This is a project that I’ve been working on for some time now, a good part of my life, but more recently for the past month. I’m not going to go through everything as to how I arrived at this point, but I can assure you it was through a lot of trial and error. I now present to you, the class D avr amp.
If I may be brief, I used 2-470 ohm resistors to combine a stereo signal, followed by a decoupling cap, using a pot to adjust the voltage bias before heading into the AtTiny. I have a .1uF cap to the input of the aref pin to help with noise reduction. I have 2 LEDs which proved to be very useful for debugging and troubleshooting as well. You’ll notice there is a filter on the avcc pin, and a pullup resistor on the reset, as well as an isp for programming.
For more detail: Class D AVR