u8plus smart watch quick teardown and uart

With the battery and the speaker pulled back we can see a MediaTek MT6261 SoC and supporting components on the left. On the right are connections for the reset button (mounted on top of the usb connector), speaker and what I assume is a vibrator motor connected to β€˜VIB’. The touchscreen is also connected at the top, with it’s controller mounted on the flat flex cable. The home/power button is tucked in on the far left. u8plus smart watch quick teardown and uart 9 Jan 2016

u8plus smart watch quick teardown and uart

I noticed this smart watch on Amazon for the bargain price of Β£7.51, which was just too cheap to ignore – I didn’t expect much but I was quite surprised at how functional it actually was… Anyhow, it was never expected to stay in once piece for long, and after an hour I took the screwdriver to it.

The back is covered by a aluminium plate that seemed to be sticky backed; it came off pretty easily. Underneath was four screws that released the back cover.

Inside, not much too see: a 200mAh, 3.7v battery, speaker, reset button (on the right) and what looks like a bluetooth antenna at the bottom.

With the battery and the speaker pulled back we can see a MediaTek MT6261 SoC and supporting components on the left. On the right are connections for the reset button (mounted on top of the usb connector), speaker and what I assume is a vibrator motor connected to β€˜VIB’. The touchscreen is also connected at the top, with it’s controller mounted on the flat flex cable. The home/power button is tucked in on the far left.

The other side of the board, removed from the shell: the connections to the LCD are at the bottom, the power button on the right and some test pads sprinkled all over πŸ™‚

The β€˜D+’ and β€˜D-β€˜ and the proximity to the USB suggest the four pads on the left are for the USB; VBAT is positive side of the battery; PWR connects to the power/home button. Just slightly covered by the green label is RXD and TXD – which is likely our UART, and two others (β€˜OW2’ and β€˜OL0’). Above them next to PWR are five unlabelled pads – hopefully these are JTAG.



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About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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