The highly underspent system is fashioned around an LPC2138 microcontroller, which features an ARM7 Architecture processor. Built with a bitty handful of components, TAM-TAM’s designing is cost-effective. The considered involvement of an extrinsic minute retention cardboard and well-chosen algorithms… Electronics Projects, LPC2138 arm enc28j60 microcontroller SMS “arm project, microcontroller projects,
The highly underspent system is fashioned around an LPC2138 microcontroller, which features an ARM7 Architecture processor. Built with a bitty handful of components, TAM-TAM’s designing is cost-effective. The considered involvement of an extrinsic minute retention cardboard and well-chosen algorithms for nearly infinite hardware content of crystal-clear messages further to the success of the programme.
This quick overview allows us to build a laundry list of software features that are required to implement TAM-TAM:
MMC/SD flash card interfacing
PC-compatible File System
Wave file play and record
Tone detection and generation
DTMF detection
Caller ID demodulation
TCP/IP stack
Web server
/***************************************************************************** // // File Name : 'main.c' // Title : Main file for the TAM-TAM project // PROJECT AR1762 // Author : Bernard Debbasch - Copyright (C) 2005 // Created : 2005.08.17 // Revised : 2005.08.17 // Version : 1.0 // Target MCU : Philips LPC213x series // Editor Tabs : 2 // *******************************************************************************/ #include /* LPC21xx definitions */ #include /* For system(). */ #include /* For printf(). */ #undef HTONS #include "enc28j60.h" #include "uip.h" #include "uip_arp.h" #include "config.h" #include "dtmf.h" #include "timer.h" #include "HALayer.h" #include "fatlib.h" #include "spilpc.h" extern void init_serial (void); /* Initialize Serial Interface */ extern void mmcTest(void); extern void uip_main(void); extern s08 readConfig(u08 *filename); extern s08 tamtam( void ); extern s08 playWaveFile(u08 *filename); extern void createHTMLmessagesFile(void); extern void localPlayback(void); extern char GreetingFileName[]; u16 smtpip[] = {0x0644, 0x0413}; int main(void) { /* Initialize the board */ VPBDIV = 0x00000002; /* pclk = sclk /2 30 MHz*/ IOSET0 = MMCCS + ETHCS + ETHRESET; /* Insure no glitches */ IODIR0 = MMCCS + ETHCS + ETHRESET; /* Set the output */ IOSET1 = OFFHOOK + OUTENA; /* Insure no hoofhook glitch */ IODIR1 = 0x00FF0000; /* P1.16..23 defined as Outputs */ IOCLR1 = OUTENA; /* Enable the outputs */ PINSEL0 = 0x00051500; /* Enable RxD1 and TxD1 and SPI */ PINSEL1 = 0x01080001; /* Enable EINT0 and DAC and ADC */ AD0CR = 0x00200402; /* Setup A/D: 10-bit AIN0 @ 3MHz */ EXTMODE = 0x00000001; /* EINT0 is edge sensitive */ EXTPOLAR = 0x00000000; /* EINT0 active on negative edge */ init_serial(); /* Initialize Serial Interface */ init_SPI(); /* Init the SPI interface */ initFSK(); /* Init the demod tables */ VICIntEnClr = 0x00004030; /* Disable the IRQ's */ init_interrupts(); /* Init all the interrupts */ VICIntEnable = 0x00004030; /* Enable IRQ's */ if ( (memCardInit()) && (fat_initialize() == 1) ) { printf("Init OK\n"); } else { printf("Failed init\n"); } /* Initialize the device driver. */ ethernetInit(); /* Command interface to test and debug */ //mmcTest(); /* End board init */ /* Read the configuration file */ readConfig("tam.txt"); /* Initialize the uIP TCP/IP stack. */ uip_init(); uip_arp_init(); /* Initialize the HTTP server. */ httpd_init(); /* Initialize the SMTP emailer */ smtp_configure("TAMTAM", &smtpip[0]); /* Create the message.htm file. This also updates the LED. If a user has a message pending, the corresponding LED blinks */ createHTMLmessagesFile(); printf("Ready for some action\n"); while(1) { /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Run the answering machine */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (tamtam() == -1) { /* Go on HOOK */ IOSET1 = OFFHOOK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Do the IP main loop */ uip_main(); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Chek if we have the flash card was unplugged */ if( (IOPIN0 & CARDDETECT) != 0) { /* Wait until we get a card */ while ( (IOPIN0 & CARDDETECT) != 0); /* Re-init the file system */ memCardInit(); fat_initialize(); readConfig("tam.txt"); playWaveFile( GreetingFileName ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Check if the user wants to play a local message */ localPlayback(); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ } }