Interfacing PIC18F4520 microcontroller with an HD44780 LCDIntroduction Being able to display data from a microcontroller visually has many advantages. It allows for menus, status indicators, and instructions to be intuitively shown to users. When paired with…
Serial Data Received from PC and Displayed on 16×2 Using USART of Pic16f877 MicrocontrollerHere is a simple tutorial on how to receive serial data from PC(Personal Computer) Hyperterminal and display it on 16x2 lcd using PIC16f877 microcontroller. Its not much difficult you just…
RFID Based Attendance System β Circuit, Working, Source CodeAttendance in colleges is generally paper based which may sometimes cause errors. Taking attendance manually consumes more time. So the proposed attendance system uses RFID technology to take attendance. In…
How to Interface LCD with PIC16F877A SlickerPIC16F/18F Slicker Board The PIC16F/18F Slicker board is specifically designed to help students to master the required skills in the area of embedded systems. The kit is designed in such…
2-Wire LCD Interface using PIC16C84Alphanumeric LCD displays have become very popular for microcontroller applications because they can add a lot to a project in a variety of different ways. A text message giving the…