multifunction RGB LED controller using low cost PIC12F675 microcontroller.
1, 4+1 mode operation a single potentiometer and single button switch used for multiple operation
2, EEPROM Memory option for mode selection :- the last mode will be saved .
3, mode1 automatic hue saturation RGB LED light color pattern – potentiometer used for the vary the color variation speed.
4, mode2 Manually select a color from hue saturation color chart using pot.
5, mode3 Temperature Indicator blue color represent low temperature and red color for highest temperature
6, mode4 White light potentiometer used for vary light brightness
7, mode5 OFF potentiometer operation is disabled
Step 1: Circuit diagram
Step 2: Components list
components list
1, PIC12F675 and 8 pin base
2, BD139 – 3
3,1uf capacitor
4, 330E – 3
5, 470E 1a
For more detail: Multifunction RGB LED controller using PIC12F675