Sensor Modules
It’s been a long time since I’ve post a new hobby project of mine! I decided that is time to upload a new one! Like my Sensor Stick module this project will be about sensors as well.
You can find multiple modules out there with various sensing ICs that almost all of them look exactly the same! They are ugly and without properly markings on their surface.
For example, some of those don’t have the input voltage range on the PCB or the pin out names or even the sensor address (in the case of a digital I2C sensors for example). In order to find that info, you have to download files, unzip them, look the schematics of the module then the datasheet of the sensor etc. A time consuming method especially for a quick and dirty prototype!
So, I think that there is a better way! You just have to pay a little bit attention on the PCB creation process and most of those time delay factors are gone. And this is the result:
Simple, yet informative sensor modules that will fast track your next project! And yes, they look beautiful!
On the PCB you will find a clear indication for the voltage range, the sensor name for quick searching, the read and write I2C addresses together with the pin out labeling. On top of those, a graphic representation of the sensor measuring values gives a better understanding of what you should expect as an output.
For now, I’ve made sensor modules for the MPU6050 sensor (3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer, temperature sensor), the SHT10 sensor (humidity, temperature) and the HMC5883 sensor (3-axis magnetometer, compass). Hopefully more ICs will get this treatment soon!
For more detail: – Sensor Modules