Monitoring Woodstove Temperature With A MAX31855 Quad Thermocouple BoosterPack

This was a project begun last winter in the hopes of having an array of thermocouples to monitor my old woodstove when operating it. Well, I never got around to finishing it, but I have a fancy new woodstove as of this fall, and I would love to monitor its temperature curves likewise!

This BoosterPack is fancied as a baseboard plugging underneath the LaunchPad, with four holes for mounting studs in case I ever decide to fix it inside a permanent enclosure (probably one made of aluminum due to the heat). Β I could have pushed the Thermocouple terminal blocks out a little further to fit more launchpads, as I feel this is a bit tight. Β I chose a Tiva-C LP for my pics because it fits nicely but the BoosterPack is designed with low-power features, contrary to the MAX31855’s own design.

Monitoring Woodstove Temperature With A MAX31855 Quad Thermocouple BoosterPack

This BoosterPack features the Maxim MAX31855 thermocouple receiver chip; this is a precision IC with built-in ADC and digital logic which performs continuous conversions of the thermocouple data and exposes the latest data at the master MCU’s demand over SPI.

As the MAX31855 never really β€œshuts down”, I have introduced logic to allow the MCU to switch on/off the entire thermocouple (MAX31855) power domain, utilizing a TI TXB0108 Level Shifter as a bus transceiver to disconnect all the SPI and four Chip Select lines from the MAX31855’s to prevent parasitic power from the I/O lines from clandestinely powering the chips when they’re not needed.

TI TPS27081A positive-logic PFET power switches are used to switch the Thermocouple power domain on/off and for slew-rate control of the TXB0108’s OE pin. Β (I bought a bunch of these for cheap from avnet a couple years ago, figured I should use them!)

For more detail: Monitoring Woodstove Temperature With A MAX31855 Quad Thermocouple BoosterPack

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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