When we are choosing PIC microcontrollers for projects on electronics or electrical, there are many options for us. Ranging from eight bit to Thirty two bits, diverse micro-controllers are accessible to go well with projects and products of different complications and cost restraints. But if we talk about student projects, it may be either major projects or mini projects; there are only few microcontrollers which are compatible.
Get an idea about some of the top PIC Microcontroller Projects Ideas by reading the following concepts.
Top PIC Microcontroller Projects Ideas:
1. A PIC Sonar (Ultrasonic) Range Finding Project
The PIC micro-controller based sonar range finder functions by spreading a short pulse of noise at a frequency impossible to hear by human ears i.e. ultrasonic sound or ultrasound. Later the micro-controller notice the echo of the noise spread. The span from spreading noise to echo reception, we’ll estimate the distance from the article. This sonar range project makes use of 5 standard transistors to obtain and spread the ultrasonic sound and a comparator to position the threshold echo recognition level – so there are no unique constituents except the micro-controller. The ultrasonic sound transducers are ordinary 40 kHz sort. Note- the inner oscillator of the PIC microcontroller is employed and this hoards 2 pins – that can be employed for standard I/O.
2. PIC Based BRAM (Beginner’s Robot Autonomous Mobile)
This project exhibits how to develop a BRAM. It is intended to be effortlessly built by bringing into use some of the constituents that can be discovered easily at home. The key controller for this robot project is a Microchip (PIC16F690). 2 old CDs are employed to develop the chassis for the robot system. The geared DC motor, caster, battery power and the robot’s bumper keys or whiskers are grasped in the lower deck while the upper deck comprise of the robot’s sensor board, the PIC16F690 microchip & motor driver.
Below given is BRAM’s construction material:
- 2 CD or DVDs for the chassis
- 2 geared DC motor with the wheel or modified servo motor can be used
- One 3 by 1.5 volt AA battery box with ON-OFF buttons
- 1 plastic bead and 1 paper clip for the caster
- 2 micro keys and 2 paper clips for the bumpers sensor
- Bolts, printed circuit board, Nuts, holders, double tape to embrace all of these constituents together.
3. Versatile Central Heating Program Controller using PIC16F628A
This versatile central heating system controller is intended to make use of a boiler. The 2 relay controls the hot water & heat supply. It contains a front panel key control with a LCD screen of 16×2. It also gives a sequential association that permits to work from distance via PC’s help. The programmer & heating boiler control relays are clutched in different units just to locate the relays near to the boiler whereas the programmer can be positioned anywhere in the residence employing low voltage power back to the relay component. Moreover you can also develop a series interface link neighboring to the programmer in this case only 4 wires for power & relay controls are required.
- Self-regulating for central heating and boiler.
- Ten flexible programs.
- Programs can be set as per convince.
- Manual operation and setup from facade panel or remote
- Battery support for RTC (Real Time Clock).
- Programmer located at a distance from boiler can use 6-core alarm cable.
- Front panel can be locked
- Based on Microchip PIC 16F628 (microcontroller).
4. A Versatile Temperature Data Logger Using PIC12F683 and DS1820
Here we are exhibiting temperature data logger project which is based on a Microchip’s 8-pin micro-controller (PIC12F683). It studies temperature figures from a digital sensor (DS1820) and accumulates in its inner EEPROM. Microcontroller has 256 bytes of domestic EEPROM and the temperature values will be saved in 8-bit format. This implies the 8 vital bits of temperature values from digital sensor will be studied and the temperature resolution will be of one degree C.
Temperature logger features:
- Interprets temperature from a digital sensor and accumulates in the inner EEPROM
- Can accumulate approx 254 temperature values. EEPROM location “0” is employed to save the sampling breaks, and location “1” is employed to save the amount of records.
- 3 sampling break alternatives are there: 1 second, 1 minute, and 10 minute. This can be chosen while powering up.
- Start and Stop keys for manual control.
- The recorded values are sent to PC via serial port. A send button is existing to begin data transfer.
- A LED to show different ongoing processes.
- Re-set key to delete all previous data.
5. Gas Sensor Using PIC16F84A
Here we are showcasing a gas sensor circuit supported by PIC16F84A microcontroller & GH-312 sensor. GH-312 is capable of sensing gases like liquefied gas, propane, smoke, alcohol, butane, Methane, hydrogen, etc. As it detects any of these gases, it prompts the micro-controller (PIC16F84A), which in return turns ON the buzzer and sparkles the LED. Here we have used 9 volts battery in project as the sensor needs a 9 Volts input. The output of the sensor when it prompts the microcontroller is 5V which is ideal for an undeviating union to any micro-controller. Though 9V battery is used, any 12 volts power supply will labor flawlessly as the sensor can manage from 9 volts to 20 volts and the micro-controller’s voltage is synchronized by a 7805 controller.
6. RS232 Communication with PIC Microcontroller
This project exhibits how to execute a uncomplicated communication through a RS232 interface using a PIC micro-controller. RS232 is a normal for a successive communication interface which permits to transmit and obtain data though 3 wires at-least. By RS232 interface it is achievable to arrange a connection amid a micro-controller and a PC, through PC’s COM port or amid 2 micro-controllers. The RS232 is employed for various reasons such as- transmitting PC commands to a micro-controller, conveying debugging info from a microcontroller to a terminal, download latest firmware to the micro-controller and various other things. PC will be incorporated with terminal program to receive & send data. Data transferred via micro-controller is shown in the terminal window and the key(s) pushed within the terminal will convey the matching key code to the micro-controller.
For more detail: Top PIC Microcontroller Projects Ideas