MinieC eC interface is a very cost effective solution for adding eC sensing capability to any project. This unit takes the analog complexity out of measuring the conductivity of a solution.
While working with Peter from ManyLabs/WireGarden, we wanted to begin to create a system of open source water quality sensors that can be cheaply deployed in schools, remote research, maker projects, basically anywhere there is a need!Β This project is the result of the knowledge gained from the pH line of interfaces combined with research and prototyping, I spent a lot of timeΒ incorporatingΒ a solid analog font end to interface with most eC probes with minimal current and disruption to the Solution under test.
By using a cheap, accurate and reliable I2C ADC we can both increase accuracy and decrease cost, and also create a product that people can source parts for globally at reasonable prices. It also makes the unit monolithic in the fact that it it all that is needed to interface an eC probe and therefore take readings! while the the ADC is in a small package they are easy enough to handle even for hand soldering! This unit can even be hand assembled.
For more detail: MinieC I2C eC interface