Sitting for long periods has become more common in today’s jobs causing serious health issues. Unfortunately the plethora of activity trackers fail to address the issue: being rather active while sitting does not provide a good picture of the amount of time spent sitting.
Sit.Up is a simple device that attaches to the chair and alerts the user by vibration if sitting for too long while also tracking the sitting time. It aims to be easy to install and forget on any chair and work with any person. On top of that, it is very low cost and has months to years of battery life. With an optional WiFi connection, the data can be uploaded and you can track your sitting times.
This project is an entry for the Hack a day prize 2015 and is a work in progress. Stand by for updates and drop by to give a Skull for appreciation.
Check out the new project video
and the previous one
Let’s have a look at why sitting is bad for you, could not explain it better myself:
Project status
Version 2 of the project brings in new hardware and software features. Sitting is tracked, the data is uploaded and logged and the user is alerted of the prolonged sitting, while the web interface shows daily sitting time and real-time status.
I have greatly improved the self calibration of the device and currently testing the long term capabilities compared to previous operating time of a few days. By fixing some firmware issues, I have extended the battery life to more than 1 year with typical usage. The device has a dedicated box and PCB making it look more of a product than a prototype and minor details like multiple LEDs offer a better user experience. Still, there are minor software tweaks to fix and the project would greatly benefit from a new user interface, as I am planning to move from the open energy monitor to a dedicated platform.
System description
Under each chair there is a small module that monitors the status with the help of a capacitive sensor. When you sit down, a timer is started, counting how long you have been on the chair. After a while, a discreet vibration alerts you of the time spent on the chair as an invitation to take a short walk.
Ignore it for too long and the notifications get more insistent and even public, with the help of a buzzer. After all, not letting your chair buzz would be a public sign of trying to stay healthy.
The sensor connects to the internet and sends data to the server by using the local WiFi. The web interface allows the user to configure the alert times and track sitting. The web page contains instant status of the chair as well as statistics of the amount of daily sitting times.
For more detail: Sit.Up – alerts the user if sitting to long