In this post we will learn IOT based temperature data logger using esp8266 and pic microcontroller: The projectΒ ESP8266 Temperature Logger using PIC16F887 is build up using PIC16F887 microcontroller (MCU), ESP8266 WiFi module and a ThingSpeak API. Previously, we posted Arduino and ESP8266 based webserver and this project is somehow similar.
IOT Based Temperature data logger using esp8266 and pic microcontroller:
Here is a PIC16F887 microcontroller and ESP8266 based temperature logging system. The project; βESP8266 Temperature Logger using PIC16F887β monitors temperature of the vicinity simultaneously and provides details of information collected. Well, the project also incorporates a modern concept; ThingSpeak which ensures safe storage and retrieval of data from things over the wide internet zone.
It is an IOT(Internet of things) application and API, it is an open source platform and is gaining more popularity for the reason. This platform ensures possibility to make use of data from different electronic devices, sensors etc., by storing it on the internet and then make required observations to reach a conclusion after proper analysis of those information.
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So as to obtain the temperature details from the project ESP8266 Temperature Logger using PIC16F887, you can login into browser on your device and use ThingSpeak API through Wifi.
Circuit Description of ESP8266 Temperature Logger using PIC16F887
Fig. 1 below gives details of the circuit layout of this project. The project includes microcontroller PIC16F887 MCU (IC4), ESP8266 Wi-Fi module, logic-level shifter, LM35 temperature sensor (IC3), 3.3V regulator LM1117-3.3 (IC2), 5V regulator 7805 (IC1) and 16Γ2 LCD module (LCD1) as the building blocks.
The entire circuit is powered using two power sources; 5V is required for PIC16F887, LCD and Logic-Level Shifter IC where ESP8266 module requires 3.3V. Since this ESP WiFi module intakes a regulated 3.3V altogether, you can replace IC2 with an adjustable voltage regulator, but be sure the voltage is precisely 3.3V.
The temperature sensor IC3 collects data and then forwards as input to IC4 through pin 2. The IC4 is responsible to transmit data to the Wifi module(ESP8266) via a logic level shifter. Finally, we can read the recorded temperature details on the screen of our gadgets; smartphone and laptops browsing through ThingSpeak website once the WiFi module executes data transmission process.
We establish the connection between the Wi-Fi modem of the user to ESP8266 Wi-Fi module and the temperature details are loaded onto the website of ThingSpeak, and it allows us to view the statics of temperature data on our devices through browser.
For visual interpretation of the project, LCD(pins D0-D7) is interfaced to IC4 (port B) which displays information about the circuit status and recorded data.
Read more: IOT based temperature data logger using esp8266 and pic microcontroller