WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROL for Raymarine ST4000 Autopilot using PIC16F628

I had designed a remote unit for my ST4000+ autopilot. It did prove out the concept and I used it a lot, but it sported an unsightly coil cord (and of course unsightly coil cords have no place on boats) so I decided to build a wireless remote. The system (handheld Tx unit and stationary Rx unit) is based on a pair of microcontrollers and a pair of 433MHz radios.


The keypad/transmitter is on the left. It consists of a PIC16F628 microcontroller, Parallax 433MHz transmitter module ( and antenna, and membrane keypad built into the plastic box. It’s powered by a 9V battery. Power saving firmward allows it to run continuously for several months…there is no power switch. The receiver is on the right (above.) It consists of a Parallax 433MHz receiver module and antenna, PIC16F628 microcontroller, and Seatalk interface components. Schematic and firmware details are below.





This program is a remote control transmitter that sends a RxCx
number in an eight-byte message sentence with checksum.

Message protocol to the wireless receiver
* Each 9600 baud message contains a command and checksum:
   0xff    // wake up the transmitter and receiver
   0xff    // wake up the transmitter and receiver
   0xff    // wake up the transmitter and receiver
   'J'     // character
   'S'     // character
   'F'     // character
   cMsgCode   // which key was pressed
   'J' + 'S' + 'F' + cMsgCode   // equals checksum

      R4 ----6-| B0    A0 |-17-- out to Parallax 433MHz transmitter
      R3 ----7-| B1    A1 |-18-- out to LED
      R2 ----8-| B2       |
      R1 ----9-| B3       |
      C3 ---13-| B7       |
      C2 ---12-| B6       |
      C1 ---11-| B5       |
               |          |
 10MHz XTAL-15-|  16F628  |
       XTAL-16-|          |

            C1      C2      C3
    R1  |      (cable here)      |
        |                        |
    R2  |                        |
        |                        |
    R3  |                        |
        |                        |
    R4  |                        |


For more detail: WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROL for Raymarine ST4000 Autopilot using PIC16F628

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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