NETWORK EQUIPMENT RESETTER using PIC16F628Introduction This program is a network power resetter. It controls a solid-state-relay that is in series with 110VAC that supplies power to a satellite internet receiver, various routers, etc. Once…
Wifi robot vehicle controlled by PIC16F628AIntroduction Wifi Robot: A remote control car that can be driven over the internet or with a laptop wirelessly from up to 500m away. It has a live-feed network camera…
Remote controlled led dice using PIC12F629 microcontrollerRemote controlled led dice I've always wanted to build an electronic led dice, but something different from what we see on the internet. Making it motion controlled... now that's new!…
PIC16F877 ISA ETHERNET WEB SERVER PROJECTThe PIC16F877 microcontroller, prepared with activated an old ISA ethernet (3com eherl Link) Used guess PIC internet connection with an application I’m not sure 🙂 circuit aim could not understand…
WEBSD using PIC24F microcontrollerWEBSD This is a development board for the PIC24F series of microchip, with: USB ( plug it to any computer) Ethernet ( plug it to the internet) SD card (…