Tiny-PAT – USB-C power adapter tester

Con dos modos de realización de pruebas (manual y automático), este testeador de alimentación USB-C es una solución compacta, económica y stand-alone.

We are quickly entering the age of USB Type-C. This “jack of all trades” port is appearing in more and more new electronic devices.

Tiny-PAT – USB-C power adapter tester

USB Type-C helps to reduce reliance on proprietary power adapters and USB cables; you can move to a single, robust, and compact solution that works on all devices. USB-C is quickly replacing various USB-B and USB-A connectors and cables with a standard that is meant to be “future-proof.”

As more and more of our devices will be using USB-C power adapters, it is essential that developers and manufacturers have an easy way to test their USB-C power adapters during development and manufacturing.

That’s where the USBCEE Tiny-PAT comes in – it’s the world’s smallest, fastest, easiest, and lowest cost USB-C power adapter tester.

Who Needs Tiny-PAT

  • Marketing/Sales Professionals: Demonstrate power adapter quality
  • USB-C Power Adapter Developers: Make quick, easy, and repeatable tests
  • IT Technicians: Cut debugging steps and go straight to the source quickly and easily

How Tiny-PAT Compares

Traditional USB-C testing devices are expensive, cumbersome, and time-consuming to use. USBCEE aims to change that by developing the Tiny-PAT: a small, user-friendly, inexpensive, and powerful testing tool.

Testing during USB-PD power adapter design is always a challenge. Today, testing requires an Ellisys / LeCroy / MQP / GRL test box to perform very simple voltage transition tests, and just the setup alone is time-consuming.

Additionally, these test tools are very expensive. Do you share your current testing devices with a number of other colleagues? It is a huge waste of time, effort, and money when you are constantly waiting for your turn to use the testing equipment.

Tiny-Pat Ellisys / Lecroy/ GRL/ MQP
Cost $40 USD > $10000 USD
Set up and test time < 10 seconds > 2 minutes
Additional software or PC needed No Yes
Size 35 x 20 x 2 mm > 100 x 100 x 20 mm
Manual mode support Yes No
Suitable for a Manufacturer Test Kit Yes No

Features & Specifications

  • Dimensions: 35 x 20 mm
  • Max Voltage: 24 V
  • Max Current: 5 A
  • Max Power: 100 W
  • Supported USB Spec Version: PD 2.0 / PD 3.0*
  • Power Consumption: ~10 mA (may vary based on voltage)

* Note: PD 3.0 is backward compatible with the PD 2.0 spec

USBCEE Tiny-PAT Operation

System Setup

Power on the power adapter (PA) to be tested, and connect it to USBCEE Tiny-PAT using a Type-C cable.

Read more: Tiny-PAT – USB-C power adapter tester

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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