Digital Watt meter using PIC16F876Updated 3. Sep. 2002. If you are from Denmark ! read the Danish version !! In the good old days I had some parts but now This Wattmeter is in…
LC meter using PIC16F628A MicrocontrollerI needed a good LC meter for my one of my next projects so I went and built the famous LC meter by Phil Rice. This LC meter design is…
PIC16F84 AMMETER CIRCUIT 0-80A UGN3503PIC16F84 Ammeter, ampere meter circuit pic16f84 microcontroller has been made with the current sensor is used for UGN3503 hall effect sensor output op amp with integrated lm358 strengthened pic16f84 RB0…
PIC16F88 TACHOMETER CIRCUIT LED AND DISPLAY INDICATORTachometer circuit 12v dc supply voltage LEDs used for the supply of silicon chip MC34063 LM2940 applications for the pic 16ff88 Switched likes to use power resources A gear shift…
PIC 16F88 Digital Thermometer Light Meter and resistance ohm meter.PIC 16F88 Digital Thermometer Light Meter and resistance ohm meter. My original idea for this project was simply to try and interface the WINTEK WD-C2401P lcd panel to the pic…