Spider robot mechanically quite a detailed project control system based on pic microcontroller Basic Stamp 2 module is provided with circuit 7.2 Volt NiCad batteries in addition to the fed with the RC5 remote...Electronics Projects, Six-Legged Basic Stamp2 Spider Robot Project “microchip projects, microcontroller projects, “
Spider robot mechanically quite a detailed project control system based on pic microcontroller Basic Stamp 2 module is provided with circuit 7.2 Volt NiCad batteries in addition to the fed with the RC5 remote support, there is a variety of sound effects Robot circuit all sources (codes, orcad schema etc) shared a robotic jobs for people dealing with an enlightened project
Source: SIX-LEGGED BASIC STAMP2 SPIDER ROBOT PROJECT alternative six-legged-basic-stamp-2-spider-robot-project.rar