
Spectrum Analyzers

LCD Oscilloscope for Spectrum Analyzers using PIC16F876A

1. Spectrum-analyzer project 2007 update Since the development of the wide-band VCO almost 10 years ago, the whole spectrum-analyzer project with all related accessories: tracking generator, harmonic converter, storage-normalizer, marker counter and accessories developed by other experimenters (Darko S57UUD) have been published in many different places: magazines “VHF-Communications”, “AMSAT-DL Journal”, “CQ ZRS” and the book

LCD Oscilloscope for Spectrum Analyzers using PIC16F876A

Parallel Port 3 Axis CNC Driver

Parallel Port 3 Axis CNC Driver, Opto-Isolated, Unipolar Steppers using PIC16F876A microcontroller

Parallel Port 3 Axis CNC Driver, Opto-Isolated, Unipolar Steppers Controls 3 Unipolar Stepper Motors, for use with CNC Machines. Simple driver with automatic coilΒ  shutdown, to ensure efficient operation.Β  Opto-isolated for protection of the P.C. Supports most parallel port based CNC software, such as KCAM. Supports up to 20 watts per Phase. Or 2 Amps

Parallel Port 3 Axis CNC Driver, Opto-Isolated, Unipolar Steppers using PIC16F876A microcontroller Read More Β»

PIC16F876A Based Robot

A Versatile PIC16F876A Based Robot

Design Β  Summary: OurΒ groupΒ designed Β and Β manufacturedΒ a Β miniature Β robotic Β vehicle Β that Β conquers Β various terrains. Β Β  The Β vehicle Β wasΒ designed Β with Β a Β trackΒ system Β whichΒ is Β powered Β by Β two Β DCΒ motors. The Β motors Β  useΒ a Β QuadrupleΒ half Β H ‐DriverΒ in Β orderΒ to Β driveΒ the Β motors Β in Β both Β directions.Β Β  The trackΒ system Β incorporatesΒ a Β four Β barΒ linkage Β forΒ each Β tread. Β Β  TheseΒ two Β linkages Β allowΒ each Β side to Β beΒ independently Β raised Β whichΒ givesΒ the Β robotΒ multipleΒ configurations.Β Β 

A Versatile PIC16F876A Based Robot