RTP5000 Real-Time Peak Power Sensors provide high video bandwidth, fast rise-times, and unique Real-Time Power ProcessingTM to deliver 100,000 RF measurements per second, with no gaps in signal acquisition, and zero measurement latency.


Saelig Company, Inc. has introduced theΒ Boonton RTP5000 Series Real-Time Peak Power Sensors, offering industry-leading performance with wide video bandwidth, fast rise times, fine time resolution, narrow minimum pulse widths, high pulse repetition rates, and superior measurement reading rates.Β  These USB-connected RF power sensors incorporate Boonton’s unique Real-Time Power Processingβ„’ technology, which delivers measurements with no gaps in signal acquisition and zero measurement latency.Β Β  RTP5000 Peak Power Sensors provide fast, accurate, and reliable RF power sensing, with automatic pulse measurements.

The RTP5000 series features 100ps time base resolution with an acquisition rate up to 100MSa/s, providing 50 points per division with a time base range as low as 5ns/div, gathering useful waveform information often missed by other power analyzers. Pulse widths as narrow as 10ns can be captured and characterized with outstanding trigger stability (< 100psRMS jitter).

Real-Time Power ProcessingTM (RTPP) technology is a unique parallel processing methodology that rapidly performs the multi-step process of RF power measurements.Β  Competing conventional power meters and USB sensors perform measurement steps serially, resulting in long re-arm times and missed data. RTP5000 sensors can capture, display, and measure every pulse, glitch and detail with no gaps in data and zero latency. Β A Measurement Buffer Mode works in conjunction with Real Time Processing to allow users to collect and analyze measurements from a virtually unlimited number of consecutive pulses or events. A wide variety of parameters can be calculated and plotted (e.g. duty cycle, pulse repetition rate, pulse width variation, pulse jitter, etc.)Β  Anomalies, such as dropouts, can also be identified.


About The Author

Muhammad Bilal

I am a highly skilled and motivated individual with a Master's degree in Computer Science. I have extensive experience in technical writing and a deep understanding of SEO practices.

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