The Broadcom® AFBR-S4N33C013 is a single-silicon photo-multiplier (SiPM) used for ultra-sensitive precision measurement of single photons.
The active area is 3.0 mm × 3.0 mm. A high packing density of single chips is achieved using through-silicon-via (TSV) technology and a chip-sized package (CSP). Larger areas can be covered by tiling multiple AFBR-S4N33C013 CSPs almost without any edge losses. The protective layer is made by a glass that is highly transparent down to UV wavelengths, resulting in a broad response in the visible light spectrum with high sensitivity towards blue- and near-UV region of the light spectrum.
The AFBR-S4N33C013 SiPM is best suited for the detection of low-level pulsed light sources, especially for the detection of Cherenkov or scintillation light from the most common organic (plastic) and inorganic scintillator materials (for example, LSO, LYSO, BGO, NaI, CsI, BaF, or LaBr). This product is lead-free and compliant with RoHS.
- High PDE of more than 54% at 420 nm
- Chip-sized package (CSP)
- Excellent SPTR and CRT
- Excellent uniformity of breakdown voltage, 180 mV (3 sigma)
- Excellent uniformity of gain
- Size 3.14 mm × 3.14 mm
- With TSV technology (4-side tileable), with high fill factors
- Cell pitch: 30 μm2
- Highly transparent glass protection layer
- Operating temperature range: -40°C to +85°C
- RoHS and REACH compliant