The PICJazz 20PIN board from ermicro is designed to be used both as the Microchip PIC microcontroller learning and development board. The PICJazz 20PIN board is stand alone microcontroller module equipped with the latest 8-bit class Microchip midrange and high performance such as PIC16F690 or PIC18F14K50 microcontroller that could be used for wide range of applications including embedded controller, remote data logger, robotics and much more.
The PICJazz 20PIN board features:
- High performance nanoWatt technology Microchip PIC16F690 microcontroller with 4K word Self-Programmable Flash, 256 bytes EEPROM and 256 bytes Internal SRAM. Peripherals include: one 8 bit and one 16 Bit Timers/Counter, four PWM channels, 12 channels 10 bit ADC, USART, Master/Slave SPI and I2C
- Could be used with other 8,14 and 20 Pin 8-bit Microchip PIC microcontroller families such as PIC12F683, PIC16F684, PIC16F677, PIC18F14K22 and PIC18F14K50 (USB)
- Designed to be used as the PICAXE microcontroller development platform such as PICAXE 8M, 14M, 20M and 20×2 families
- Four 3mm blue LED attached to the PORTC
- Reset Button
- One configurable port digital user switch
- One configurable port user trimmer potentiometer (trimport) for analog input
- High speed instruction throughput using internal 8 MHz (PIC16F690) and 16MHz (PIC18F14K50) oscillator
- RS232 Level converter for communicating with other equipment such as PC
- Separate RS232 port to download the program using PICAXE Programming Editor from Education Revolution Ltd
- Fully supported by Microchip MPLAB IDE v8.x, Microchip C18, HI-TECH C PRO PIC10/12/16 MCU Families and HI-TECH PIC18 compiler
- Standard Microchip ICSP Port to re-programmed the PICJazz 20PIN board using Microchip PICkit2 programmer
- Example project using PICJazz 20PIN board could be found on
- The PICJazz 20PIN board demo program source code is include in the CDROM; this program demonstrate the capability of the PICJazz 20PIN board such as accessing the RS232 port, using the user switch, using the user analog input (trimport) and running the four 3mm blue LED.
Running the PICJazz 20PIN demonstration program
The PICJazz 20PIN Board comes preprogrammed with a demonstration program (PICJazz16F690Demo.c). To use this program, connect the PICJazz 20PIN to the battery power that comes with the board. The demo program will display the chasing light on the four blue LED (mode 0). Rotate the user trimport, labeled VR, and the chasing LED speed will change in different rate. Press the user switch, labeled S2, and now the board will blink all the LED (mode 1). Press this user switch once again will bring you to the number guessing game through the RS232 port (mode 2).
For more detail: PICJazz 20PIN Learning and Development Board