroller

Anthony from CumanΓ‘, Venezuela, made his own “Persistence of vision” (POV) display, similar to my Air Display but it can be mounted on any bicycle wheels and it displays fifteen messages in Spanish. Here is the PCB with each part of the project. It uses a 12F629, works with a voltage of 3Volts This is

A modified version of the “Air diplay” adapted to be used in a bicycle using PIC12F629 microcontroller Read More Β»