WinHeist Windows Hobbyist Electronic Inventory SysTem

The Windows Hobbyist Electronic Inventory System or WinHesit is an electronics component organizer on steroids that was developed with the electronic hobbyist in mind. Designed to be light weight, responsive and most of all easy to use it also allows a lot of information to be optionally entered for those that need to store more data that is to be associated with the component.

WinHeist Windows Hobbyist Electronic Inventory SysTem

WinHeist can be used right out of the box or customized to work the way you work. A database of common parts is provided to get you started but configuring the application to your specifications is easy and once configured the settings can be saved so that all future DBs can use the same settings.

As always I’ve done a lot of testing and hit the module pretty hard and have found it to be stable and as far as I’ve been able to tell there are no glaring problems and none that wouldn’t make it usable. I use it myself so as I find bugs and add features I’ll try to update on a regular basis. But I’ve released it as a Beta only because I haven’t been using it long enough to consider it worthy of release status.

At this stage feedback from you users is important – Help me make it better for y’all!
I’ll be updating the help system as I’m able, I’m trying to get set up to make a couple of videos. I think it would be easier to explain some things by showing as apposed to trying to explain. I’m pretty bad at trying to explain things and a mediocre writer so there in lies the problem.

Order Editor To get started using the Order module you will first need to create an Order. Data pertaining to the Order such as; Name and optionally the Supplier, carrier, Shipping fee, Taxes, etc are entered here. Once this data has been saved the next step is to add components to the Order. Order Items Once the Order has been created you will need to enter information about each of the components cush as; how many, cost, etc.. Once the data has been entered it is saved and becomes associated with the Order. The Order Item Editor is pretty versatile and you will find more detail on all the functionality provided but the Order module.

An advanced search scheme allows components to be located quickly. By entering criteria in one or multiple columns the results are immediately displayed in the grid. Available scearch criteria input options are dependent on the columns data type and can be either string or numeric. The β€˜*’ wild card character may also be used in a limited manner as part of the search string.

Integrated Help to assist first time users navigate and explain user interface items that need a little extra explaination. Once you feel confortable with the interface and no longer need the assistance this feature can be turned off by setting a configuration option.

The Supplier and Pricing area allow users to optionally enter information relating to where the component can be purchased, it’s price and Url where it may be found. A favorite supplier may be set for each component and indicates where the user would normally like to find the component.

Attachments are optional data that is associated with the component such as; datasheets, schmatics, images or anything that the windows operating system and your machine knows how to process. The data file uses whatever applicaion the OS has associated with the file extension. So for instance if you use FoxIt to view your PDF file then when the icon in the main grid is click the PDF file will be opened by the FoxIt application.


ForΒ  more detail:Β  WinHeist Windows Hobbyist Electronic Inventory SysTem

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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