Metering – Instrument Projects

Connect ADC with PIC16F877

Connect ADC with PIC16F877

ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) module is available with a number of PIC MCU modules. ADC is an electronic circuit that converts continuous signals to discrete digital numbers. ADC Library provides you a comfortable work with the module. Library Routines ADC_Init ADC_Get_Sample ADC_Read ADC_Init Prototype void ADC_Init(); Returns Nothing. Description This routine initializes PIC’s internal […]

Connect ADC with PIC16F877

digital spirit level

Build a digital spirit level using a SCA610 accelerometer using PIC16F684

A bubble or spirit level meter, like the DIY Digital Spirit, is a handy tool to find whether a surface is horizontal or vertical. It is often carried by civil engineers, mechanical engineers, surveyors, carpenters, and many other professionals whose work involves precise alignments of horizontal and vertical planes.. Original spirit levels had two banana-shaped

Build a digital spirit level using a SCA610 accelerometer using PIC16F684 Read More Β»

Seven Segment Display Thermometer with PIC Microcontroller schematich

Seven Segment Display Thermometer with PIC Microcontroller

The seven segment display is one of the most popular numeric displays used in many microcontroller applications because it’s cheap, robust and reliable. The seven segments actually consists of 8 LED (Light Emitting Diode) and it’s come with various sizes suitable for various numeric display application such as digital clock, counter, thermometer, humidity, etc. On

Seven Segment Display Thermometer with PIC Microcontroller

Schematics and C code for a 0 5V PIC LCD Volt Meter.

Schematics and C code for a 0-5V PIC LCD Volt Meter. using pic microcontoller

This PIC LCD volt meter project uses a PIC micro and an HD44870 LCD display. The analogue input is taken directly to the analogue input pin of the microcontroller without any other processing. Specification Voltage range 0V – 5V Input signal level TTL Maximum input impedance 2k5 The LCD volt meter uses the microcontroller power

Schematics and C code for a 0-5V PIC LCD Volt Meter. using pic microcontoller Read More Β»