About the Programmer
This is a Simple com port based Microchip PIC microcontroller Programmer,This Programmer is based on JDM programmer.The entire programmer is built around commonly available components
- Does not support the usb to serial converter.
- Works with most of PIC mcu.
- Works with 18F2550 and other 18F series mcu.
Connections to the Target MCU
you can programe may microcontroller by using this schematic , all you need to do is that find out the data sheet of that mcu you want to program and check the pin configration. and the look for PIN PGC(clock) PGD(data) Vpp(/MCLR) and the power Vss And Vdd like shown in the image blow.
Winpic 800:The Programming software
To be able to send hex file from your computer to PIC microcontroller you will need to download and install Windpic 800. After the installation, the first thing you will need to do is configure Winpic to work with our PIC Programmer. To do this go to “Setting” menu and select “Harware setting”. The following window will be shown and highlighted areas show you exactly which options should be selected.