Microcontroller ( MCU ) circuits

TINACloud supports a lot of PIC, AVR, 8051 and ARM microcontrollers; new MCUs are constantly being added. You can see and modify the program running in the processor and, of course, you can create your own code.

There are two ways of providing the program for microcontrollers in TINACloud. WEB-BASED CIRCUIT DESIGN & ANALYSISYou can use the binary code and debug file made by a standard compiler (e.g. MPLAB for PICs) or you can just load your assembly code to run and debug in TINACloud using its built in assembler-debugger.

Running and editing MCU code

Load the PIC Flasher.TSC circuit from the Examples\Microcontrollers\Pic folder. The following schematic using the 16F73 PIC microcontroller will appear with the 16F73 PIC microcontroller.

Click the picture to run this circuit online with TINACloud

This circuit simply counts forward one-by-one. Press the Dig button to see how it works. The display should step forward one-by one

Click the MCU component and then the … button to see the β€œASM code” line. A Property dialog will appear with the editable ASM code in it.WEB-BASED CIRCUIT DESIGN & ANALYSIS schematic

TINACloud has a great feature whereby you can edit and change the source code directly in TINACloud.

Lets make the following change in the code. Change the instruction (selected above) in line 25 (you can see the line number in the right bottom corner of the code editor window)

Save the changed code to TINACloud by simply pressing OK and close the open MCU window. If you press the Dig button now, the increment will be 2! Note that the changed code will be automatically saved in the TINA .TSC file




About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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