Personal Radar System using PIC MIcrocontroller PIC18f452 is a microcontroller hobby project. The circuit diagram of radar is attached here below seemed a little bit simple schematic but you need careful reading of PIC18f452 radar circuit to avoid any damage. The project of personal Radar System using PIC MIcrocontroller PIC18f452 uses three main devices to create the personal radar system which are listed as below:
1. The IR Range sensor gives output,
2. The pic microcontroller PIC18f452 processes the necessary instruction to carry out the operation smoothly.
3. The displays the output on the led array. This is the output of the radar system.
Functionality of IR Radar SYSTEM :-
The main function of the project is to create and have a simple functionality of a working IR radar system. The system will only be required to measure close proximity at an angle of 90 degrees as seen in the example above. The range of system is roughly 4-30cm, 20-150cm & 1m-5.5m depending upon which sensor you choose to use.
Electrical Parts
LM7805 5v Voltage Regulator
PIC 18F452 Microcontroller
GP2D120 IR Sensor
4 or 8 MHz Oscillator
SPST Switch
1Β΅F Capacitor
30 pin SIPs
5x 74LS373 Latches
Prototype Board
36x LEDs
Wire 30 AWG (aka Wirewrap)
Wirewrap Tool
Soldering Iron
Personal Radar
source of this information is
- Part 1: Introduction of Personal Radar System based on PIC18f452
- Part 2: Parts List of Radar system
- Part 3: Circuit diagram and Schematic of PIC Radar
- Part 4: Theory of Operation of IR Radar
- Part 5: Hardware and the functionality of different components
- Part 6: Software routines and implementation
- Part 7: DataΒ and Observations
- Part 8: Conclusion
For more detail: contruction of personal Radar System using PIC MIcrocontroller PIC18f452