Electronics News and Updates

Particle sensor with LoRa

Particle sensor with LoRa

Two PCBs from earlier projects were used in this project: LoRa breakout board Sensor PCB with Si7013 humidity sensor from multisensor LoRa project 
 and particle sensor. Particle sensors could be cheap and easy to use. Disadvantage of lowest cost PM sensors is lack of “calibration”. The best method to measure particle content dispensed in

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MintBox Mini 2 comes with more power and it is 50 faster than its predecessor.

MintBox Mini 2 comes with more power and it is 50% faster than its predecessor.

The first MintBox Mini was released in 2015 in partnership between Compulab and the Linux Mint team. Since then, there has been an advancement in the software and the hardware that powered the first iteration. In March 2018, Compulab has continued with the Linux Mini Project releasing a replacement for the AMD A10 based MintBox Mini

MintBox Mini 2 comes with more power and it is 50% faster than its predecessor. Read More »

A nRF52840 MDK IoT Development Kit For Bluetooth 5 Applications

A nRF52840-MDK IoT Development Kit For Bluetooth 5 Applications

Bluetooth Low Energy and the Internet of things is believed to be the perfect matchmaking. Even though Bluetooth doesn’t necessary gives devices the ability to connect to the Internet they still have so much capacity. The Bluetooth Low Energy enabled solutions will increase the functionality of IoT Systems, by creating a reliable framework and efficient

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