
Building your own Simple Laser Projector using the Microchip PIC12F683 Microcontroller

Building your own Simple Laser Projector using the Microchip PIC12F683 Microcontroller

The 8 pins PIC12F683 microcontroller is one of the smallest members of the Microchip 8-bit microcontroller families but equipped with powerful peripherals such as ADC and PWM capabilities. This make this tiny microcontroller is suitable for controlling the DC motor speed. In order to demonstrate the PIC12F683 capabilities and to make this tutorial more attractive,

Building your own Simple Laser Projector using the Microchip PIC12F683 Microcontroller Read More Β»

Making a simple clap switch

Making a simple clap switch

A clap switch is a fun project for beginners. It switches on and off electrical appliances with a sound of clapping hands. Today we will discuss about making a simple clap switch that operates when it detects two clapping sounds in a row. It uses an electret microphone as a transducer for converting a clapping

Making a simple clap switch