
Interfacing Relay with PIC Microcontroller

Understanding the Role and Function of Relays in Electrical Circuits

A relay is an electromagnetic switch which is used to switch High Voltage/Current using Low power circuits. Relay isolates low power circuits from high power circuits. It is activated by energizing a coil wounded on a soft iron core. The Role and Function of Relays include controlling the flow of electricity between circuits, providing electrical […]

Understanding the Role and Function of Relays in Electrical Circuits Read More Ā»

Programmable relay switch using PIC MCU revised version

Programmable relay switch using PIC MCU (revised version)

Programmable relays are key elements inĀ numerousĀ automation applications such as automatic street light control, watering and pump control, HVAC, home automation, power plants automation in industries, etc. This article describes a DIY programmable relay switch using PIC16F1847 (PIC16F628A can also be used) microcontroller. It is a revised version of my previous PIC-based relay timer projectĀ with added

Programmable relay switch using PIC MCU (revised version) Read More Ā»

DC Output Solid State Relay

DC Output Solid State Relay

DC Output Solid State Relay 10Amps 60V DC (Optically Isolated Input) This project has been designed around TLP250/352 which is Opto-Coupler IGBT/MOSFET Gate Driver from Toshiba and Mosfet IRFP260 from IR, This relay consists of optically isolated gate driver and low impedance Mosfet. The combination of low resistance and high load current handling capabilities make

DC Output Solid State Relay

AC Solid State Relay

AC Solid State Relay

This simple circuit designed around Solid State Relay S216S02 from SHARP. The S216S02 solid State Relay (SSR) is an integration of an infrared emitting diode (IRED), a Phototraic Detector and a main output Traic. These devices are ideally suited for controlling high voltage AC loads with solid state reliability while providing 4KV isolation from input

AC Solid State Relay

Large Current Relay Driver

Large Current Relay Driver

This is a large current Relay module with single pole double throw switch which provides normally closed and normally open operations. The Relay is the most common used module in application such as home automation, industrial automation, and machine on/off. Sometimes you need to control large current such as the fans, lights, water heaters, room

Large Current Relay Driver