When the pushbutton switch closes, capacitors CREF and CX charge through their respective PNP transistors. When the switch opens, the capacitors begin to discharge. CREF, assuming that it is in good condition, has an additional discharge external resistance, RREF. The capacitor under test, CX, discharges through its internal resistance. If the leakage in CX is greater than that of CREF through RREF, then its voltage will fall faster. Thus, the voltage at the op ampβs noninverting input will be lower than at its inverting input, forcing the op ampβs output low and lighting the red LED. This LED indicates that the test capacitor leaks. Testing of the circuit reveals that even a 1-nF ceramic capacitor holds against the reference. Check the voltage rating on the test capacitor to make sure that it is higher than the voltage to which it will be chargedβin this case, VSUPPLY is β1.8V.
The LF357 has a minimum supply voltage of 10V, but the testing took place at only 6V to allow a low upper-limit voltage for the test capacitor. Make sure the capacitor has a FET or a MOSFET input stage.
For more detail:Β Circuit lets you test capacitors