Silicon Labs has introduced a family of isolated analog amplifiers, voltage sensors and delta-sigma modulator(DSM) devices designed to provide accurate current and voltage measurement with very low drift across temperature. Based on Silicon Labs’ robust, third-generation isolation technology, the new Si89xx family provides flexible voltage, current, output and package options to help developers reduce BOM cost and shrink board space for a wide range of industrial and green-energy applications including electric vehicle (EV) battery management and charging systems, dc-dc converters, and motor, solar and wind turbine inverters.
Precise current and voltage measurement is essential for accurate operation of power control systems. To maximize efficiency and respond quickly to faults or changes in load, system controllers require current and voltage information from high-voltage rails. Silicon Labs’ third-generation isolation technology keeps controllers safe across wide temperature variations with 1414 V working voltage and 13 kV bipolar surge, exceeding stringent industry requirements.
Silicon Labs now offers the industry’s broadest portfolio of current and voltage sensors. The Si89xx family includes four product categories:
- Si892x isolated analog amplifiers optimized for shunt-current sensing
- Si8931/2 isolated analog amplifiers optimized for general-purpose voltage sensing
- Si8935/6/7 isolated DSM devices optimized for voltage sensing—an industry first
- Si8941/6/7 isolated DSM devices optimized for shunt-current sensing
Our first and second generation mixed-signal isolation technologies have driven the strong market success of our digital isolation products over the past decade, and our third-generation technology used in the new Si89xx devices raises the bar even higher,
said Brian Mirkin, Vice President and General Manager of Silicon Labs’ power products.
Our isolation products continue to replace traditional optocouplers and outperform competing digital isolators, enabling higher surge performance, reliability, integration and best-in-class safety for system designs requiring protection from high voltages.