One PIC Microcontroller Platform Development Board

One PIC Microcontroller Platform Development Board


Develop firmware using Microchip’s 8/16/32-bit PIC® Microcontrollers all on one board!

Each device comes preprogrammed with firmware to operate the LCD, LED and capacitive touch pads. In addition to three PIC® Microcontrollers, this board also has a dedicated Real-Time Calendar Clock circuit and is able to run from a single AAA Ultimate Lithium battery.
One PIC Microcontroller Platform Development Board


PIC Microcontrollers




Capacitive Touch Pads

Segmented LCD

Colored LEDs

Single Cell Battery Supply


Real-Time Calendar Clock

1 MCP79410-I/S

PICkit™ 3 Connector

PICtail™ Board Connector

System Requirements:


  • MPLABX  V1.00
  • .NET Framework v2.0 or later (required for 8bit IR Demo GUI)
  • MCP2200 & SimpleIO-M.dll (required for 8bit IR Demo GUI)


  • MCP2200  (Downloaded)
  • ZENA Wireless Adapter (Provided)

Compilers ( use latest available versions):

  • PIC16 HI-TECH: (developed with v9.83)
  • PIC24 C30: (developed with v3.31)
  • PIC32 C32: (developed with v2.01)


This demo board is populated with 8bit, 16bit, and 32bit PIC microcontrollers. Refer to the schematic of the board for more details.

8 bit MCU : PIC16LF1939

16 bit MCU: PIC24FJ256GA106

32 bit MCU: PIC32MX795F512LOne PIC Microcontroller Platform Development Board schematic

OnePIC Demo Board

The demo code consists of:

  1. A “base” code which demonstrates the
    1. LCD
    2. LEDS
    3. mTouch
    4. Potentiometer
    5. Switch
  2. Three Wireless Demonstrations, one for each PIC
    1. 8bit – Infrared
    2. 16bit – RF4CE (Radio Frequency for Consumer Electronics)
    3. 32bit – WiFi

The following document is intended as a walk-through guide to using the provided software.  Items will be presented in the order they might be presented during a demonstration of the OnePIC board.



For more detail: One PIC Microcontroller Platform Development Board

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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