In this project, we are going to use a PIC microcontroller to remotely control few AC loads by just using an IR remote. A similar project IR remote controlled Home automation has already been done with Arduino also, but here we designed it on PCB using EasyEDA’s online PCB designer and simulator, and used their PCB designing services to order the PCB boards as shown in the subsequent section of the article.
At the end of this project you will be able to toggle (ON/OFF) any AC load using an ordinary Remote from the comfort of your Chair/Bed. To make this project more interesting we have also enabled a feature to control the speed of the fan with the help of Triac. All these can be done with simple clicks on your IR remote. You can use any of your TV/DVD/MP3 remote for this project. The different IR signals from the remote are received by the microcontroller which then controls the respective relays via a relay driver circuit. These relays are used to connect and disconnect the AC Loads (Lights/Fan).
Working Explanation:
The working of this project is fairly simple to understand. When a button is pressed on the IR Remote it sends a sequence of code in form of encoded pulses using 38Khz modulating frequency. These pulses are received by the TSOP1738 sensor and then read by the Controller. The Controller then decodes the received train of the pulses into a hex value and compares it with the predefined hex values in our program.
If any match occurs then the controller performs a relative operation by triggering the respective Relay/Triac and the corresponding result is also indicated by on-board LEDs. Here in this project, we have used 4 bulbs (small bulbs) of different colors as lighting loads and another bulb (bigger bulb) is considered to be a fan for demonstration purpose.
We have selected key 1 to toggle the relay1, 2 to toggle the relay2, 3 to toggle the relay3, 4 to toggle the relay4, and Vol+ to increase fan speed and Vol- to decrease speed of the fan.
Note: Here we have used 100watt bulb instead of a fan.
The above schematic was made easy by using esayEDA schematic editor since they provide the layouts of all components used in this project. It also does not require an installation and can be used online on the go.
The pinouts and component values are clearly specified in the schematic above. You can also download the schematic file from here.
for more detail: IR Remote Controlled Home Automation using PIC Microcontroller