This is a new design of a tutorial board based on the popular PIC16F84A microcontroller. It features eight single leds, a 7-segment display, an LCD display and five push buttons. It is an ideal solution for the beginner to take his/her first programming steps in the world of microcontrollers. Having an in-circuit-programming (ICP) header, it can be easily reprogrammed without unplugging the microcontroller each time, provided that the programmer also supports this feature (like OziPicβer).
PIC16F84A | Feature |
RA0 | JP2 β S3 β JP4 |
RA1 | JP2 β S4 β JP4 |
RA2 | JP2 β S5 β JP4 |
RA3 | JP2 β S6 β JP4 |
RA4 | JP2 β JP4 |
RB0 | JP2 β LED1 β 7 Seg (dp) β S7 Debounce β Buzzer |
RB1 | JP2 β LED2 β 7 Seg (a) β LCD RS |
RB2 | JP2 β LED3 β 7 Seg (b) β LCD R/W |
RB3 | JP2 β LED4 β 7 Seg (c) β LCD E |
RB4 | JP2 β LED5 β 7 Seg (d) β LCD DB4 |
RB5 | JP2 β LED6 β 7 Seg (e) β LCD DB5 |
RB6 | JP2 β LED7 β 7 Seg (f) β LCD DB6 |
RB7 | JP2 β LED8 β 7 Seg (g) β LCD DB7 |
- S1 switches the board on and off. When on, the indicator led LED9 is lit.
- S2 resets the microcontroller.
- S8 switches the LCD display on and off.
- S9 switches the eight individual leds AND the 7-segment display on and off.
- Push buttons S3 to S6 correspond to RA0-RA3 inputs. They are enabled or disabled by the SW2 dip switch.
- The SW1 dip switch enables or disables the following features :
- Connects RB0 (used as output) to LED1.
- Connects RB0 (used as interrupt input) to S7.
- Enables the debouncing circuit for interrupt switch S7.
- Connects RB0 (used as output) to the buzzer.
For more detail: PlayPIC β A Tutorial Board for the PIC16F84A Microcontroller