This page is dedicated to everybody needs to program a PIC (Microchip) device via USB port. Looking on the web for ready-to-use projects, I found a good one called Open Programmer, coming with several schematics, PCBs and Open Source code. The original link is
What concerned me was the need to mount, on the mainboard, a specific socket board depending on the model of PIC being programmed. Moreover, the proposed layout did not meet my personal “compact look” ideas. So, I propose here a small layout version of that circuit, adopting a single smart on-board ZIF socket. This version sacrifices many non-PIC microcontroller models. I will thank everybody proposing a larger range implementation, suitable to program Atmel and other devices. Anyway, if your goal is to program PIC devices, you are on the good site.
A small box, a USB connector, a ZIF socket, two leds. That’all in my compact proposal.
The details are available on the original project mentionned above. Hereafter, I shown my Compact version, with a schematic, PCB layout and instruction for assemby and inserting it in a very common little plastic box. At the bottom of this page, I supply a copy of the program to load on the PIC18F2550 used to manage the programming functions, as well as a copy of the PC side program. I tested the program up to Win-8 without problems. Take into account that, on the original site, a newer version of both Firmware and Software is available.
Build first the main module using low profile components being under 10 mm of height from the PCB surface, since a second board will be mounted over that one. Mount 4 ten millimeters height columns to allow the final assembly of the second board. Use low profiles parts to fix the columns, otherwise some manual metals removal can be needed to reduce the occupation on the copper side.
For more detail: USB PIC Programmer